Author Topic: The Harvest: Tony's Clan  (Read 41447 times)

In your list is this topic. Do you check these threads before you post them?

the other ones still exist

People believe it's all about the quantity of drama, not the quality. I can quote Col. Burton on this too.

You know I had a drama topic because I use to change my avatar too much. Any other person changing their avatar too much no one would care.

people trying to fit in by blindly hating on everything he does

the other ones still exist

Half that entire list are joke topic.

Some are over reactions.

Very small percent is legit.


This is one of the complaints from the drama Ike posted.

Yeah the guy was mad that I said Justin Bieber was cool, what a quality drama thread.

If anything Ike you proved more than half of the dramas against me are not even serious.

This one here is a good one. Nick was trying to make a point and it backfired on him.


This one here is a good one. Nick was trying to make a point and it backfired on him.

lets hold that poll again today and see what happens

In your list is this topic. Do you check these threads before you post them?

Oh look at that Ike I forgot to include this.


If anything Ike you proved more than half of the dramas against me are not even serious.

You dismissed Metario with a link to his drama topic, so I retorted with a larger amount of your drama topics. Does this mean that you're more wrong than Metario was? Using drama topics as leverage against somebody in drama is stupid.

But I pretty much debunked all the claims about these dramas you tried to use against me.

Plus one of those dramas is directly related to a mail bag topic which everyone thought was hilarious because it exposed a crazy parent.

If you ask me what Team QI or Metario has done is way worse than any of the drama threads you dug up against me.

Which was the point I was making.

But I pretty much debunked all the claims about these dramas you tried to use against me.

I wasn't "using" drama topics against you, I was lampooning your stuffty dismissal of metario. If anything, you were the one using drama topics against people.

All I said is I remember who he is by what he has done on Trogtor's server.

Other than that I have no idea who he is so him calling me a cunt is just weird in my eyes.

If you ask me what Team QI or Metario has done is way worse than any of the drama threads you dug up against me.

Which was the point I was making.
Key word being "has".

I can't speak about metario because I have no idea about what he even did but: 1) Log has not made another add on with a backdoor in idk 2 years, I don't think he is gonna do it again. 2) The trouble makers (trolls, crashers, I loving hate blers, etc) have all been kicked out of Qi for a while.

If you want to play the time machine game why don't we talk about your pictures in the " hot anime girls" thread shall we?