Author Topic: The Harvest: Tony's Clan  (Read 41450 times)

Harvest is no where as strict as classic MotE. Stricter than USSR but not MotE.

You seemed to be pretty focused on the idea of him being banned, not being annoying. He hasn't done anything that would call for his ban. As for being an annoyance, that's all about personal opinion.
He has done a ton of stuff to call for a ban though.  As far as I know, being a habitual moron is enough to get you banned.

The Harvest is child's play compared to MotE. When I was a newb on Blockland I joined their server and within seconds I was banned for the reason "1k ID = fail". Anyone who remembers MotE as some sort of super cool nostalgic Blockland clan was probably not around when MotE was actually a thing, especially if they're in here bitching about how much The Harvest hurts their widdle feewings.

MotE sounds like a stuff-show. I saw the thread before my post and knew about their ban "tradition," but I thought that was just accepted as one of those weird 2008 quirks.

Were there ever any /good/ clans? (Besides Team[Qi])

Were there ever any /good/ clans? (Besides Team[Qi])

I don't think anyone besides Team QI would think that.

I don't think anyone besides Team QI would think that.
They would if weren't always so mad about not getting in.

I don't know anyone that would join a clan associated with backdoor exploits.

I don't know anyone that would join a clan associated with backdoor exploits.
[Qi] had 112 members with 6 servers running at one point in time.

People were just jealous we were actually doing stuff.

[Qi] had 112 members with 6 servers running at one point in time.

Quality not quantity.

Just sounds like Team QI is more focused on trying to get their clan un harvested and has no actual interest in anyone else.

Team[Qi] is focused on
creating, hosting, and maintaining servers.
Everything else is just a side-project.