
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2230901 times)

Do you have proof of that though? http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/daniel-mitchell/sweden-proves-open-immigration-welfare-state-can-t-succeed
The ads on that site,

as well as this quote from its wikipedia page,

as well as the fact that it was originally Conservative News Service,
make me think that that might not be the most unbiased source.

More people means more people to buy products. However, they can't buy products without money, so you have to give them money first.

More people means more people to buy products. However, they can't buy products without money, so you have to give them money first.
While this isn't the most economically-sound explanation for why they need assistance, it's true that immigration increases demand for products in the economy, which businesses respond to by producing more and hiring more employees.

The proof is that every migration wave in history is followed by a period of strong economic growth.

Except the crossing of the Rhine. Plus in history those countries that experienced growth didn't have a welfare state

You are concluding that these migrants will forever be a drain on society because they have yet to fully integrate in a couple of months.

How come in Sweden there are refugees and immigrants that have never integrated? Same goes for in the Uk.
The stats for Immigrants that use welfare are still significantly higher than native households

I mean they're not going to be able to assimilate in a few months, i'd be surprised if most could assimilate in 3 years. Of course people who come here as refugees from a country with nothing are going to be on welfare for longer and in greater numbers than people who were born in this country.

Those stats also include mexican immigrants as well which probably counts for 2-3x more people than other countries

Except the crossing of the Rhine. Plus in history those countries that experienced growth didn't have a welfare state
The Crossing of the Rhine occurred far before we had any reasonable system of measuring economic activity, and immigration continues to boost our economic growth, even though we're allegedly a 'welfare state'. I don't really know what to tell you here - the consensus among pretty much all economists is that immigration boosts economic growth. Even nativist economists should tell you this, even if they cite imaginary stories about roving bands of refugees raping white women as a reason why we should keep immigrants out.

How come in Sweden there are refugees and immigrants that have never integrated? Same goes for in the Uk.
The stats for Immigrants that use welfare are still significantly higher than native households
I'm not an expert on Swedish immigration, but I suspect that you're always going to see higher use of welfare in immigrants because immigration doesn't come in discrete, separate waves that wait until everyone is properly integrated before letting more people in. Immigrants tend be constantly pouring into countries all across the world, and when they come in large numbers from unstable areas, it makes sense that they'll be receiving social aid for awhile before they start working again.

who do you guys think won the debate and why? I haven't voted yet

who do you guys think won the debate and why? I haven't voted yet
All the sorta-scientific polls that actually weight their samples showed a Clinton win, but there's so few legitimate polls that it's hard to say whether either candidate won.

The way I look at it, the only way Annoying Orange would 'win' the debate would be to crushingly defeat Hillary, because that's what he needed to win the election. He improved his performance quite a bit, but there was no crushing defeat.

The Crossing of the Rhine occurred far before we had any reasonable system of measuring economic activity, and immigration continues to boost our economic growth, even though we're allegedly a 'welfare state'. I don't really know what to tell you here - the consensus among pretty much all economists is that immigration boosts economic growth. Even nativist economists should tell you this, even if they cite imaginary stories about roving bands of refugees raping white women as a reason why we should keep immigrants out.
I'm not an expert on Swedish immigration, but I suspect that you're always going to see higher use of welfare in immigrants because immigration doesn't come in discrete, separate waves that wait until everyone is properly integrated before letting more people in. Immigrants tend be constantly pouring into countries all across the world, and when they come in large numbers from unstable areas, it makes sense that they'll be receiving social aid for awhile before they start working again.

Something I found on a different site

"Most countries have no need of immigration. Japan, China, and Korea have economic growth rates between 5% and 15%. Nations with heavy immigration have near 0%, or even negative growth rates, leading to economic collapse. Under the guise of “enrichment”, we have allowed our cultures to be destroyed, such as Christmas concerts banned in favor of “holiday” celebrations. Under the lie of “tolerance” we must accept high immigrant crime rates with daughters being killed because they would not wear a veil. Why do we really have immigration? A Liberal Cabinet Minister stated, “The only reason we have immigration is because they vote 80% for the political party that let them into the country; that’s why we have immigration!” Common immigration myths include:
Immigrants are honest, not criminally inclined.
   “What criminal or terrorist problems do immigrants and refugees visit upon Canada? … This information … is kept under lock and key by the Government.” [1] A retired Vice Chairman of the Immigration Board says, “Since Canada opposes capital punishment… …an invitation is extended to all the criminals of the world to take advantage of our generosity and in the process the destruction of Canadian lives is tolerated by the Canadian government.” It is clear that nearly 80% of drug dealing and prostitution is controlled by immigrants and so called “refugees.” For many ethnic communities, crime rates are 5 times or more the normal rate for Canadians. Yet this information is forbidden to examine and discuss! You would be called an intolerant tribal, an uncaring right-wing extremist, or an evil doer. Socialists think it’s acceptable for immigrants to deal drugs tolerantly to little kids, provide beatings to enrich teenaged prostitutes, or otherwise criminalize innocent people. The German Chancellor says, “…we must accept the high crime rate of immigrant youth.” No, Chancellor, we mustn’t. There is simply no excuse for any politician defending foreign murderers, rapists and drug dealers brutalizing our populations.
Immigrants are hard-working.
   In the late 1970s, immigration priorities changed from being directly economic related to humanitarian third world (poor) and family reunification (don’t have jobs.) Western nations also developed a pampering, bankrupt government welfare state well known to the rest of the world. Before then, people had the incentive to work or go hungry. Margaret Thatcher pointed out, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” According to a Citizenship and Immigration Canada Report [2], nearly 30% of adult immigrants, “told officials that they did not intend to work in Canada.” Presumably these freeloaders expected to be babied with handouts from people who actually do work and get to pay taxes. What percentage were simply too lazy to work, or simply intended to deal drugs or commit other crimes wasn't stated. Is drug dealing considered to be working? Another 30% or so required tribal and illegal affirmative action laws to get (steal?) jobs for which they were unqualified.
We carefully screen immigrants for diseases and crime.
   Nonsense. Exemptions are routinely given to family reunification, humanitarian cases, and all refugees! According to the World Health Organization, nearly 40% of the entire world is infected with tuberculosis alone and 30% of Central Africans have AIDS. 63% of TB cases are from immigrants. Canada hasn’t managed to shake the disease… …due to it being brought over from countries where drug treatments for TB are not readily available.” [3} It is ridiculously foolish to rely on corrupt or uncaring Third World medical personnel to accurately tell us who is healthy or criminal.
   Canada actually gave two complete general amnesties, allowing 200,000 totally unknown refugee claimants immediate entry with no screening at all, because of a huge case backlog. We have only 32 RCMP Embassy officers trying to perform criminal checks on 500,000 immigrant hopefuls. When immigrants are convicted here, they can appeal dozens of times, then apply for refugee status and go to Federal Appeal Court. 75% of all Federal Court (appeal) cases are immigration related. In other words, a massive $5 billion make-work project for immigration lawyers. Rwandan genocide advocate Leon Mugesera’s deportation trail took an unbelievable 10 years. Sadly, that’s normal! An Immigration Board ruled Bangladeshi fugitive Noor Chowdhury won’t be deported because he faces a death sentence for murdering his country’s Prime Minister, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and 15 members of his family in a bloody coup. He filed a refugee claim to stay in Canada in 1997. [4] Our Auditor General reports 40,000 immigrants ordered deported from the country, usually for violent crimes and after many appeals, have simply disappeared.
Immigrants contribute to society.
   The recent Fraser Report informs us that immigrants are in fact, a $23 billion a year drain on our economy. That means each newcomer family now needs over $150,000 in extra support every year. Regrettably, the study did not factor in crime damage and a host of other supports and costs such as lawyers or MoneyGram transfers. When all costs are added, the drain is over $100 billion a year. Or a $15,000 cost to all other families in the country. The Canadian Council on Social Development notes that, “After 1991, 52.1% of all immigrants in Canada were impoverished.” Translated, that means they require massive amounts of social support, medical services, and welfare. They will receive huge benefits but not pay any taxes. The Council also reports a significant income drop for other Canadian families. Factoring taxation, family incomes have dropped 10% in 20 years. Roughly 80% of federal government expenses (taxes) are in: Social Services, Social Assistance, transfers and debt, about half going to “newcomers.” The same is true around the world. In the United States, “nearly half of California's immigrants… … had been on welfare for years.” [5]
Immigration provides us skilled labour.
   Supposedly, officially (*snicker* they count children) 23% of immigrants are skilled. Even still, according to Statistics Canada, about 43% can't speak an official language of the country, so they immediately require $3 billion in language training and more billions in support until they can integrate. Pray your hospital doesn’t hire nurses or doctors who can’t read what medicine to give to which patient. This might be why 5,000 Canadians die every year in hospitals because of “mistakes.” Foreign “skilled” labour also ensures that our young people will have trouble getting hired, because they don’t have “enough experience,” a common excuse used by businesses. Additionally, it’s irresponsible to steal from the Third World the very talent they need to get out of being Third World.
Immigrants create, not steal our jobs.
   One could argue that drug dealers and assorted criminals employ herds of lawyers and armies of immigration officials. Immigration directly causes unemployment when more immigrants are brought into the country than the economy can create. Jobs are stolen in the following cases. Consider a National Post front page headline story, Public Works Department Totally Banned the Hiring of all White Males Across Canada. If this law was directed against Jews or blacks, it would be reviled as the most tribal law ever enacted in the world. But Liberal Affirmative Action racism against whites is legal and good. The Public Service revealed that white people, not minorities, are subject to intense racism. Maria Barrodos (President of the Public Service Commission) told the Senate Human Rights Committee that 17.3% of all new hires were “visible minorities.” About 3 times what it should be. CBC reports [6] “Sara Landriault…  …applied online for an administrative assistant job with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and was asked by the online application if she was white, aboriginal, or a visible minority. When she answered white, she said a message informed her she did not meet the criteria and could no longer proceed.” The Employer Wage Subsidy program [7] aims at “encouraging the hiring of Priority Groups (Visible Minorities and Newcomers.) will pay “70% of the hourly wage.” Ontario Premier McGuinty recently offered to pay companies $10,000 to hire foreign workers, but not Canadians. (The Canadian Press) Western Governments are so tribal against white peoples it can only be called treason and genocide.
Immigrants do the dirty jobs.
   It is perfectly normal for anyone entering the job market to work at a menial service job. But working at your uncle’s brother’s third cousin’s ethnic restaurant as a kitchen helper is just an immigration scam for entry. No Canadian could even apply for that job because we don’t speak Rakahovian. Our economy is thus mired in a myriad of low wage service jobs which cannot support families without taxpayer support. Consider our last two immigrant/ refugee Governor Generals, not quite a “dirty job.” One was so stupid she thought she was actually the Head of State of Canada, hence her nickname, “la reine noir.” (Black Queen) The Prime Minister had to rebuke her, informing her, she was merely the Queen’s Representative here. The girls’ constant frivolous “partying,” often in Europe, cost taxpayers $10s of millions.
Immigrants cannot get jobs because of racism.
   This is such an all-purpose so overused nonsense excuse. White people have actually been banned from employment, which is pure racism. Language and qualification are the real issues for immigrants. Since 43% of immigrants do not speak an official language of the country, it would, and should be, very difficult to get a job as a teacher not being able to speak a language students would understand. In parts of Africa, the witch doctor’s “medical treatment” for AIDS is to have love with a baby or virgin. Not necessarily willingly, either. No matter how qualified that witch doctor is, they are is still unqualified for us and would not pass the medical exams required to perform open heart surgery in any hospital.
We have a population shortfall [not enough children] and need immigration to pay for pensions.
   The Fraser Report actually reported that immigrants only pay half the taxes of all other Canadians. So immigration will actually make the problem worse. In the last 30 years, we have seen massive unqualified and humanitarian immigration directly causing a 600% increase in our taxes to pay the resultant needed supports, welfares and crime damage. Perversely, our women are forced to “work” solely to provide economic and social support for immigrant families and their children. In fact, the number of children we have murdered by abortion and birth control, equals the number of immigrants brought into the country. We killed our own babies to make room for other people’s children. Government-directed genocide or gross stupidity?
Refugees are poor unfortunate souls needing our protection.
   Normally, the Western world accepts about 10% of applicants as being genuine refugees. (60% in Canada) The other 90% are considered be fakes, freeloaders and frauds. Applicants are not even required to show any identification at all. In other words, a fast track for every criminal in the world is provided. A free hotel room and living allowance for two years are pretty appealing perks. Still, 77% of “refugees” are on permanent welfare, costing billions. In Montreal, a sample of “refugees” were monitored for crime. Within 5 years, 30% were actually of major crimes such as drug dealing. (Those awaiting trial or still being investigated by police were not counted in the study.) Tens of thousands of Portuguese demanded refugee status claiming religious persecution against Jehovah’s Witnesses. Church records show there are only 1,000 actual members in the whole of Portugal, and all were accounted for, and happy! According to QMI News, 71% of the several hundred thousand accepted Tamil “refugees” had returned home for holidays, after claiming inhuman oppression in that country. Such travel is solid legal grounds for immediate deportation as fakes, but none are.
   Lawyer Ms. Dodd says, “I never, ever saw anyone who met the definition of the refugee in the hearing room. These people are just plain liars.” She continues, citing many Iranian cases. “We called them the lipstick and littering cases… They would arrive, asking me what was the best tennis club to join.” The entire refugee industry is clearly a total, wholesale fraud. The industry scam costs Canadians $30 billion every year to reward criminals (and accept damage), support welfare lazies and pay parasite immigration lawyers. The obvious solution is to defund the whole fraudulent bunch, and to whip and deport the cheats immediately as is done in Malaysia. (Whip the lawyers, too!) A general policy of: 1 LAWYER, 1 TRIAL, 1 WEEK should be enforced, for all legal cases and hearings. Not 25 years, 15 lawyers and $700 million cost, as in the Air India Terrorist Trial. [8]
1: Immigration, the economic case, Dianne Francis
2: Facts and Figures 2000
3: CBC (News) In Depth Health
4: (Toronto Sun)
5:  Ibid.
6: CBC: Federal affirmative action policy faces review.
7: Employer Wage Subsidy program"
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 09:41:15 PM by beachbum111111 »

Mainstream media literally cuts the feed when reporters talk about negative actions by Hillary.
Ecuador was pressured to cut Assange's internet connection when he dropped more wikileaks evidence this past week.

The corruption and fix is real.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 11:50:36 PM by Decepticon »

I'm still absolutely pissed and confused about the massive logic failure within the people of the US. Some how, despite leaks, facts, points and all sorts of other scandals being brought to light on Hillary, despite her obvious intentions to start a loving war, Despite the media being torn a new one, and despite the fact most people don't even believe the media, we're going to vote Hillary into office. Question: ARE YOU loving STUPID? Listen, I know people liked the fallout games, but playing that in real life ain't gonna be fun trust me. Somehow we've come to the conclusion it's better to have a villanous lying sociopathic warmongerer in office, then a supposedly, tribal loveist pollitically incorrect idiot. Hey, I don't like ether of these two asshats, but the choice should be loving obvious, but apparently not. For some reason most people came to the conclusion we should vote Hillary because Annoying Orange is Evil, and she isn't. HOW THE loving HELL DID MEDIA SLANDER THAT ONLY 6% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE DO THIS stuff? It's like if tumblr teamed up with trigglypuff and brainwashed everyone. How the hell did this happen, at this point I'd vote in Obama again before I'd vote in Hillary.

This was wrong, I'm sorry.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 03:00:22 PM by Master Matthew² »

oi bruv das not banter mate u gotta go ta jail

I'm still absolutely pissed and confused about the massive logic failure within the people of the US. Some how, despite leaks, facts, points and all sorts of other scandals being brought to light on Hillary, despite her obvious intentions to start a loving war, Despite the media being torn a new one, and despite the fact most people don't even believe the media, we're going to vote Hillary into office. Question: ARE YOU loving STUPID? Listen, I know people liked the fallout games, but playing that in real life ain't gonna be fun trust me. Somehow we've come to the conclusion it's better to have a villanous lying sociopathic warmongerer in office, then a supposedly, tribal loveist pollitically incorrect idiot. Hey, I don't like ether of these two asshats, but the choice should be loving obvious, but apparently not. For some reason most people came to the conclusion we should vote Hillary because Annoying Orange is Evil, and she isn't. HOW THE loving HELL DID MEDIA SLANDER THAT ONLY 6% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE DO THIS stuff? It's like if tumblr teamed up with trigglypuff and brainwashed everyone. How the hell did this happen, at this point I'd vote in Obama again before I'd vote in Hillary.

You're blowing this way out of proportion. Chill out dude.