
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2226902 times)

loving stupid christians you think your god ate eggs? hahahaha

thank you my fellow believer in the nonbelievers *tips fedora

tbh it's more the religion that worries me

Unless he becomes the christian stalin what's the problem

Unless he becomes the christian stalin what's the problem
i hope you haven't said stuff about muslims then


On the stuffter. Can someone give me a quick rundown?

From the text:

Conservatives in Washington have about had it with the state’s rampant Marxism, and are now taking matters into their own hand to reclaim their independence.

Republican lawmakers in the state have filed a bill to secede from Washington and create a new state called Liberty.


On the stuffter. Can someone give me a quick rundown?
here's the actual text:

very unlikely that this will happen. first you would need the washington legislature to approve this, and then the US legislature. the washington legislature is pretty divided and it's unlikely that it would pass there, and even if it did, it's even more unlikely that it would succeed in congress. it's probably a political move and nothing more.

"forget you SA she's my waifu"

Annoying Orange wants to bone ivanka just like any human with working faculties

bint Annoying Orange

The Senate would have to confirm Pence's replacement so as hilarious as that scenario would be it won't happen