
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229896 times)

2) loving Christianity and Muslim are BOTH ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS. They share a lot of the same core tenets, and people in power like to use those tenets to justify nasty stuff.
yeah we get it, you hate jews. dont have to shove it everywhere

yeah we get it, you hate jews. dont have to shove it everywhere

Dammit ya got me

1) Glad we got to calling Linda Sarsour a "two-faced bitch"

what would you prefer I call her? a hypocrite? not much better
sorry my bias slipped into my brown townysis of her character I'll go sit in the corner

2) loving Christianity and Muslim are BOTH ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS. They share a lot of the same core tenets, and people in power like to use those tenets to justify nasty stuff.

dogs and wolves are part of the same evolutionary branch yet one is man's best friend and the other will tear you apart in packs if you're not careful
if you think about it that right there is a good brown townogy for Christianity and Islam

3) You can go on and claim the "hypocrisy" in being a Muslim feminist, but where's the controversy when Christians in the US government constantly send us to war in the Middle East? Stick to your loving standards if you want to talk about being a "religion of peace"

yeah it's not like every single war we've been in for the past century has been in self defense, in retaliation or in defense of another country
God-given right to self-defense? lol tf is that

also if you want to compare American wars to Islamic wars why don't you look at the conditions of the POWs on each side
be quick about it though because CIA likes to behead/burn/catapult their toys the day they get them

Thank god for this convenient fiction.


you were in the thread with us unless you jumped out the moment we pointed out the Portland stabber wasn't a Bible-thumper

This really just goes around in circles over and over. The reason why you shouldn't blame scripture for terrorism is because it:
a) does not properly model the reasons why the Middle East is so forgeted up
b) does not provide any plausible solutions for terrorism

Obviously there are forgeted up passages in the Quran, just like there are forgeted up passages in any piece of religious scripture that dates back to the days we used to stone women in the town square. This applies to Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam as well. If you haven't found a passage in your holy book that seems primitive or incompatible with how modern life works, then you didn't look hard enough.

But the difference here is that the modern cant against Muslims has nothing to do with theology. People like Annoying Orange and Le Pen only want a scapegoat they can use to galvanize nationalist fervor and grow their bottom line. They are not going after terrorists or extremists - they're attacking normal, everyday people who raise families, have a career, and have never attacked women or blown anything up in their lives. And they don't care because none of the people they hurt are any of their friends, family, or colleagues.

If you really care about stopping extremism in the Muslim world, the solution is actually a lot easier than you think. Don't vote for people who want to continue our streak of bombing the stuff out of the Arab world. Because for every terrorist we kill, there's an innocent with hundreds of friends and family who are completely unaware of our 'best intentions' and only know that an unmanned vehicle from the Western world killed their loved one. Bush, Obama, and Annoying Orange are all guilty of this. Mandate a policy of non-intervention from your presidential candidates and congressmen.

Second, don't stuff all over moderate Muslims in your country, because they hold the best hope of fostering friendship between the Western world and the Middle East. International politics is complicated, but people remember how their family is treated. We can either be the people who helped an Iraqi's cousin emigrate and get an education, or we can be the place where they almost got stabbed to death on a train in Portland. This is something that non-politicians and everyday people can do.

seventh is a radical-islamist apologist. hes willing to take all blame and wants leadership to continue doing what they are doing, inviting the enemy in.

love will eventually make them nice!
its not clear when or how that works, but the left is so sure it will happen.

seventh is a radical-islamist apologist. hes willing to take all blame and wants leadership to continue doing what they are doing, inviting the enemy in.
I didn't take any blame for what's going on? And I thought I made it pretty clear that I want our leadership to stop doing what they are currently doing immediately.

I don't think the Western world, as it currently exists, is solely responsible for terrorism. Most of the damage was done by colonialists who are long dead, and of course the bulk of the blame rests on the insurgent leaders who are using resentment for the West as an excuse for carnage and destruction. Voting for non-interventionists and treating people as humans is not the only thing necessary to stop terrorism, but it's the best thing that everyday people can do.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 06:27:14 PM by SeventhSandwich »

all the recent attacks over last few years are from refugees. and its quite simple to avoid it.
paying them to come into our countries obviously is the reason its happening. if they want to be radical and blow each other up in their home countries like they did before, that didnt matter.

the "moderate" muslims in the west say and do nothing about it. they happily watch and wait for more.
you are kidding yourself if you think their feelings on the issue even matters.

soon half of europe will break out in civil war, and your precious moderate muslims will be targets, because the left allowed it all to happen.

2) loving Christianity and Muslim are BOTH ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS. They share a lot of the same core tenets, and people in power like to use those tenets to justify nasty stuff.

3) You can go on and claim the "hypocrisy" in being a Muslim feminist, but where's the controversy when Christians in the US government constantly send us to war in the Middle East? Stick to your loving standards if you want to talk about being a "religion of peace"

Thank god for this convenient fiction.

2: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/saudi/brown townyses/wahhabism.html

"For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies. Critics say that Wahhabism's rigidity has led it to misinterpret and distort Islam, pointing to extremists such as Osama bin Laden and the Taliban."

for comparison, https://bible.org/article/taking-bible-literally

but I guess the heart of the arab world isn't true islam

3: how the forget is loveism in islam relevant to a world hegemon acting militant?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 06:30:12 PM by Juncoph »

I love how people say terrorist attacks don't happen in the US so Muslims aren't the problem.

No, this just means our vetting processes are working.

all the recent attacks over last few years are from refugees. and its quite simple to avoid it.
Most of them are actually homegrown extremists. The truck attack in Nice was a French resident with a Tunisian background, the Charlie Hebdo attackers were born in Paris, and the recent attack in Manchester was orchestrated by a man born-and-raised in Manchester.

Not only that, but independent UN researchers have concluded that there's no evidence migration waves are causing the increase in terrorist attacks in Europe.


soon half of europe will break out in civil war, and your precious moderate muslims will be targets, because the left allowed it all to happen.
If a Civil War breaks out and people start murdering Muslims, then the Left is responsible for encouraging people not to murder Muslims? I don't follow this logic at all.

Are you suggesting we do some sort of reverse psychology deal where we say, "alright everyone start murdering Muslims," and then the radical right goes, "aye wait us a minute, that's just what they want us to do!"
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 06:33:55 PM by SeventhSandwich »

2: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/saudi/brown townyses/wahhabism.html

"For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies. Critics say that Wahhabism's rigidity has led it to misinterpret and distort Islam, pointing to extremists such as Osama bin Laden and the Taliban."

for comparison, https://bible.org/article/taking-bible-literally

but I guess the heart of the arab world isn't true islam

3: how the forget is loveism in islam relevant to a world hegemon acting militant?

The Saudis, some of the biggest monsters in the world who kill other Muslims through bombing campaigns in countries like Yemen, are the spokespeople for the religion of Islam, lol get the forget outta here

Voting for non-interventionists and treating people as humans
doing this hasn't helped now has it? If it did help, then you wouldn't see daily loving terrorist attacks in Europe.

Being apologetic and going "Muslims arent the issue, just be nice and loving!" doesn't help stuff nor is it currently helping at all. It's giving them a free ticket to come in and wreck stuff because hey, only love and kindness will make them stop! (Hint: it doesn't)

Am I the only person on the right who isn't all that concerned about terrorism?
I don't want to preserve cultural homogeneity because it stops violence, I want to preserve it for it's own sake.

doing this hasn't helped now has it? If it did help, then you wouldn't see daily loving terrorist attacks in Europe.
Be more specific here. Even though he's far more moderate than Le Pen, Macron has promised to continue bombing the Middle East. Europe is absolutely interventionist.

I don't want to preserve cultural homogeneity because it stops violence, I want to preserve it for it's own sake.
I don't get you DrenDran. You're clearly an incredibly intelligent person, but you buy into all this weird neo-fascist stuff that even the right-wingers on the forum don't get. What's the deal?

The Saudis, some of the biggest monsters in the world who kill other Muslims through bombing campaigns in countries like Yemen, are the spokespeople for the religion of Islam, lol get the forget outta here

"italians arent true catholics"