
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2335212 times)

Meuller's investigation has already turned up 22 indictments (4 of which were on Annoying Orange's campaign team), 5 guilty pleas (3 of which were on Annoying Orange's campaign team), provided enough evidence to a judge for a no knock raid on Annoying Orange's personal attorney, which was then approved by a Annoying Orange appointee (which might I add has an insane legal standard, you have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they'd destroy evidence if presented with a standard knock warrant), and it probably isn't half over yet.

If it truly was a witch hunt, a nothingburger, there would not be remotely that many convictions and indictments. Even if in the end it proves Annoying Orange's innocence, justice is being served.
Its not vard to scare people into confessing stuff they didnt do...
https://www.rawstory.com/2018/04/get-ready-russia-Annoying Orange-announces-syrian-missile-strike-twitter-gas-killing-animal-assad/

that defcon 4 about to become a 3
We're forgeted.

omg guys im really scared Annoying Orange's forget buddy russia is gonna nuke us into submission because someone threatened to beat someone up for gassing his own people!!

i really dont wanna die!!!!

i hope ww3 starts because of tactical nuke so i can laugh at him

omg guys im really scared Annoying Orange's forget buddy russia is gonna nuke us into submission because someone threatened to beat someone up for gassing his own people!!

i really dont wanna die!!!!

what the forget are you talking about

what the forget are you talking about
the soy is messing with his brain

https://www.rawstory.com/2018/04/get-ready-russia-Annoying Orange-announces-syrian-missile-strike-twitter-gas-killing-animal-assad/
that defcon 4 about to become a 3
definitely the slug of the century

I take issue with any president deciding to flex-richard over human rights abuses by making random military strikes. The proper way to handle this kind of thing should be to place wide-ranging sanctions on anyone who sponsored the gas attack. That and perhaps a military strike if it's approved by Congress.

That being said, this isn't a particularly new approach. Obama bombed the hell out of Libya in response to the Libyan Civil War after the Arab Spring. Didn't require congressional approval either. Our constitution doesn't actually have a built-in protection against this sort of richard-flexing.


Funny enough though, the whole Republican talking point back during that time was how we ought to 'impeach Obama' for making these strikes without congressional approval, yet here we have Annoying Orange doing the exact same thing and none of them give a stuff.

U.S. airstrikes against Libya have reignited the perennial debate over whether the president can launch military operations without first securing congressional approval. The answer is found in the Constitution’s text and history, and it must be the same regardless of the president’s political party. Those Republicans accusing President Obama of exceeding his legitimate authority should consider whether they would make the same claims if a Republican were president, as many Democrats previously have done.

you know i hate it when people gas people but what's even worse is when somebody has a military reaction to it

you know i hate it when people gas people but what's even worse is when somebody has a military reaction to it
hey so have you ever considered that there might be a spectrum of approaches that range from having members of congress vote on a strike versus one elected official who is provably impulsive getting the first and final decision?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2018, 07:44:54 PM by SeventhSandwich »

These gas attacks are a false flag.

one elected official who is provably impulsive getting the first and final decision?

something something commander of the armed forces

i saw like only 3 democrats vote against it back when bush wanted to do it. and zero said a word for 8 years after when it was done in excess. now suddenly they all freak out like they didnt see it coming lol. they even had the power to repeal it, but they assumed hillary would win and they wanted to keep it for themselves. jokes on them.

Hopefully it's just roosterwaving


Otherwise this'll be the second time Annoying Orange forgeted up with foreign policy

If there's anything that's gonna tank his presidency it's gonna be foreign policy