America is pretty much giving away permits and guns here and there and some peopld are absolutely clueless and have no idea what they are doing
please, tell me more about my country's firearm situation. A left leaning Belgian teen is most certainly a reputable source for information and opinions on the subject.
For the majority of gun owners, buying a gun and getting a CC permit is a very well thought out decision. Most gun owners here in the US are very educated on their equipment and how to use it, and what the laws are regarding their use. Even in my home state, Mississippi, which has some of the poorest educational stats in the nation, and would be surmised to have a very low information population, has a low gun violence rate a VERY HIGH gun ownership rate. If you really want to lower gun violence, offer free gun safety courses and promote safe firearm practices, while encouraging people to buy weapons for self defense. An armed society is a polite society.
Also for future context Walmart carries some very nice gun brands such as Ruger and S&W.