Author Topic: tenshi - constant loveual innuendos / harassment  (Read 19992 times)

and this isn't an argument.
of course its not an argument you knucklehead

the whole entire post is my opinion

He is a nice guy though, when is he ever mean? Just because he expresses his loveuality makes you feel uncomfortable?

There is a clear line between being gay and being a friend.

of course its not an argument you knucklehead

the whole entire post is my opinion
Thats why I said it wasn't an argument :^)

But you know what I mean, the whole "theres worse things" is a really bad way to look at the world

He is a nice guy though, when is he ever mean? Just because he expresses his loveuality makes you feel uncomfortable?
Are you loving kidding me?

Tenshi is not attracted to me so I'm in the clear. I guess looking like a hobo has some benefits.

Honestly, whenever someone posts in that thread that doesn't look like a polished swagster they get bombarded by conceited insults. I posted and like 8 different people told me to shave my beard and my eyebrows. (wtf?)
I mean, you're posting a picture of yourself in a thread about pictures of yourself.  You didn't expect to be judged?

I mean, you're posting a picture of yourself in a thread about pictures of yourself. You didn't expect to be judged?
Should I have to expect people to be richardheads? What's wrong with wanting people to raise the bar?

He is a nice guy though, when is he ever mean? Just because he expresses his loveuality makes you feel uncomfortable?
thanks for confirming whether or not you were a troll because I vert briefly forgot

tenshi is emo freak and he is literally loving gay

tenshi is emo freak and he is literally loving gay

I didn't realize gay was an entity that could indeed be forgeted, I wouldn't put it past Tenshi to try and forget gay though :)

theres a reason hes on every copy of steves postblocker by default.

forget does that mean. boy
what do you mean what does that mean
square up, cigaretteott

what do you mean what does that mean
square up, cigaretteott
bone up, friend

moan up, friend
this stuff isn't funny
look up 'bone up' and then go on your merry way

as a target of his, I support.

as a target of his, I support.

also he's been majorly leaking outside of the post real life pictures of yourself thread which is honestly the worst thing that couldve happened

seriously though hes annoying and needs to stop