Author Topic: Lord tony on a news stuffposting spree  (Read 25125 times)

I can already see this "muh source" meme getting old real fast

I don't think you even know what the word "evidence" means, because hearsay, weasel word and your own baseless rambling are not evidence.

I wonder how fast you'd flunk law, journalism, medicine, criminal justice, literature, or literally any field involving research or citations.

You can google "gamestop ripping off customers"

About 137,000 results

This is Blockland forums not law, journalism, medicine or criminal justice.

You can google "gamestop ripping off customers"

About 137,000 results
I can also google "Harambe Member of CIA" and get thousands of results

Are you seriously defending gamestop and its bullstuff used sale practices?

They are basically the reason why digital copies, DLC and online passes exists because that's the only way the developer can make money because they can't make stuff because of used sales.

Are you seriously defending gamestop and its bullstuff used sale practices?

They are basically the reason why digital copies, DLC and online passes exists because that's the only way the developer can make money because they can't make stuff because of used sales.
They're not supposed to make stuff from used sales, they already got the money when the game was bought new

gamestops still exist? wow lol...

lol console people

They're not supposed to make stuff from used sales, they already got the money when the game was bought new

Yeah and gamestop is selling used games for 55 dollars, 5 dollars off the new version.

Gamestop is the only retail store that is this loving shady when it comes to used game sales. They monopolize it so bad that game developers can't keep up with this crap.

Target doesn't buy or sell used stuff.

Walmart does but not nearly as bad as gamestop because walmart offers gift cards and no one wants gift cards.

Gamestop makes more money off used sales than it does with new sales. It's the reason why developers prefer steam and why gamestop hates steam.

The sole reason to prevent used sales on xbox one was because of gamestop but of course they were forced accept bullstuff used sales because of the backlash they got.

gamestops still exist? wow lol...

lol console people
one of the few times i agree with you

Are you seriously defending gamestop and its bullstuff used sale practices?

That's a loaded question. He wasn't defending any actions, he was just pointing out that the large amount of results for a phrase do your argument less credit than you're led to believe.

I said gamestop hates steam because they can't make money off their used games so they don't even bother to stock many physical PC games.

Someone said "SOURCE BRO!" It's common knowledge.

It's common knowledge.

You're assuming something you know is common knowledge. If you can't be bothered to go back into your history to post where you got the exact information you're reiterating, you shouldn't make a loving topic.

You can google "gamestop ripping off customers"

About 137,000 results
Funny you should say that cause googling "tony is dumb" gives me over 18 million results

I really wish badspot would just put in a user blocker script by default so people can block him and not have any excuse to complain anymore. Seeing quintillions of topics about Tony is infinitely more annoying than anything he posts. Like we get it, you think he's annoying. You guys made that clear in the last 2 or 3 topics about him.