Author Topic: Maxx: A Case Study on BLF's Worst User  (Read 45369 times)

we've already also established that there is a giant list of people with 73.74 ips that could have also done this.
your original story said that i joined your cytube under my name and started spamming except everything else points to different names, except because it has those 4 digits you think its me

i dont give a stuff about what i've done in the past, whatever i've done in the past is already there and i can't change it, but when you bring up stuff that old you don't really sound credible. most of your post calling me dumb and a liar are from last night just denying your bullstuff accusations that gave you the excuse to make this drama
you do not have the exact ip that was used by the spammer
the spammer could be anyone with a 73.74 ip
it is a coincidence that i have an ip with the same starting numbers,
The IP proves it. Unless the framer lives in the same area as Maxx, or is using a remote VPN server in the same area which is unlikely. The chances that someone just happens to have the 73.74 number is approximately 1.747866875712960677786373612 2037e-5 percent. AKA A VERY SMALL NUMBER.

honestly I'd like to apologize for even taking part of this drama
I'm already an emotional wreck and I shouldn't have started in on arguments

sorry maxx

i'm not gonna break this down like the other posts but i would like to address this point in particular

you're just correlating ip's based on stuff you've seen months ago to spammers that attacked your cytube, and because it has 4 numbers in it that are the same numbers starting at my IP it's instantly me
thats all the proof you have that i spammed your cytube
nothing else
yes maxx, it could've been another user. but how likely is it that it was another user who impersonated you and happened to have the same IP?

like okay lets just think about how unlikely the idea is that a spammer who used to call himself maxx magically decides to stop doing so and then 6 months later connects under Maxx's IP address. could someone get a statistic on how many BLF users would logically have 73.74 ip addresses? because I bet it's low.

like, they went under the name captchacatcher too. but i don't think it's him because he doesn't seem like the sort who would do this to me. do i think they are trying to frame captcha? no. did they go under his IP? I doubt it

what would really spin this drama on it's head if it badspot posted CC's ip address and it turned out to be 73.74.whatever also and it was actually him all along

I'm not saying it 100% was Maxx, but my gut and the stats presented show that it's obviously the most likely possibility. And if it hasn't been him, I'm really sorry for creating this whole thread.

could someone get a statistic on how many BLF users would logically have 73.74 ip addresses? because I bet it's low.
The chances that someone just happens to have the 73.74 number is approximately 1.747866875712960677786373612 2037e-5 percent. AKA A VERY SMALL NUMBER.
well there it is.

and swollow, you're fine, haha. getting a small piece of info wrong on the internet is okay.

i'm not gonna break this down like the other posts but i would like to address this point in particular
yes maxx, it could've been another user. but how likely is it that it was another user who impersonated you and happened to have the same IP?

like okay lets just think about how unlikely the idea is that a spammer who used to call himself maxx magically decides to stop doing so and then 6 months later connects under Maxx's IP address. could someone get a statistic on how many BLF users would logically have 73.74 ip addresses? because I bet it's low.

like, they went under the name captchacatcher too. but i don't think it's him because he doesn't seem like the sort who would do this to me. do i think they are trying to frame captcha? no. did they go under his IP? I doubt it

what would really spin this drama on it's head if it badspot posted CC's ip address and it turned out to be 73.74.whatever also and it was actually him all along

I'm not saying it 100% was Maxx, but my gut and the stats presented show that it's obviously the most likely possibility. And if it hasn't been him, I'm really sorry for creating this whole thread.

my memory doesn't lie to me, i would never care enough or even want to spam your cytube
anyone can use any random name, and if captcha catcher were to have a dynamic ip address aswell it wouldn't matter
the guy even used the loving name "lord-tony" at one point
i'm being framed and i haven't done anything to your cytube, i wouldn't want to and i wouldn't care to

well there it is.

and swollow, you're fine, haha. getting a small piece of info wrong on the internet is okay.
alternative is trolling

i would never care enough or even want to spam your cytube

im convinced bro

The IP proves it. Unless the framer lives in the same area as Maxx, or is using a remote VPN server in the same area which is unlikely. The chances that someone just happens to have the 73.74 number is approximately 1.747866875712960677786373612 2037e-5 percent. AKA A VERY SMALL NUMBER.
where did you get this statistic or did you pull it out of your ass
im convinced bro
do you realize he posted more than just that in this thread, right?

where did you get this statistic or did you pull it out of your ass
calculated it

alternative is trolling
uhh--are you sure about that? cause his post looked legit. bait would have something dumb in it

the guy even used the loving name "lord-tony" at one point
actually lol that was just the real lord tony. he got banned for starting arguments with bait in the movie night chat. i'll probably unban him in a second

It would be very reasonable to assume that, because the name McZealot is password protected.
I just want to come back to this for a second; your password is only as secure as the people who hold it on their server.

I wouldn't trust the CyTube guys as far as I could throw a cow.

The IP proves it. Unless the framer lives in the same area as Maxx, or is using a remote VPN server in the same area which is unlikely. The chances that someone just happens to have the 73.74 number is approximately 1.747866875712960677786373612 2037e-5 percent. AKA A VERY SMALL NUMBER.
I'm pretty sure Maxx has already proven several times now that there are tons of people with the same 4 digits in their IP as him.

I'm pretty sure Maxx has already proven several times now that there are tons of people with the same 4 digits in their IP as him.
The chances that someone just happens to have the 73.74 number is approximately 1.747866875712960677786373612 2037e-5 percent. AKA A VERY SMALL NUMBER.

uhh--are you sure about that? cause his post looked legit. bait would have something dumb in it still possible that someone could have the ip that starts with 73.74 or have used a vpn or some stuff, you still dont have exact on point proof that matches my ip with that one exactly to the last digit

okay maxx, yes i know it isnt 100% proof that you did it. it just means it's extremely likely that you did. i am not attempting to convict you of a crime here.

I just want to come back to this for a second; your password is only as secure as the people who hold it on their server.

I wouldn't trust the CyTube guys as far as I could throw a cow.
i have increasingly difficult passwords for different levels of security, needless to say cytube is on the lower end of it

but i'm curious, for real, what do you think the percent of someone having a 73.74 ip address is?

I'm pretty sure Maxx has already proven several times now that there are tons of people with the same 4 digits in their IP as him.
in the world. but how many on the blf? because the spammer has to be either a poster or a lurker

I mean, what's more likely here?

- A repeatedly proven problem user with a serious lack of maturity was engaging in malicious behavior for the bants

- Someone who just happens to also be using the name Maxx, who just happens to have the same 4 first digits in his IP, who just happens to play the same game, who just happens to use the same forum, who just happened to find the same cytube, who just happens to be targeting a huge loving problem user who's done malicious stuff in the past, is impersonating Maxx. For no reason at all.

I'm pretty sure Maxx has already proven several times now that there are tons of people with the same 4 digits in their IP as him.

Compared to the amount of all IPv4 addresses out there, this is a very small sample.