Author Topic: Pokémon GO Megathread  (Read 50182 times)

has anyone found out if kabutops is in this

he was one of my favorites
yea kabutops is in the game but ive only ever seen 1 kabuto so good luck getting one

has anyone found out if kabutops is in this

he was one of my favorites

there are some places that have been shown to spawn the 3 fossil pokémon somewhat frequently (mostly desert areas), but unfortunately your best bet is hatching 10km eggs

So yesterday I started stirring up the park kinda nearby with like 100 pokestops and 6 or 7 gyms. I got there and was surprised that hardly anyone was there (was during school hours was probably why) so I just roamed around for a couple hours.

After a bit, I decided to work on taking some gyms. I went to the 3 gyms right next to each other and began claiming them for Instinct before some guy named itemize on Mystic began stealing them back, so I literally followed him around the park taking back the gyms he took from me. Eventually he got bored and left and I got the triple crown with 3 gyms.

At this point though, all the walking combined with high temps had me succumbing to heat sickness, so I just decided to chill under a tree near one of my gyms for a while since my car was far away.

Then things got interesting.

A guy and a girl started attacking my gym that I was sitting by. I wasnt about to let them take it back while I sat next to it, so once they defeated it, I'd immediately place another pokemon on it to keep it under my control. This went on for a good while and people playing the game throughout the park noticed, and crowds began showing up as the gym alternated between yellow and unoccupied. After about 15 minutes, I could hear people swearing and around 30 people were milling around trying to figure out who was holding the gym. One dude saw me under my tree and in a low voice asked if I was on Instinct, to which I said yes and he told me how he could see this going on from the parking lot and as a fellow Instinct member, wanted to check it out. He then told me that people were getting extremely pissed off, wished me luck, and told me he'd return to check on it.

Valor finally managed to grab control of the gym after 25 minutes and they poured cement all over it securing it with 4 high powered pokemons. People began to walk away content with my defeat, but I set to work at whittling away at the gym using up all my potions and revives in the process. Took me a while, but I managed to tear down the gym, claim it back for my own, and leave a pokemon before leaving to set a statement.

has anyone found out if kabutops is in this

he was one of my favorites
i just caught a kabuto walking to my car

I went downtown today instead of just walking around my neighborhood and saw a massive number of people playing, I'm still not used to how popular this is even with people my age and older, like there was a group of 10 people standing outside the library all playing while probably a dozen more were circling the building getting the 5 pokéstops that surround it (if you walk at an average pace the first stop is refreshed by the time you complete a loop), I'm sure the librarians get a real kick out of that

Ended up with a nearly full bag of items thanks to the sheer number of pokéstops in close proximity and a load of pokémon, biggest boost I've gotten since getting the game

Also I picked this up in a little shop while I was there, gotta show my loyalty somehow

I really want to level up fast so I can do stuff like this, my 300CP pokémon aren't very helpful

It's hard to take gyms now because so many people hack the game that it ruins it for everyone trying to legitimately take gyms.

I really want to level up fast so I can do stuff like this, my 300CP pokémon aren't very helpful

My highest is a 920cp Vaporeon. I have a 424cp Eevie that I want to evolve though, so I should get something really good from that. I horde my candies for evolutions more than anything when I really should be powering up my pokemon.

i just caught a kabuto walking to my car
yeah well i got a uh

eat it

Is this game still relevant?...

Is this game still relevant?...

I don't think you understand the sheer magnitude of influence this has

my own mother is excitedly playing this game of her own volition and she hasn't touched anything even remotely close to a video game since I was about 12 with the exception of "candy crush"

yeah well i got a uh

eat it
i caught a geodude while driving through wendy's. eat my spicy chicken nuggies

i caught a geodude while driving through wendy's. eat my spicy chicken nuggies

Is this game still relevant?...
More relevant than you'll ever be.

so i went a week getting to level 21 on my new account and got banned for using scripts

FINALLY Niantic is banning cheaters. now I can actually USE my main account to fight gyms instead of getting dominated by 2.8k dragonites everywhere

praise niantic, the only thing I want now is a way to play in rural areas, theres only like 3 pokestops in my town