Author Topic: JitankIscigarette - BLM troll, autism magnet  (Read 36022 times)

Path and Jitank are the perfect example of the demonization of the white working-class man. That's the thing most responsible for driving a wedge between demographics and the reason people like Annoying Orange have a real chance of making it to presidency. White people feel like the odds are stacked against them since what they can say is so filtered and everything they do/say can be used against them while black people can literally get away with generalizing the entire Caucasian race as a bunch of starfishs/tribals/privileged starfishs and any accusation you make against them is diverted by the ancestor argument.

I'm all for racial equality, but this is not it.

I have never implied that, ever.
"I did not have loveual relations with that woman" - Bill Clinton
everybody knows you did but you keep denying it to make yourself look better then you currently look

Path and Jitank are the perfect example of the demonization of the white working-class man. That's the thing most responsible for driving a wedge between demographics and the reason people like Annoying Orange have a real chance of making it to presidency. White people feel like the odds are stacked against them since what they can say is so filtered and everything they do/say can be used against them while black people can literally get away with generalizing the entire Caucasian race as a bunch of starfishs/tribals/privileged starfishs and any accusation you make against them is diverted by the ancestor argument.

I'm all for racial equality, but this is not it.
for the 100th time im forced to reiterate that i am not tribal against white people, i just dont like racism. they're two completely different things

for the 100th time im forced to reiterate that i am not tribal against white people, i just dont like racism. they're two completely different things
if you don't like racism stop promoting it lol

for the 100th time im forced to reiterate that i am not tribal against white people, i just dont like racism. they're two completely different things
the only people i ever demonize are people who are tribal or defend racism, even as a joke

if you don't like racism stop promoting it lol
are you handicapped? never once i have promoted racism

White people made a system to discriminate against black people they can't do anything in this country without being shot by the tribal white cops

the only people i ever demonize are people who are tribal or defend racism, even as a joke
are you handicapped? never once i have promoted racism
However, i do hold a grudge  against white people for having a tribal present

If it was the other way around, you would be freaking out rn.

the only people i ever demonize are people who are tribal or defend racism, even as a joke
are you handicapped? never once i have promoted racism
I have plenty of white friends who call me brother and i call them brother, etc etc. this happens a lot amongst black people as well. however, the moment someone calls me monday then i get ready to throw hands.

again for the 100th time brother isnt even tribal anymore. It just means colleague and people use it freely

If it was the other way around, you would be freaking out rn.
let me rephrase that: i hold a grudge against anyone that is tribal in any way

let me rephrase that: i hold a grudge against anyone that is tribal in any way
Does that include being white

Does that include being white
it doesnt matter what race you are, white back hispanic etc. if you're tribal, you're tribal. To fight against white on black racism and support black on white racism is purely racism and hypocrisy

brother is such a dumb word though. It'd be like me going up to another white person and saying "what's up white trash"

brother is such a dumb word though. It'd be like me going up to another white person and saying "what's up white trash"
thats a very weird comparison, esp since brother really means friend or homie.

It'd be like me going up to another white person and saying "what's up white trash"
Hey man you do you