Author Topic: JitankIscigarette - BLM troll, autism magnet  (Read 36009 times)

I agree with Jitank. He hates America so much and he's tired of all this slavery and jokes going on.

Let's do the right thing and send all black people back to Africa.
Lets send you to a mental institution.

We pretty much elected tribals out of office in the 60s
I'm sorry, what?  Racism pervades society and government even today.  We're far from a Utopia.

Jitank, while your frustration is not baseless, and I do agree with many of the causes which you represent, I find it difficult to support you given your demeanor when approached with the subject, or as it seems often, that you bring it up from a perceived offense.  While I may get flak from the forums, I do not care, for I still count you as a friend, but please allow me to correct any ideas that you have on how to go about this.

First, it is not productive to get out there and raise hell regarding a subject.  Staging an outrage when others may be simply ambivalent or unaware of the problem will not convince them—it is typically fruitless.  In addition, being so eager to take a position that white people are the cause for the suffering of people of color and that you hold the concept of white privilege and perhaps some you believe to exploit it in contempt, especially while failing to provide proof that supports your cause on a mostly white forum only pits you against the majority and pits you against those who believe in the same cause but are doing what they can to present their cause as a righteous one.  Next, the argument you may have may be about incivility, but to those who are unable to relate, bringing that incivility to them will not help you one iota.  For instance, one of the reasons people believe you to be a troll is because you seem to be pushing out responses for the sole reason to get a response so you can prove it wrong.  Everyone can see that here, and it feels like an insult to the intelligence of those arguing against you as well as a defamation to any intellectual character you try to maintain.  You spoke earlier about black people having to tread differently in different neighborhoods, well, this might be an example—if trying to relate metaphorically to the intellectual neighborhood called the forums.  Then, there's the issue of seeming to get triggered by the word, "monday".  I understand that it is a disrespectful and rude thing to say, and I too get very upset that people say it, however, I try to not let it show.  Letting yourself get visibly upset from a word meant to defame only gives power to their words.  It tells them that saying tribal things works and it keeps you, and perhaps many others, in line.  Finally, I know that there's more that I can dispute here, but not all of this is important or necessary to bring up.  The last thing is that you failed to recognize a metaphor because God was mentioned in it.  Users have already called you out on this before, but I believe it is important in this discourse to mention.  The metaphor wasn't about God; it was about you.  Disputing faith when the metaphor doesn't even address faith is not helping you one bit—it shows you want to bring more fight to the arena than there already is.  One argument that I dislike is "You're not black, so you wouldn't understand the struggle." I've heard it plenty of times.  The problem with it, and many other similar arguments is that it does not teach people and unify them on a matter, rather, it is divisive and tells people not only that they don't understand, but that they will never be able to understand.

Do you get what I'm trying to say, Jitank?  You're a really cool guy, but in all honesty, this kinda stuff you put yourself through is hard to watch.  And if you want to hear my stand on the matter of BLM, racism, and such, I'll be glad to talk about it with anyone, but I realize I probably excessively soapbox without invitation.

"Oh, most the other black forumers are talking the whip, why dont you"
Have you maybe considered that no other black former besides you and Path get harassed is because the others don't act mentally handicapped and have basic social skills?

Also I love it when Path talks about privilege and his "oh so hard life give me sympathy because of my race" card is pulled. Dude, you've been telling people for years that you live in a rich neighborhood, tutor kids for $$$, and go to one of the biggest schools in the USA. Which is it?

I agree with Jitank. He hates America so much and he's tired of all this slavery and jokes going on.

Let's do the right thing and send all black people back to Africa.
America is the worst country on the planet

You spoke earlier about black people having to tread differently in different neighborhoods, well, this might be an example—if trying to relate metaphorically to the intellectual neighborhood called the forums.
I should also clarify that I meant making arguments in the forums, not just being black.

I'm sorry, what?  Racism pervades society and government even today.  We're far from a Utopia.

Jitank, while your frustration is not baseless, and I do agree with many of the causes which you represent, I find it difficult to support you given your demeanor when approached with the subject, or as it seems often, that you bring it up from a perceived offense.  While I may get flak from the forums, I do not care, for I still count you as a friend, but please allow me to correct any ideas that you have on how to go about this.

First, it is not productive to get out there and raise hell regarding a subject.  Staging an outrage when others may be simply ambivalent or unaware of the problem will not convince them—it is typically fruitless.  In addition, being so eager to take a position that white people are the cause for the suffering of people of color and that you hold the concept of white privilege and perhaps some you believe to exploit it in contempt, especially while failing to provide proof that supports your cause on a mostly white forum only pits you against the majority and pits you against those who believe in the same cause but are doing what they can to present their cause as a righteous one.  Next, the argument you may have may be about incivility, but to those who are unable to relate, bringing that incivility to them will not help you one iota.  For instance, one of the reasons people believe you to be a troll is because you seem to be pushing out responses for the sole reason to get a response so you can prove it wrong.  Everyone can see that here, and it feels like an insult to the intelligence of those arguing against you as well as a defamation to any intellectual character you try to maintain.  You spoke earlier about black people having to tread differently in different neighborhoods, well, this might be an example—if trying to relate metaphorically to the intellectual neighborhood called the forums.  Then, there's the issue of seeming to get triggered by the word, "monday".  I understand that it is a disrespectful and rude thing to say, and I too get very upset that people say it, however, I try to not let it show.  Letting yourself get visibly upset from a word meant to defame only gives power to their words.  It tells them that saying tribal things works and it keeps you, and perhaps many others, in line.  Finally, I know that there's more that I can dispute here, but not all of this is important or necessary to bring up.  The last thing is that you failed to recognize a metaphor because God was mentioned in it.  Users have already called you out on this before, but I believe it is important in this discourse to mention.  The metaphor wasn't about God; it was about you.  Disputing faith when the metaphor doesn't even address faith is not helping you one bit—it shows you want to bring more fight to the arena than there already is.  One argument that I dislike is "You're not black, so you wouldn't understand the struggle." I've heard it plenty of times.  The problem with it, and many other similar arguments is that it does not teach people and unify them on a matter, rather, it is divisive and tells people not only that they don't understand, but that they will never be able to understand.

Do you get what I'm trying to say, Jitank?  You're a really cool guy, but in all honesty, this kinda stuff you put yourself through is hard to watch.  And if you want to hear my stand on the matter of BLM, racism, and such, I'll be glad to talk about it with anyone, but I realize I probably excessively soapbox without invitation.
Yeah i get you. Im a very defensive guy but only because ive had to be in the past. I  agree that someone else with less of an attitude an ego would do better in defending my stance. People calling me monday has really made me mad because i know my self worth. I just felt like something needed to be said about it. I also felt like no one every really stepped up to plate to actually talk about it. I did know i was gonna get negative feedback simply because im me but i feel like my speaking out has brought some other people to the table who can better attack the matter. Im glad you've reached out an yeah i would love to hear your stance on blm. But yeah thank you!

Lets send you to a mental institution.
If anyone needs to be sent to a mental institution it's you

If anyone needs to be sent to a mental institution it's you

Go worry about you

Go worry about you
no YOU need to get the forget off these forums.

no YOU need to get the forget off these forums.
lmfao "no you!!1"

OP: Not providing context for some of the quotes paints a different picture.This and many other ignorant jokes were made before i posted my part. It was a joke anyway. But you know, if its me joking, im "troll."

So whatever. I know im not a troll. And if im seen as annoying. So be it.

/NoSuppost bc false information
Oh i forgot to add misleading information
Are you loving autistic. This isnt misleading at all. plus you cant /no"suppost" because its a drama on you. And all of this info is true, ever heard of quotes?

also if you want to cry about BLM then go to a loving BLM rally instead of a loving lego game forum.

lmfao "no you!!1"
Get off your loving highground, you say that phrase more in a week than he'll say in a month

Im burnt out. Need to take a break from this topic.