Author Topic: Whats the point anymore  (Read 5960 times)

being in a worse situation does not necessarily mean anything about your mental health.

This is true. Even though my situation was pretty stuffty I tried to stay positive because letting it all fall apart isn't a great idea when you're at rock bottom. I guess the same advice could be helpful to espio, look what you have and what good qualities you have and focus on that. The solution isn't to attack your flaws, but to strengthen your qualities

it really seems like you're trying to apply the same logic used in your situation to his

Taking up exercising to get in a better mental state and using it as common ground to find new friends would not have helped me, but it will definitely help espio more than he'll ever imagine.

This is true. Even though my situation was pretty stuffty I tried to stay positive because letting it all fall apart isn't a great idea when you're at rock bottom. I guess the same advice could be helpful to espio, look what you have and what good qualities you have and focus on that. The solution isn't to attack your flaws, but to strengthen your qualities
that's actually some pretty good advice
Taking up exercising to get in a better mental state and using it as common ground to find new friends would not have helped me, but it will definitely help espio more than he'll ever imagine.
yeah of course it'll help, but he seems to be conveying that he does not have the energy to even begin doing those things. which is why i think he should start by building it up to that point with baby steps

that's actually some pretty good advice
ive been disregarded :(

This is one of the worst posts of this sort I've seen in a long time. It's like you want us to solve your problems. You don't have depression, or at least nothing severe, and you still have all the healthy desires that you should.

You keep writing about how you're gonna end up as a homeless crack addict or something. That's idiotic--you are in a stage of your life where you have just about every opportunity to make sure that doesn't happen. If you want praise, go do something impressive.

You're literally posting here and saying "man I want friends and attention even though I've done nothing to garner either".
If you want some friends, go make some when school starts up. And don't tell them about this cringy rant thing. If you want praise, do something impressive or kind. Volunteer at a shelter or go learn Javascript or something.


ive been disregarded :(
you had good advice too its just i was too busy responding to them lol

"Go out and make friends"

start small, like going out and circling a small area in the city before going back home.  then gradually increase in track size/length until you find something to do or aren't bummed out anymore

or if you have funds you could forget all of that and visit a nice pizza place

pizza is almost always the answer

"Go out and make friends"
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this is the absolute best advice you could ever provide, its godlike

"Go out and make friends"

This is pretty accurate. I mean, I wouldn't say I have anxiety, but I do get nervous in some situations. The trick would just be to never let it show, unless that's what you want.

A while back I got in a fight with some crazy starfish teacher at my school who was screaming that if I didn't sit down he would call security, and I yelled for him to do it. I wasn't nervous at all when it happened, but when I was meeting with some teachers the next day in the office about it, I was insanely anxious. What I said in there would determine whether I left with them agreeing, or got suspended. My heart would beat so loudly that it was honestly as loud as my own voice from within my head. The trick was just to act completely calm, as though I had done nothing wrong and thus was not worried--and that really should've been the case. So you just force yourself to sit there and talk and be confident when all you really want to do is get the hell out. If you can keep it up, it will eventually be true, at least in part.

why wouldn't you sit down tho

It's a pretty long story, but I guess I should put it in writing somewhere, as it was pretty awesome. basically we had a double-session class with a sub math teacher and the class was just awful. Nobody finished their work, which was this extremely long packet, except for this one quiet dude I didn't even know. One dude literally got arrested that day cause he was selling weed in the back of the class. So we had students yelling, fighting, selling weed, and it was all-around commotion. He didn't seem to care at all, which I guess is fine, but don't act like you tried.

He kept coming up to this one dude next to me (I didn't know him) who was literally the best person in the class, and just harassing them. Idk if he had something against that guy or what. First he kept telling him to stop talking when he barely spoke at all, esp compared to the rest of the class, and then he asked to see his work, and then he came back to keep looking over his shoulder. Then the dude checked his cellphone and the teach ran out to snatch it up (I was literally on my cellphone and I almost handed it to the teach cause I expected him to take mine too) even though the whole class was on their phones. So now I'm kinda getting pissed, and I think this is pretty ridiculous. I feel really bad for the dude. Anyway, the teacher comes over and starts asking him if he has his student ID on him, and he's like "no" because nobody keeps that stuff. So the teacher yells at him for not having it and he sends him out to his locker to get it, so that he can confirm that this dudes name was Cody, because he said he couldn't trust him not to lie about his name. So I turn around and tell Cody that if the dude comes over again I'm gonna go talk to him, because I'm getting really pissed by this dude basically harassing the student. The teacher comes over again to 'check on his work' and upon seeing that he's done, he takes up the dude's paper randomly, writes some stuff on it, and then puts in a special folder. What the hell?

So that was pretty much the last straw, and I went up to talk to the sub. I wasn't sure if he had the guy behind me in some other class where he was awful or something, but regardless, his behavior was not okay. So I wasn't even rude, I can remember exactly what I said. "Hey, you know, I saw you were kinda getting onto X. Of everyone here, he's the only one who finished his work. He's been really---" and the dude cuts me off by SLAMMING HIS FISTS ON THE DESK LIKE A GORILLA. He then asks "Did I ask for you to speak?!" which seriously pissed me off. I remembered I almost had to grab the desk because I felt his wave of rage just run up my body. So I say "No," pretty quietly. And the sub yells "Then SIT! DOWN!" really goddamn loud, so the whole class goes quiet to face us. And I say "Dude, you've basically been harassing X this whole clas--" and he cuts me off with another "SIT DOWN!" and I say "No," pretty quietly, because I was honestly kinda intimidated (he was a big dude), but I felt like if I sat down now I would get nothing but stuff from the class and this teacher. Also, if he attacked me his ass was fired, so whatever. And he yells "Sit down now, or I'm going to call security back in here to take you out," and I say "Do it." pretty mad. As he stops to call the office and get security down there, I tell him that he's been harassing the only student in the whole class who's actually behaved, and that it doesn't matter if he had something bad happen before with this dude.

Anyway, the dude said "Stay here!" and left the room, I guess to wait at the door so he could lie to the security about what happened. The whole class was like "wow, forget that guy!" as soon as he stepped out the door lol, so I don't think I was alone in my anger. Anyway, class got released and as soon as I was alone (so that he could further intimidate me, I guess) he comes in with a bunch of teachers and security guards so they can circle around me and ask me why I would be so rude to this teacher who tells his bullstuff romanticized version of what happened.

jesus christ

did you kill him

never saw the sub again. idk if he still teaches here.

i'm pretty sure they called in some other students from the class who all said the dude was a crazy starfish, because when i went in they seemed to very readily believe my story. nothing happened lol, they just said not to do it again

and the dude cuts me off by SLAMMING HIS FISTS ON THE DESK LIKE A GORILLA.
I didn't realize harambe was a substitute teacher

I didn't realize harambe was a substitute teacher
He was only mad because the kid resembled the actual kid that fell into his pen