Author Topic: Lord Tony® : Pumping out insane amounts of low effort / low quality topics.  (Read 11307 times)

Both parties need to be BoS. Tony is practically Taboo status at this point. He's been banned countless times for the same stuff, and so has Path. They're nothing more than nuisances stirring stuff up and to be completely honest with you, anyone genuinely defending either side can go as well.

People dont realize that literally every post Tony makes is some grasp at trying to offend/belittle or, as said above, stir stuff. He's been cancer to the forums since, what? 2007? Some people know better not to respond to Tony, but most of you still fall for it every loving time and all it does is stir. more. stuff. The worst part is that he's not even an objectively "good" troll. But yet he still somehow manages to rustle your jimmies all the same.

Drama is okay. Constant drama and pointless arguments that are the direct byproduct of trolling gets really loving old and its annoying as all hell, especially when its consistent and all over off-topic.
still relevant

tony makes the forums more entertaining end of story

tony makes the forums more entertaining end of story

There's already a good amount of entertainment over at Off-Topic or the Forum Games. End of argument.

There's already a good amount of entertainment over at Off-Topic or the Forum Games. End of argument.

forum games is for friends. thats why the section was made, to filter out your bullstuff from the real discussions lol.

lord tony is a horrible problem user
he's literally the cancer on the forums
he spreads everywhere and gets more people to turn into cancer and follow him around
he has mastered the art of topic derailment and attentionwhores everything he sees

i frankly don't understand why he isn't ban on sight

I've made a mistake entering drama haven't I

no actually you did pretty good

He has had 10 accounts, atleast, over the span of 10 years. They all get banned for the same thing, trolling.
He has been doing this almost uninterrupted for roughly a decade.

If you want a precedent for a similar BoS, there is Taboo, who had maybe 6 accounts or so, and was banned for flaming/constantly arguing over the course of about 6 years.
Taboo was made BoS for this.

The big differences between the two is that Taboo hardly trolled, he just argued and got rude. Taboo didn't make several topics everyday just to continue arguing. Taboo didn't start stuff-smearing campaigns against people he disliked. Taboo didn't try to provoke users into confrontation by changing to their avatar or adding them to a public list. Taboo didn't get his cronies to pick on his enemies on his behalf. Taboo didn't generate 5+ Drama topics regarding himself/his clan/his enemies every single month.

If Taboo was justifiably made BoS for being a repeat nuisance (which he was), without doing 1/4 the stuff Tony does, then it is entirely justifiable that Tony should be made BoS as well.
Both parties need to be BoS. Tony is practically Taboo status at this point. He's been banned countless times for the same stuff, and so has Path. They're nothing more than nuisances stirring stuff up and to be completely honest with you, anyone genuinely defending either side can go as well.

People dont realize that literally every post Tony makes is some grasp at trying to offend/belittle or, as said above, stir stuff. He's been cancer to the forums since, what? 2007? Some people know better not to respond to Tony, but most of you still fall for it every loving time and all it does is stir. more. stuff. The worst part is that he's not even an objectively "good" troll. But yet he still somehow manages to rustle your jimmies all the same.

Drama is okay. Constant drama and pointless arguments that are the direct byproduct of trolling gets really loving old and its annoying as all hell, especially when its consistent and all over off-topic.
lord tony is a horrible problem user
he's literally the cancer on the forums
he spreads everywhere and gets more people to turn into cancer and follow him around
he has mastered the art of topic derailment and attentionwhores everything he sees

i frankly don't understand why he isn't ban on sight

Executive Order against Lord Tony when?

i've been wanting to make this thread for ages, i'm sick of tony posting news topics, giving very little information and never including a source.
he posts over 35 times a loving day, that's beyond not healthy.

loving hell, 11,000 posts in just under one year, does he do anything else in his life other than stuffpost?
i've been on these forums for 5 years and i still have not reached the 10,000 milestone.

we also cannot forget about his clan, "the harvest", which has been a problem since day loving one.
it's a drama magnet, much like the nigerian cunts were, but the nigerian cunts were deleted after a community uproar.
the harvest though? nope that's gotta stay because who knows.

every "news" topic tony creates is either about politics, feminism, adult swim, BLM or some other bullstuff he pulls out of his ass, and they're all designed to get a reaction.
lets not also forget how he double posts or triple posts because he's too lazy to hit the edit button.
how the forget has this guy not been banned yet?

you know, there's a point to the statement that lord tony makes things interesting

before he came back i noticed the forums were rather quiet and boring to browse, even off topic. now that he's here you can depend on some quality stuffpost and arguments to read every single day.

i don't particularly like or hate him, but he just makes the community that much more interesting and as a result i tolerate him and his wayward opinions.

Guess we'll have to start making the forums interesting without Tony then.

loving hell, 11,000 posts in just under one year, does he do anything else in his life other than stuffpost?
i've been on these forums for 5 years and i still have not reached the 10,000 milestone.

He double (sometimes triple) posts, even in subforums where editing IS allowed, and gets away with it scot-free.

Divide his apparent number of posts with 2 and you have his real post number (~6k as of this post)

Needs to be ban on sight.

you know, there's a point to the statement that lord tony makes things interesting

before he came back i noticed the forums were rather quiet and boring to browse, even off topic. now that he's here you can depend on some quality stuffpost and arguments to read every single day.

i don't particularly like or hate him, but he just makes the community that much more interesting and as a result i tolerate him and his wayward opinions.
But before Tony came back, we had Taboo who was much more tolerable