Author Topic: "james schneider" sends me gay research over PM  (Read 14599 times)

welp, there goes a possible evidence
but wait, thing is im online, and if the fake was offline at the time
wait a sec

welp, there goes a possible evidence
but wait, thing is im online, and if the fake was offline at the time
wait a sec

if you remove him you go offline for him

and since his @ box is gone you clearly removed him or blocked him

if you remove him you go offline for him

and since his @ box is gone you clearly removed him or blocked him
oh, forgot about what was said in that post
never mind then

I like how some of the forum jizz oozes out of the woodwork whenever their buddies are in trouble

ITT: cigarettes arguing over who is the bigger cigarette with a cigarettegy group of friends... Buncha cigarettes

this was before he spammed the bots
i regret the stuff i did in entropia

there's a hole in the man's balls

ITT: cigarettes arguing over who is the bigger cigarette with a cigarettegy group of friends... Buncha cigarettes

That's a lot of cigarettes

Note: The user doesn't have to close the DM to not receive the message, they just have to not be in any servers with them.

No roles? The hangup icon in the bottom left of the first image? This was all done in a server.

No roles? The hangup icon in the bottom left of the first image? This was all done in a server.

if you're in a dm screen while in vc in a server it still shows call info in the bottom left lol

if you're in a dm screen while in vc in a server it still shows call info in the bottom left lol
Ah, yea thanks, still suspicious about the roles part though

after talking for a bit with multiple people i consider it best advised not to point any fingers at both zapk and kidalex / queeba

let's just ignore that honno's been reported to use digitalocean in the past for hosting
i gave him a 50$ credit for digitalocean as well back in the entropia discord days

chances are that it's leaning towards honno/zapk