Author Topic: [NEWS] Lord Tony needs help getting to Georgia!  (Read 15722 times)

trust me, the forum wants you gone more than it wants tony gone
do not make assumptions

Also, can we focus for a moment on what a raging starfish Nick is? I'd honestly probably drama him if he didn't already gotten so unnecessarily wrecked in the 300 page monstrosity a while back. (Which I defended him in, by the way...)

literally a few excerpts from his last 15 posts:
Lmao idk what's funnier the way you look or the way you take everything super seriously
ehhh at this point we know he actually has at least one severe mental disorder so I wouldn't donate to anything less than a Self Delete fund
Are you going to throw a hissy fit when people don't wanna be in the new harvest you pathetic manchild
Honestly i'm actually curious how pathetic you could possibly be? Let's do a little tally
1. You're not an attractive person by any means
2. You're definitely not funny
3. You have no income
4. You have very little actual friends
5. You're existence thrives off being a negative source of attention
How about instead you start a gofundme to end your life tony. Seriously lol
Tempted to donate and charge it back
We don't want you here and you should really just quit now.
Why would people pray in a road. Run them the forget over

You insulted someone who gave you good advice. You must feel real badass.
I would argue you stated extremely common knowledge and didn't provide one piece of useful information in regard to my joke about falsely donating to tony's "beg kids for money" campaign. But no you're right zealot please educate my small and feeble mind, fill me with that big bundle of knowledge you have

jesus those are all solid posts forget ya
« Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 02:34:24 PM by Nickpb 4.0 »

Nick, just stop now. I don't think anyone here is on your side and this is honestly embarrassing.

Nick, just stop now. I don't think anyone here is on your side and this is honestly embarrassing.
What sides are you talking about?

Nick when are we gonna get some kinky time :(

Nick, just stop now. I don't think anyone here is on your side and this is honestly embarrassing.

Nick, just stop now. I don't think anyone here is on your side and this is honestly embarrassing.
just because nick's being an 'starfish' to tony doesn't mean he's wrong, dunno why you even think that

I never said he was wrong. Nobody agrees with Tony--but making a list where you tell him to kill himself before saying he has no friends and calling him ugly is completely uncalled for. Nick's an starfish desperate to take out his anger on anyone he can find, and it honestly sounds like serious insecurity.

No matter how much I disagree with Nick, I'm not gonna call him an ugly friendless loser and tell him to kill himself. It's a shame he can't do the same.

*shrug* I'm sorry I said that to you tbh was a low jab and uncalled for.

However tony really should just kill himself he's proven time and time again he is actually a hindrance to society and social progress. You can disagree with that but you can't argue that something of value would be lost if he did

Lol I've worked in multiple auto shops and harsher words get thrown around constantly and everyone is able to take it and laugh it off, tony is 26 years old he should be able to take a few ugly words over the internet.

*shrug* I'm sorry I said that to you tbh was a low jab and uncalled for.

However tony really should just kill himself he's proven time and time again he is actually a hindrance to society and social progress. You can disagree with that but you can't argue that something of value would be lost if he did
seriously, he's wasting my tax money with all that unemployment he's collecting

It's not even that but even his thoughts and ideals are loving idiotic. Life isn't sacred esp not one that is so filled with misinformation and bigotry. All my bigotry and such on here is a halfassed joke where as tony has actually demonstrated his forgeted social views lol

Did Zealot seriously just hijack this thread to go on a tirade? Lmfao, chill the forget out brother.