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Author Topic: Post 3D models here!  (Read 72509 times)

I saw people do it, I'm just wondering what technique they are using.

I'm sure there are tutorials out there detailing how, possibly a documentation?
3DS Max is pretty much good for everything, as long as you understand the interface.

I never ever found a tutorial I liked so every thing I know about 3ds max 8 I taught my self (took forever to find the proper flatshadeing technique)

How do you flatshade?
I'm just starting to learn 3DS Max, I was thinking about using Milkshape to flatshade.

I think if you convert it to a editable mesh then click on the "+" to bring out the options then chose "face" then select them all and scroll down till you see the button that says clear all (hard to see it is next to "auto smoth") and hit it (with all the faces selected) it should flatshade it (but I am not sure if that is the right way and I may be wrong and that might be smooth shadeing  cause I'm not sure if I taught my self right).

Never mind I just read rentafence's and it seems I was close but off....

you're both wrong, the easiest way to completely flat shade something in 3ds max is to select all the faces, put 1 in the box next to Auto Smooth like in rentafence's screenshot and then click auto smooth.  If you want certain areas to be smoothed together you can put a larger angle in the box.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 10:53:27 PM by Kaje »

How am I wrong? My method is completely valid. Both my way and your way accomplish the same thing. The only difference is I manually remove shading while you use the autosmooth tool, which rarely works correctly. It's best to do smoothing manually using individual groups.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 11:52:55 PM by rentafence »

autosmooth always works if you know what you are doing. 

No. Incorrect. Autosmooth will always smooth faces who are within the set angle you enter. It just doesn't work properly on a more complex model.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 12:03:21 AM by rentafence »

anyway, here is a vehicle I am working on for v9

Can you say "Kaje's best model ever!"?

holy stuff kaje youve outdone yourself this time

Kaje's best model ever!