Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 132205 times)

       Aurum is this industrial and financial capital of the world, and to many of its millions of inhabitants, the poverty capital of the world. This is the year 2133, the world is awash with cut-throat capitalism and economic disparity. Over half a century ago, industrial automation began spilling into the service sector of the economy, putting millions out of work and making the labor of billions obsolete.

       Within the last half-century, and in more recent decades, humans made the jump to becoming machines themselves. Implants, advanced prosthesis, body modifications and augments became available to a wide population, more than just the super-rich and military forces that once were the only markets. The world is in the midst of a cybernetic revolution. In order to move up in the world, or even keep up with it, one was left with little option but to become more machine, and less human. The advance of technology demanded that all, even the poor, needed augmentation. Whatever your need, whatever your reason, you chose, or were forced to improve yourself with body modifications. The poor demanded augmentation, and hack-job 'doctors' supplied.

       Fate ordained this event tonight, as you and a group of those like you, ailing from the maladies caused by your black market implants, have come together to exact revenge on the man who has sickened you gravely, and hopefully learn enough to cure your sicknesses and injuries or at least live the rest of your days in relative peace. Tonight, you kill the Doctor.

       The gang received an anonymous tip leading them to a particular building—in which the Doctor had been operating. Either Elena or Norum brought you here, to end your vendettas quickly.  What is known is that he may have some protection inside. It is night in the west side of Hanley Park, and it is raining lightly. Elena and Norum are next to the front door. The building is a poor and dreary state; one might think that is was unused judging by the buildings around it. There are two windows, each on either side of the door. The blinds are sealed on the windows but there is a light inside.

       There is little cover on the street, or on the sidewalk and Elena and Norum are preparing to go in, as per the plan. The building's front wall is probably the best cover.

       "Get ready and tell me when," Elena addresses the group.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 10:53:45 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Norum looks to Elena and nods silently, lowering himself to the ground and raising his right leg to the door.

He grips his pistol in his hand and focuses in on the door.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 10:54:13 PM by SWAT One »

Ryde leans next to the door on its right side, with his pistol at the ready. He then nods to Elena.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 10:57:20 PM by Agent Legit 22 »

Rog examines the immediate surroundings.

Jae fiddles with his throat augmentation, ready to tune it to any fallen gangmember's voice.

Rog examines the immediate surroundings.

Elena and Norum are up against the building, as well as Ryde. There are adjacent buildings that look awfully abandonded and in very poor condition, some are boarded up.

There are windows on the target building that are large enough for a man to make an entrance, and in the condition they're in, they'd be easy to break through.

Not too late to back out - death might not even be that painful. Could probably even convince myself it's for the best if I took long enough. Better than living with this - or bleeding to death from a hollow-point through the gut.
Zhang stares at a small crack in the opposite wall as everybody takes their positions, apparently enamored by the minor detail.
Not cut out for this. This isn't you. You're supposed to be living a cozy deal-maker's life in a nice posh apartment, maybe even scored the income for a little flat in Providence. Not this.
Her stupor is ended once Elena speaks up. Lacing her hands together, Zhang stretches her arms out and exhales.
Stupid. So stupid.
She pats herself down, making sure all of her equipment is in order, before drawing her handgun and running through the standard checks with nervous hands.

Elena and Norum are up against the building, as well as Ryde. There are adjacent buildings that look awfully abandonded and in very poor condition, some are boarded up.

There are windows on the target building that are large enough for a man to make an entrance, and in the condition they're in, they'd be easy to break through.
Rog yawns and places himself against the wall on the other side of Elena.
"Ready when you are."

Name: David Fey
Age: 19
Physical Description: Scrawny male, white, but otherwise disheveled. Dirty black hair.
Quote from: Inventory
Pockets: $200 ARD, small first aid kit
Weapons: Small fixed-blade knife
Hands: Gloves
Body Modification: His hands are just a little bit more prehensile than your average person's, capable of bending at seemingly unnatural angles to do whatever he needs them to do, ranging anywhere from fixing wounds to picking pockets to making wounds. The problem is, he completely loses control of them when exposed to any amount of water. They begin to contort beyond his control, rendering them useless.
Short backstory: David grew up on the streets, stealing and fighting his way through life. He eventually managed to make his way to the doctor, and with a substantial amount of stolen money, paid for hands to enable him to pick pockets better. He discovered the flaw with his hands after standing out in the rain and finding himself unable to control them.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 10:55:28 AM by Gojira »

Mission Theme

Elena unlocks the safety on her gun, and nods to Norum.

"Go," she says.

Norum rocks backwards, and kicks the door. It comes open and the impact sounds not unlike a gunshot. Inside there are two goons sitting at a cards table, stunned by the violent entry. One has his back to the door, and is falling out of his seat. The other is flips the cards table over and gets in to cover, tucking himself behind the large round table.

"The forget?!" one of them yells.

There are more yells from a hall that leads to another room.

Despite the walls being the safest shooting positions, Elena and Norum advance inside and take cover behind furniture in a living room setting.

Elena takes a shot with her pistol at the hapless thug on the floor.

1d6 - 1 Body + 0 Shooting
4 - 1 Body = Lead 3
Lead 3 - Thug 1 Defense 3
Result: Hit, Lead +2 Damage
2 Damage - 0 Resist
Thug takes 2 Damage
29/30 Rounds Remain

The thug takes a hit, but not enough of one to put him down.

The first room is a living room setting with furniture providing plentiful cover.
Elena and Norum are in the building in cover behind furniture, conferring +1 to defense.
Thug 1 is hapless.
Thug 2 is in All-Out Defense, conferring a bonus of +2 to his defense stat, behind the table.

Elena, Norum, Thug 2, are at full health.
Thug 1 is has 1/3HP remaining.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 01:04:49 AM by Mr. Hurricane »

Zhang nearly drops her pistol at the sound of the door being kicked in. Hissing curses through her teeth, she quickly scrambles to the heaviest cover close to her, peeking out from behind it and catching a glimpse of a bullet embedding itself into a thug. It doesn't take her long to duck back into cover with a hand clamped over her mouth, blood drained from her face.

Norum tries to peer around the furniture to see if Thug 2 has any limbs sticking out and tries to fire 3 rounds through the table near perceived center of mass before ducking back behind the furniture.

He tries to get a quick look at his surroundings from behind the couch.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 12:30:43 AM by SWAT One »

Jae keeps his hands firm over the 159, crouch-running towards the nearest covering furniture.

Rog attempts to tear the now opened door off its hinges and hold it between the goons and himself.

Ryde leans so his upper-body may be visible in the doorway. He then fires at the only visible goon in an intent to kill him.