Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 132049 times)

Norum looks on in the most puzzled look and begins to lower his hands as he sees the problem seemingly magically diffuse.
"The hell is–"
Norum looks around him to see the mooks also quite confused. Some of them look a each other and ask questions.

"Ryde, the forget is going on?" Norum asks, struggling to see around him in detail.
"How the forget am I supposed to know?", Ryde shifts his head to Norum to look at him, shrugging.

Rog thinks about it for a few seconds, then loses his train of thought to exhaustion, then thinks about it again.
"Fine. But you'd better be right, or I'm gonna rearrange your face to look like that."
He points to the victim of the elbow drop.

Zhang nods solemnly. She takes a deep breath and straightens herself out, partially steadying herself on the couch with one hand. Her pulse pounds in her head. That's done. My heart is going to explode and kill me, but that's done at least. And now the night-

Xang is outside, on the phone, seemingly very annoyed. He puts his phone down and enters the house.

"Since you neglected to answer my question earlier Miss Rong, I'll hazard a guess, you are here for the surgeon,"

-drags on. Motherforgeter.
Zhang forces her face into a calm mask to hide her nerves. Watching Xang's face, she tries to draw on what she knows about people like him.
"You seem like a smart man, I'm certain you've drawn your own conclusions."

"I'm sure I've drawn the conclusion. The surgeon who was here said he's cancelling his contract, which means I've been shorted. I have his deposit, but he owed me a lot more. I'll cut you a deal, take your people and bust up those storefronts. It shouldn't be hard, and there shouldn't be cops, they don't have the resources to be there. You owe me that much, and I'll give you a cut of the deposit. If I hear anything about him, I might just turn it over to you lot, since that's your goal, no?"

Zhang watches him for the slightest sign of dishonesty. Despite this, she nods. "Fair enough." She suppresses a shudder as she does so. Zhang exits the building, with Rog following soon after.

Zhang doesn't detect that Xang is lying. Jackson follows the group out of the door keeping a distance between himself and Rog.

The group that is going to help Xang allowed into the van. The van's interior is dark, and it was not meant for transporting people. Along each wall is a bench that was added sometime after the van was purchased. There is a metal wall between the cabin and where you are sitting. Those of you going are briefed by Jackson.

"Boss wants me to take you to vandalize some shops in Hanley. There shouldn't be police, and if there are, they won't be equipped to deal with me or the other guy with us. Hell the reason we operate there is because the police in Hanley cannot guarantee protection. Anyway, the business side of it should take less than half an hour. We've got equipment up front. Got it?"
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 09:26:15 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Norum raises his hand silently to get Marcus's attention, then lowers it when Marcus sees.
"Can we maybe do a bit of shopping while on the job?"

Norum raises his hand silently to get Marcus's attention, then lowers it when Marcus sees.
"Can we maybe do a bit of shopping while on the job?"

"Small stuff, sure. We won't have room for anything big and sometimes the big stuff can have tracking devices in it. Some of the buildings have protection measures, may or may not be hard to get into them. We do have bolt cutters, and a hand torch. Also, don't catch the buildings on fire,"

He lifts a duffle bag into the back of the van.

"Here's some balaclavas. There are also some contact lenses and mouthpieces or cotton swabs. The contact lenses prevent the cameras from cameras from getting a shot of your irises if you happen to get close to one and look at it. They also forget with the camera's ability to get a shot of your face. The mouth pieces and cotton swabs are for distorting voices to throw off any sort of voice recognition systems that may be in there. Use all this stuff, or else when you go in, they'll get a shot of your face, your eyes, and your voice, and that'll all be stored or sent to the police, who will have it in a database. Don't worry about them being clean. I cleaned them, because this other idiots can't be trusted to do it right. Do you understand that?"

Norum smiles devilishly, "Excellent!" and listens to Marcus's instructions.

"I might also have something that could help."he said, reaching into his bag, digging about and withdrawing his AA Screwdriver.  "I modded it a bit to forget with small electronics."

Ryde takes the items, and prepares them for later. He holds onto the bench as the car rocks around the street.

"We won't need those cotton swabs and mouthpieces if.." he changes his voice-- "we already can do it ourselves, right?"

Norum accepts the items and begins to store them in pockets, his bag, or anywhere here they would be appropriately stored.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 02:01:07 AM by SWAT One »

"We won't need those cotton swabs and mouthpieces if.." he changes his voice-- "we already can do it ourselves, right?"

Marcus looks at you curiously.

"I suppose not. Don't use your day-to-day voice then,"

He looks to the bag on the floor briefly before addressing the group.

"That should be everything. We'll work out rides wherever once we're done,"

He shuts the door to the back of the van, and the group is left only with what little light is coming through the caged and darkened windows on the doors. The van rocks briefly, and takes off quietly for your destination.

Elena and Zhang head down to another Anglers safehouse for the time being. Elena is still holding her right hand close to her body.

"Since nobody else is going to ask, I will: Why are we doing this?"

Ryde awaits silently for our arrival at the location.