Author Topic: Thot Patrol Drama 2: Edd  (Read 17425 times)

maxx has redeemed himself months ago
cuz ur handicapped lol
What's so hard about taking 2 L's your clan can't handle? If you never cared and you act like you're some superior being who is above clan drama because it's "pusillanimous individual stuff", you would have just never posted and accepted your losses.

jesus christ there's no reason to drama because of edd not admitting to losing

like yeah it's a stuffty thing to do but he's not really doing anything malicious, just being a simple sore loser

this is genuinely handicapped

seriously, a drama over a duel? edd is just being a sore loser, get the forget over it
there is literally no reason to start a big stufffest because someone doesn't admit to losing
jesus christ there's no reason to drama because of edd not admitting to losing

like yeah it's a stuffty thing to do but he's not really doing anything malicious, just being a simple sore loser
Post something different please

hire a hitman and settle the score, d. my guy is booked on edd, you go for the others..

hire a hitman and settle the score, d. my guy is booked on edd, you go for the others..
Contributive posting

d just give up already holy forget

Post something different please
i guess rewording my posts aren't going to make what i'm saying get through to your thick ass skull

d just give up already holy forget
I'm not standing for this cheating. They lost twice, they never mentioned it once.

I'm not standing for this cheating. They lost twice, they never mentioned it once.

what the forget are you trying to accomplish by pushing this stuff?

what the forget are you trying to accomplish by pushing this stuff?
A rematch.

what is thot patrol, is it some kinda gay get together club for pesudo-batmans?

What I don't get is how anyone loses to a guy who runs a "clan" of like two people which is just a meme about weed. What the hell does marijuana marauders even do besides cry about thot patrol?

What I don't get is how anyone loses to a guy who runs a "clan" of like two people which is just a meme about weed. What the hell does marijuana marauders even do besides cry about thot patrol?
friday night is taco tuesday

A rematch.
holy stuff how are you going to get a rematch by doing a drama that isn't going to help