
Which one is the worst political party?

73 (49.3%)
national socialists
75 (50.7%)

Total Members Voted: 148

Author Topic: Is Communism the worst? Or national socialistsm is the worst?  (Read 17511 times)

They're both horrible, but communism is definitely worse, if we are going by mere death tolls as a result of its practice. 60+ million dead under communist dictatorships worldwide vs <10 million dead under national socialistsm. Wouldn't want to be in either situation.

I mean national socialist's atlast had good fashion sense.
Communists are embarrassing to look at... but that has nothing to do with their stuff fashion.

they have good hats tho

technically national socalism could probably support it self better, but in practice that doesnt seem to be the case

both of them are extremely handicapped and dangerous in their own ways that has dented astounding numbers in our population and there should be no argument otherwise

Finding waldo would definitely be hard in either a communist or national socialist country cause they both use a lot of red

more than 200,000,000 people have died directly or indirectly by capitalism. Capitalism is the worst of them all?

Inb4 people call me commie scum: the point is that the death tolls dont really matter for many reasons but what is clearly discernible is that national socialistsm is extremely evil, horrible and unethical compared to communism if we’re looking at core ideologies

Inb4 people call me commie scum
Khaz is commie scum, confirmed.

When China turned communist, Mao Zedong killed over 90 million innocent people from what I have read. Mao Zedong is the real devil to ever live, he's killed more people than Riddler and Stalin combined

Mao was a skilled general though. Won against all odds.

I would actually respect him if the death toll was intentional. But no it was just plain stupidity.

When China turned communist, Mao Zedong killed over 90 million innocent people from what I have read. Mao Zedong is the real devil to ever live, he's killed more people than Riddler and Stalin combined

any branch belief of communism such as maoism or stalinism will kill a lot of people and make a fool out of itself because of the underestimation for human greed, but their sole purpose isn't to do it out of evil, since literally the base idea is "share the wealth" and "work hard", which idealistically is what people wanted back then. communism is basically broken because of greed unlike a dictatorship/fascist state where they do multiple choices out of spite and "evil".

When China turned communist, Mao Zedong killed over 90 million innocent people from what I have read. Mao Zedong is the real devil to ever live, he's killed more people than Riddler and Stalin combined
Estimates have Stalin at over 100 million

When China turned communist, Mao Zedong killed over 90 million innocent people from what I have read. Mao Zedong is the real devil to ever live, he's killed more people than Riddler and Stalin combined

hurr but people have died under captalism too