Author Topic: what grinds your gears - too small to make a drama on  (Read 88188 times)

the fact you keep responding trying to make it look like you were just joking all along is pathetic.

I legitimately can't tell if you're loving with me or not when you resort to dumb posts like this instead of having an actual conversation with me:
You're trying way too hard lmao
Hard no, try again

It's hard to take it seriously when you come out the gate calling me a dumbass, but I digress, if you want to have a decent conversation, I'm all for it, but do me a favor and take the weird unbridled rage against everything Thot Patrol out of it. Responding to stuffposting with stuffposting seems to be the only way to get you to the point where you start making actual arguments.

stop derailing the thread. if you already got a few pages for him. read the title of this thread and tell me if he's "too small to make a drama on"

I legitimately can't tell if you're loving with me or not when you resort to dumb posts like this instead of having an actual conversation with me

For everyone clicking latest page and doesn't wonder wtf he's talking about, his first post was
Hey I'm not the one brown townyzing a single stuffpost and trying to read out their entire loving personality back to them using it, big dumb head stupid poo poo face.

Is my mistake not taking you seriously? It's hard getting a good read on when to be serious with your post-irony stuff. That's your fault, not mine. Been there done that, you and your idiot friends just start stuffposting if you feel like the tides are against you.

missed this
do me a favor and take the weird unbridled rage against everything Thot Patrol out of it.

Is this you stuffposting again or do you actually believe this?

Rally wants to both be taken seriously and not seriously

Schrodinger's stuffposter

You're quoting the post but not actually explaining the problem you have with it, you're just accusing me of "irony" or something, which packs virtually 0 punch because you accuse everyone of this.

you're just accusing me of "irony" or something

Please tell me you're just stuffposting lmfao

Dude... I was just being.... Ironic......

Please tell me you're just stuffposting lmfao

Is this the part where I say "Guess he's all out, folks!"? If you have a loving argument make it already lol

It's so sad when a thot patroller posts alone smh...

Is this the part where I say "Guess he's all out, folks!"? If you have a loving argument make it already lol

Since you're not getting it, I'm not going to make an argument. It's on me to tell if you're being genuine or being ironic, and I'm just going to assume the latter and not put any effort into responding to you. This is not my failing, this is yours. If you wanted to be taken seriously, you should have really thought about the tone of your post when you originally posted it.

But watch as you just respond saying some ironic stuff thinking you pulled a fast one on me for making me think you were being genuine. Silly me!

Are you convincing yourself with this stuff or do you honestly believe everyone is dumb enough to go with this?

This is pure damage control and the fact you keep responding trying to make it look like you were just joking all along is pathetic.
For everyone clicking latest page and doesn't wonder wtf he's talking about, his first post was
Is my mistake not taking you seriously? It's hard getting a good read on when to be serious with your post-irony stuff. That's your fault, not mine. Been there done that, you and your idiot friends just start stuffposting if you feel like the tides are against you.
missed this
Is this you stuffposting again or do you actually believe this?
Rally wants to both be taken seriously and not seriously

Schrodinger's stuffposter
Please tell me you're just stuffposting lmfao
Dude... I was just being.... Ironic......
It's so sad when a thot patroller posts alone smh...
Since you're not getting it, I'm not going to make an argument. It's on me to tell if you're being genuine or being ironic, and I'm just going to assume the latter and not put any effort into responding to you. This is not my failing, this is yours. If you wanted to be taken seriously, you should have really thought about the tone of your post when you originally posted it.

But watch as you just respond saying some ironic stuff thinking you pulled a fast one on me for making me think you were being genuine. Silly me!

It's really not that complicated but whatever man

It's so sad when a thot patroller posts alone smh...

*ktssscht* Thot Patrol HQ this is Rally requesting backup over *ktssscht*

gay handicaps fighting

can u do nothing but bait people like a little attention depraved child

Dude... I was just being.... Ironic......

ah yes, radical centrist nix here to save the day

it just keeps happening