Author Topic: Delta Bot & Panpour5's CRPG  (Read 15411 times)

honestly jailing is an autistic concept without any feature or attempt at allowing escapes

The only fun in the game could easily be isolated into a superior and less flawed gamemode, but people like you desensitize everyone to stuffty gameplay and set the standard of gamemodes lower. As a result, nobody improves it and all your left with is one giant flawed server and other servers with potential aren't even looked twice upon.
I don't see you attempting to change that so all I see is you complaining about a gamemode you don't like. Stop derailing the thread please.

phantos does have a point crpg is pretty forgetin boring

I'm going to start out by saying this: shut the forget up.

1) yes as elitist as it sounds, anyone who follows something because it's popular and can't even explain why they enjoy it besides 'im bored' is pretty braindead. I haven't played your server in years, but if I remember it how it used to be, terrible shop system that gives regulars an unfair advantage over new players, a simple map built in possibly an hour or two, a few admins abusing speeddig. I'll give credit it definitely set the bar for trench servers until scenery's came along. If you can call me an elitist or starfish for critiquing your and others servers, I can call players who take solace in the same terrible servers braindead idiots.

How about you just admit your brain is unable to process the fact that people have different tastes, and it does not mean they are braindead. If anyone here is braindead it would be you.

2) your points are perfectly valid. I just found it ironic, that's all. A little ad hominem never hurt anyone, especially not the kid that spent over $300 on a virtual Lego game lol.

Lmfao, people who think I spent more than $50 on keys is stupid or living under a rock. Back in 2013(?) I admited that I never spent a dime on alts back then, literally people would just let me use their keys for making forum accounts. I was banned and revoked for it. Ever since I have only bought a handful from the $5 sales.

3) I've hosted many servers before, they were all flawed in various ways as is natural with life. Instead of telling people to shut the forget up, I listened to their critiques which improved my servers. You probably don't see me hosting right now because I focus on more meaningful things, taking the good game design tips I've received over the years and building actual games out of them, instead of cheaping out on grindy mechanics to slightly entertain a bored audience.

Can't wait to see your perfectly executed server in the future.

4) ok I agree, city rpg is a pretty high maintenance gamemode. it's pretty much built around making sure players don't have too much fun. If they do then it's either an arbitrary 25 minute jailing or a lengthy ban of some sort. At least the game does half of the work for you
Even if the game is stuff, ok, make another post about it. Do not derail a persons thread over repeative things. It's one thing to critisize something and another to bash it, as you are doing. Leave the thread alone so discussion can take place and other people can be heard.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 12:44:19 AM by Clear Glass »

PhantOS, loving leave. You've already forgeted over this thread like the other ones you've done this bullstuff to. Sure, you hate it, no stuff, that isn't an excuse to loving milk this bullstuff for 4 pages. Honestly, click the loving Log Out button.

Even if the game is stuff, ok, make another post about it. Do not derail a persons thread over repeative things. It's one thing to critisize something and another to bash it, as you are doing. Leave the thread alone so discussion can take place and other people can be heard.
It's entirely on-topic. As long as the server is using cityrpg then all the problems i explained are still there. Everything i said is relevant to every city rpg server to ever exist because they're all the same except for the map and the administration. And no, i haven't been bashing anything. You started off your argument with "shut the forget up" and i started my argument with "here's what's wrong with the game" so if anything you're the one to talk.

This is an open discussion, not the 'shut up if i dont agree with you' stufffest youve tried to turn this into. Everything i've said pertains to the server and its gamemode

PhantOS, loving leave. You've already forgeted over this thread like the other ones you've done this bullstuff to. Sure, you hate it, no stuff, that isn't an excuse to loving milk this bullstuff for 4 pages. Honestly, click the loving Log Out button.
mmm grayons


Phant, you seem to be keen on addressing everyone here but me.

Why do you have to go on and on in my server thread having a huge argument? You've got a problem with City RPG, I know. It's definitely a flawed gamemode, and unpolished in a ton of places. We're working on it though, we improve it every day. Why can't you just start your own thread about it though? Or even just PM me, the only person that's going to make a change and implement it in the City RPG gamemode is me, so i'm not sure why you're yelling at everyone else about it anyway. My ears are always open. Please be constructive instead of using the construction tools to smash everything.

You're right, I'm definitely derailing your thread a bit. I apologize for my rude behavior

Phantos does have good points but ranting about every crpg should definitely be a topic instead

Someone should write how a cityrpg should be

City rpg can't exist in it's current form. A vast improvement in my mind would be a two teams base raiders where one team, criminals, decides where to plant drugs while police try to raid all the drugs.

Each criminal can place one drug lab, which is just a small 8x8 plate. Standing on the drug lab gives you money every second, and you can use the money to either barricade the building, buy better weapons, or bust teammates out of prison. Basically you'll respawn every ten seconds if you die as long as your drug lab exists, but if police manage to bust your drug lab, you are dead until a teammate can bust you out if they choose.

Police will start slightly more armed, and every time they bust a drug lab they earn a pool of money, which can be used to upgrade the arsenal. Whoever holds more drug labs by the end of a timer will win. So basically cops need to bust more than half of the criminals to win, while criminals need to defend half or more of the labs to win

This type of game will promote barricading, objective defense and teamwork as criminals pick strategic locations to build their lab and police coordinate raids. It incorporates some building as well as good use of money as a means to either support yourself or support your team. It's not an rpg in the sense that you can't roleplay certain jobs, or start a business, but I'm sure there could be criminal/police classes such as a trapper for criminals, who can set up booby traps, or maybe a breacher for police, who can break through structures. An economy could exist in some sense if you add specialized goods, like maybe whoever sets up a lab in the hospital can trade medicine with whoever sets up lab in the grenade building.

This concept would also solve the main issue with base raiders, which is that there's no end goal and anyone who joins early and has enough time to amass resources will dominate the game. In this concept there's a fair and neutral playing ground for both teams to advance and reach the objective, either solo or as a team.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 11:23:59 PM by PhantOS »

Can you just shut up and go forget off somewhere? Truthfully, nobody could give two forgets about what you think about CityRPG in this topic at this point. Nobody has made a decent brand new CityRPG in years anyway. Go make your own thread to complain about.

Burying this guy's thread with all your complaints is extremely unattractive to all sorts of visitors.

Truthfully, nobody could give two forgets about what you think about CityRPG
Someone should write how a cityrpg should be

Burying this guy's thread with all your complaints is extremely unattractive to all sorts of visitors.
I agree, and i apologize for complaining and targeting this server and making it unattractive. However the paragraph that i wrote that prompted your response 'Can you just shut the forget up and go forget off somewhere?' wasn't a complaint, it was a solution.

Can you just shut up and go forget off somewhere? Truthfully, nobody could give two forgets about what you think about CityRPG in this topic at this point. Nobody has made a decent brand new CityRPG in years anyway. Go make your own thread to complain about.

Burying this guy's thread with all your complaints is extremely unattractive to all sorts of visitors.

Phantos go be an elitist roostersucker somewhere else.


Phantos go be an elitist roostersucker somewhere else.
Someone should write how a cityrpg should be