
What do you think about transgenders?

They are sick and inhuman
They're fine. Let them be what they want
I dont know..
im neutral

Author Topic: Blf, what do you think about transgenders?  (Read 27109 times)

if the pusillanimous individual still wet then who cares if it used to be nut skin
you touch your own richard every day to piss, there shouldn't be any problem with touching a surgically inverted former-snake


I would have thought you'd feel empathetic instead of pitying them

lol @ the dude in the video

lol @ the dude in the video
which one? :cookieMonster:

In all seriousness though. I hope for the best of them. I can see the trouble in reaching out about coming to an understanding for both of them. One is left to their own assumptions and thoughts because of the other not speaking up. But how do you speak up about something when you feel so alone and scared?

they need to get help from the lord thats what i thin

not a problem as long as they don't force it among others especially children.

if you were born a boy, im calling you a boy
if you were born a girl, im calling you a girl
until you get some kind of surgery you're not getting any "preferred pronoun" stuff from me
then youre just an starfish

tbh i actually am sensible

Stephen Crowder, Milo Yiannopolous, and Ben Shapiro say they are bad so they're bad!

they're fine with me considering that fact that they don't affect me

I think they're fine;  but if they want to be called he instead of she, or vice versa, then they need to politely ask instead of demand to be addressed by those pronouns.  (To clarify, the last statement about politely asking is only intended for the type of transgender people that throw a tantrum or demand to be addressed a certain way instead of being civil and mature about it.) So if they ask politely, then i will be fine addressing them by what makes them comfortable.