
Which CRP server was the best?

Yorktown95 Mar 2012
Wink Jul 2012
Furdle Aug 2012
Jasa Feb 2013
Yorktown95 Jun 2013
Yorktown95 Apr 2014
CRP2 July 2019

Author Topic: CRP2 - Update Pg8  (Read 80111 times)

you can still have the add-on/whitelist thing, the orange name is just courtesy to say "hey you can't join"
Way to get butthurt over a joke.

the early joiners spent their bonus on real estate and latejoiners can't afford lots. the economy is in shambles

LOL imagine investing months of effort into your garbage server to have it be beaten by a trench wars
maybe dont make such a bad client :)

LOL imagine investing months of effort into your garbage server to have it be beaten by a trench wars
maybe dont make such a bad client :)
Imagine being pregnant for 9 months just to give birth to you.

Thanks for your helpful input. Me and the admin team will take into account all the key points you've brought up and use them to improve the server for the future.

appreicate it bro good love have fun

time-sensitive arguments

the early joiners spent their bonus on real estate and latejoiners can't afford lots. the economy is in shambles
I've been going through and manually cutting the prices of reserved lots in half.

someone can come at you with a knife and if you shoot them with an automatic weapon it leaves behind 80 bits of evidence that are impossible to clean up but if you get hit you get one shot

on the other side, killing someone with a car is not murder and you can do it as much as you want

i downloaded the client but i still can't join?

i downloaded the client but i still can't join?
I'll add you to the whitelist.