celau is a highly manipulative borderline sociopath/pathological liar/opportunistic brat who is insanely good at making friends with people only to vie for control and then have fits of antagonistic rage. considering that he's:
a) spammed gore on multiple occasions
b) allegedly been involved in server crashes/ddossing
c) vehemently sensible (and in general kinkshaming ironically considering he has some stealth raven furry special interest)
d) picked on and annoyed literally every single notable person in this community
this whole drama should be taken with less than a grain of salt.
all of the information on that document is either common knowledge or false assertions/slander. in the end it's just some teenager coming at a bunch of adults for their special interest (which they have every right to have regardless of personal opinions and bias). the claim that people own child research is almost entirely false and there's no definitive proof of that. the claim that people are child enthusiasts is also mostly false with the exception of the one dev that was already outed a while ago.
the claim that evar had been grooming people is really hard to believe. not because evar is a trustworthy person, but because celau is an entirely untrustworthy sociopath. if OP is celau then all of the messages with his name blacked out are also celau; including the back-and-forth he had with himself of being groomed as a kid, which is most certain a conversation he forged. either way he's an incredibly unreliable source of information, and this drama holds little to no weight.
as far as what's been actually given in this thread, OP/celau has basically submitted NSFW material for adults/minors on this forum to view, something that he's certainly not above and has done many times in the past. its all super ironic