Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 675039 times)

AFAIK TITO is Betelguese, so it doesn't surprise me.

TITO is toxicology lol

Betelgeuse in-game is Betelgeuse

He just banned Insert Name Here for the same handicapped reason. Not sure if it was supposed to be a joke ban but it wasn't funny.

torin banned matthew for no reason, he just joined and got banned two seconds later

torin banned matthew for no reason, he just joined and got banned two seconds later
I got banned probably for my forum history, to be expected actually.
(but they didn't notice when i used my alt key.)

I got banned probably for my forum history, to be expected actually.
(but they didn't notice when i used my alt key.)
Yeah that's just dumb, it's like if I got banned for my history.

torin banned matthew for no reason, he just joined and got banned two seconds later
Banning someone cause they are an ass on the forums is perfectly reasonable lol

Banning someone cause they are an ass on the forums is perfectly reasonable lol
uh no it isn't

uh no it isn't
yes it is. if they are hostile and problem-causing on the forum they'll likely act the same way ingame. plus if someone talks crap to you on your own server you're going to ban them anyway, it makes no sense to give them a free pass and lay down and take it just because they talked crap to you in a different place.

i banned him because he acts like a handicap and i (and probably the rest of the server) don't want to interact with him

uh no it isn't
Yes it is, if there is someone I don't like and is generally not liked by many other members, why should I let them on my server? You act like the consumers have more rights than the admins. This isnt retail buddy, the staff doesn't have to deal with stuffty attitude, and if that means pre-emptively banning to prevent any potential problems, then so be it.

wasn't annoying or rude in any way
just asked if we can draw richards and swastikas
got a no for both, I then said I was gonna event stuff
was then banned before I placed a single brick
0/10 on yelp

Banning someone just because he acts like a "handicap" isnt a reason.

It's immature administration

Banning someone just because he acts like a "handicap" isnt a reason.
no brazilians