Author Topic: World Trade Center WIP  (Read 7603 times)

-I also bealive that the tower+plane idea is very horribly mainly in the case of possibly bringing the US goverment to bealive that this is a message of terrorists, thats my idea.

Yeah it's hard to figure out what the hell passes through their minds, like the fact that they're erasing every frame with the Twin Towers in many of the tv-airing old movies and stuff. You'd think they'd want to remember this stuff to prevent it from ever happening again but instead they're making it their mission to erase it from everyone's brains. That's a fantastic idea, I mean we all want to forget about that time we forgot to wear pants at school, and the next week we forget our pants again!

About Taliban people and Afghanistan, there was a time when the U.S. paid and armed them to fight the Soviets, back in the 1980's.

Cold War amirite?

Yes you are. That was during the Reagan era, the "little cold war" when the Soviet-US relation went downhill again.

-I also bealive that the tower+plane idea is very horribly mainly in the case of possibly bringing the US goverment to bealive that this is a message of terrorists, thats my idea.
if i were to say that im going to bomb some place at some time, the goverment will chase me down and i would scream "INTERNET IS NOT SERIOUSE"

I hope to god you got an accurate 110 floors...


Yes. Yes, yes and yes. Hitchhikers is my favourite book.


Live and learn; get over it.


I hope to god you got an accurate 110 floors...

put a giant bird in it insted :D