Author Topic: Halo Rifle AssultRifle -Pandan-  (Read 62026 times)

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Halo Rifle
by Pandan (sumas)
Brought to you by: [BDU] Brain Dead Users
Model done by my friend on Sketch up pages

You've Seen it in Halo1
(ps i thought it was in all of them D: curse my memory!)

ive uploaded a cleaner version
simply overwrite the old one.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 07:08:49 PM by sumas »

No. Bad model, and halo needs to STAY OUT.

Assault Rifle?
and it wasnt in Halo 2 either.

No. Bad model, and halo needs to STAY OUT.
Quote from: rkynick
Oh yeah, the idea is stuff because its already been done in another game, which is why we shouldn't have any of these weapons, I've seen them elsewhere. Tdm? needs to go, other games have team deathmatches. Stunt plane? Portal gun? gtfo bitches, its been done. Why does blockland have lighting? Other games have lighting, so lighting is fail for blockland, this is blockland, not some other game that has lighting. This is blockland, not tetris, we shouldn't have bricks or Zor's tetris mod. Fire? been done. any server that hosts Zor's firefighting mod is ghey. Infact, while we're on the subject, you can chat in instant messaging programs, remove the chat feature. Badspot, you need to get on this! The originality of your game is at stake!

Assault Rifle?
can i ask why? Why does it matter?

hey guys ease  up on him (srry if spelt wrong) this game is about everything like the portal gun is from portal

Assault Rifle?
and it wasnt in Halo 2 either.
yes it was noob

We don't want halo here.

The only human weapons were the Battle Rifle, SMG, Magnum, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, and i think that's it, Halo 2 never had an Assault Rifle, only Halo 1 and 3 do

Hell, I didn't even play the games much and I knew that.

HOLEY CRAP PEOPLE!! give em a break ok, so this may not be the best addon ever bt cmon...its not horable or anythng. and who gives a stuff if he couldnt remember wat game it was from?? the bottom line is that he made it and he put it on the forums. blow it all out ur asses!

I will condone with the fact that its from halo, I don't care about that as much as I care about whether or not its another overpowered, insanely fast shooting gun that adds nothing to deathmatchs.

all i can say is, wow. keep up the good work, keep making these halo weapons and you might make a halo TANK :D