
Which feature would you most like to see in RTB next?

Friends List + Messaging [1-2 Months Dev Time]
167 (78.4%)
Online/Ingame Gallery System & Save Repository [2-3 Months Dev Time]
20 (9.4%)
Online/Ingame Clan System [4-5 Months Dev Time]
26 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 212

Author Topic: Return to Blockland v3  (Read 115469 times)

I'm very excited about future updates for RTB. I really like the idea about integrating AIM and MSN. A steam-like overlay would be nice but if it is going to take a long time I think it would be best to save that for later updates. Anyway sounds great so far. I can't wait to try it.

Problems, not big:
Clicking "Browse" brings up the loading screen that lasts for too long. Why is this? It takes longer to show 15 or so categories then the hundred or so music files.
There's should be a carector limit in short description, as shown in JVS Doors. Short description is suppose to inform the mod-downloader about a file before opening it. However, the JVS Doors file's end in ...
Comments still look too light, like your not suppose to read then or something.
Mind capitalizing my name? Its "digmaster" right now, I don't like that.

Ephi will probably make an official announcement here soon, but guys, check out the website ;)

Same error from trying to access page 2 of the Fail Bin.
Couldn't obtain sections from DB


SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

SELECT * FROM phpbb_dl_sections WHERE sec_id =

Line : 4151
File : download.php

Same error from trying to access page 2 of the Fail Bin.
I've always gotten that error.

Also; 2.02's out :D

The front page is very nice, Very very nice

And the new forums look very shiny. May I make an account there now, or will it just be deleted later?

Good job, I love the new logo, looks a bit more professional.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 01:23:43 PM by Digmaster »

Could not insert post record


SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't like and saying it is an enemies of Blockland list.')' at line 2

INSERT INTO phpbb_repposts (post, plusminus, getter, giver, count, reason) VALUES (62897, 2, 4457, '1831', 1, 'Making a list of people who he doesn't like and saying it is an enemies of Blockland list.')

Line : 418
File : viewtopic.php
I got this after giving a reason for derepping someone.

Also, on the topic of the new server, is there any chance that the RTB dedicated would be used to host an IRC for RTB?  We could have multiple chat rooms and whatnot.  I understand if you want to stay with centralchat and just let them host it, but just a thought.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 12:14:10 AM by laremere »

I plan to phase out usage of the IRC since its much harder to control who uses it and who can't. We will be switching over to Jabber which will have 1 account per BL ID so people are easier to manage. It also supports group chats so it'll be like IRC just easier to control the idiots in it.

Once again rtb is being gay again, Downloads update, Tells me to restart blockland, Does again.

I'm done with rtb.

Once again rtb is being gay again, Downloads update, Tells me to restart blockland, Does again.

I'm done with rtb.

Damn, lost a valued customer there - oh wait.

That problem is related to your computer settings files in your Add-Ons directory to read only, so don't come bitching at me because you have some handicapped anti-virus :)

Damn, lost a valued customer there - oh wait.

That problem is related to your computer settings files in your Add-Ons directory to read only, so don't come bitching at me because you have some handicapped anti-virus :)

Can't download the update that adds the message to say it's read-only because the folder is read-only :cookieMonster:

Oh god dammit why does everything i make get set to read only

Oh god dammit why does everything i make get set to read only

What OS are you running?
Where's your Blockland folder?
Are you an administrator user?
What antivirus do you have?
Is windows defender turned on?

What specifically gets made read-only? Only add-ons or all your files?

What OS are you running? Vista
Where's your Blockland folder? C:/Program Files
Are you an administrator user? Yes
What antivirus do you have? AVG
Is windows defender turned on? I think
Gee, i hope the RTB installer works for me when i get a chance to update :o

What OS are you running?
Where's your Blockland folder?
Are you an administrator user?
What antivirus do you have?
Is windows defender turned on?

What specifically gets made read-only? Only add-ons or all your files?
C:/Program Files
Every folder