Author Topic: What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard someone say on Blockland?  (Read 178168 times)

Everything Moderator has EVER EVER EVER EVER said.
Quote from: Moderator
im gn gt u bnnd frm bloklnd coz ur hakin
or maybe a little
Quote from: Moderator
omg bdspot wll bn u frm blklnd cz ur hakin u nuub

 Pointlessly asking "can i have admin" allways counts.

"im craeter of game but i chaged my nam 2 BLID"
He was removed promptly.

How the hell have we dragged this out for 4 years?

Everything Moderator has EVER EVER EVER EVER said.
E.G. or maybe a little

Was I on that server?

If you think I am showing off, I am not, I just found it funny he was threatening to ban me for killing in a TDM.
Not at all, not at all. I just said it wasn't technically a bump. And I've seen that too lol

"no freekilling king of bill" -The Creeper Soldier in a TDM
"stop or i ban u" -some idiotic noob who had no admin and made spammy builds


Archaeologist as a religion


. . . If Lub makes then there is a dramatic and this is really no reason and that does not

Everything Moderator has EVER EVER EVER EVER said.
E.G. or maybe a little
This seems somewhat fabricated, because anyone who actually types like that is probably joking.

How the hell have we dragged this out for 4 years?
everyone has something stupid to say

i destroyed this absolutely repulsive build, just a pile of spam

so the guy who made it:
'thinkinvisible is a bad admin' (reduce grammar and spelling by 10000)

five seconds later:
'thinkinvisible has a destructo wand' (again, no grammar or spelling skills)
(implying that i'm hacking to gain it)

This seems somewhat fabricated, because anyone who actually types like that is probably joking.
Yeah, Drunk Driver types like that all the time.

"No Swearing Allowed"

I mean really?Everyone swears and sometimes people don't even notice.
