Author Topic: What pisses you off?  (Read 19058 times)

Also I dont like the words milk or delectable and I dont like people who talk about music as if it were a food.

Glen Martin DDS

That is the gayest loving show ever. That's worse than... anything.

I hate when people derail a thread just to argue at someone.

Glen Martin DDS
Was watching George Lopez when a commercial for that came on.
Stupidity sensor overload = vomit.

I hate when people derail a thread just to argue at someone.

I was a victim.

And George Lopez is like the awesomest show to run on Nick at Nite.

I was a victim.

And George Lopez is like the awesomest show to run on Nick at Nite.
The Nanny is

Meh, it's okay.

I just noticed they don't run Fresh Prince anymore. :(

I'm SICKING tired of all people that ask for admin on my server. UGGGH.

I hate:
The Army
Ayn Rand
Small towns

I don't hate:

Glen Martin DDS
This show is like the cheap clay model animations of Nickelodean fused with stuff humor, where the humor literally is derived from a steaming stuff.

1. Honestly, my dad. He brought up a loving argument over the placement of the loving gps in front of a driver. My mom always has it in front of her, but lowered so that she can see both the gps and the road, whereas my dad always has it in the middle of the front window so he has to look both at the road AND the gps.
He also does not take liking to my mother.
My mom has supported him numerous times, we loving sold our old house so that we could use the money to keep HIS business alive, now he says that she didn't do anything for the company even though she actually was the backbone of it while my dad was working on the invention or w/e.
I also hate the fact that he practically forces me to learn Java, whereas I'd rather learn something like cooking or Torque.
2. I REALLY hate my 7th grade Algebra 1 teacher. He was an starfish, and he was disgusting too.
3. I hate overused jokes that are seriously killed alive.
4. I hate text messaging. Yes, I loving hate it. A full keyboard phone would change my mind.
5. I hate my brother. He's a total richard. Me, Tru and CC were short one person in L4D, I invited him in, and he started acting like a richard. And yet, for no reason. He is loving 18 going on 19 in December, has no job (or even the urge to look for one), a broken $3500 Alienware laptop that he has YET to pay for, and virginity. Yes, he's a virgin. This is why he's an starfish. Instead of getting a job or finding a girlfriend or even going to his loving prom he has to sit home, play WoW or whatever the forget he plays, fap and be pissed at me for no reason. Oh, and he's e-dating some slut.
6. General Omega hates me. Apparently because I'm friends with people he hates or some stuff.
7. Referring to above, I hate when people hate me for a stupid or no reason. i.e, most people from other schools.
8. I hate Facebook and twitter. Yet the only way I can keep in contact with all Armenian friends is Facebook. forget.
9. I hate when things don't work the way they should. It seriously pisses me off when it happens.
10. I hate my laptop. So loving MUCH.
11. I hate stupid people. Honestly I can't imagine how they go through their lives. They probably wreck their own houses by the time the care takers for the mentally challenged arrive.
12. I hate when people think I'm weird or some stuff because I actually know how to loving turn on a computer. Thank God my close friends IRL don't think this way.
13. I hate waking up early. I want to wake up when I feel like waking up, or the hunger gets to me.
14. I hate stuffty foods. Namely, cows tongue and this watermelon preserve my grandmother makes that frankly, tastes like stuff.
15. Speaking of my grandparents on my dad's side of the family, they are completely stupid. I sometimes wonder why the hell do they buy so much high-tech expensive equipment and then call me/my dad over to figure out how the forget to install it and waste a whole day for them.
16. Exercise freaks. I loving hate them. If I feel like going outside, I'd go outside. Go jerk off to some weightlifting contest videos.
17. Waking up from a good dream. The ones were things are awesome, just the way you want it. You're about to reach the best part, and BOOM! Your alarm goes off.
18. My mother deciding to renovate her closet thus rendering my room into a closet and forcing me to sleep on a damn couch. And then my richard brother starts going off about how "he slept on his bed with stuff on it blah blah blah". He could actually WALK in his room to open a window at least. I can't walk around without tripping on some shampoo or loving dress or w/e.
19. When things don't go to plan and I'm not told about it. Namely lots of things;
Going to a nice restaurant, then scratching that and going to some stuffty cafe that serves hippy food with no drinks from outside the property line.
Going to a friends house, then forced to go to grandparents.
Coming home from a vacation where I had to sleep on stuffty hotel beds, then find out I have to sleep on the damn sofa that's small, cramped, and everyone who is in the living room area or even near it decides to yell every sentence for no loving reason.
20. The phone. I hate it when it rings. I have to get up, find it, check who it is, ignore it, and go back.
21. How my dad takes things too literal when it comes to fiction. Watching 300, he can't STFU for 10 seconds about how the "blood is so unreal" and "the scenery is too dark". Not to mention when he watched my brother play a little bit of Prototype then started talking about how the gliding doesn't make sense or some stuff. It's loving fiction. If a person is too stupid to understand that this can't happen they shouldn't be near technology in the first place.
22. stuffty shows/sitcoms. Two and a Half Men and such. Where the forget did these come from?
23. friend fanboys who will defend their favorite console/game/anime/whatever the forget with their lives. I don't give two stuffs about how Crysis has no gameplay or plot or how Konata Izumi is SOOOO KAWAIIIII. Yes, I probably just pissed off 2/3 of the forums right now in one sentence.
24. Furries. Yes I said it. They creep me out to a whole new degree, not "whoa that gave me a chill", more like "holy stuff that is forgeted up what the forget".
25. Doing nothing. I can't stand not doing something. During my weeklong Deep Creek Lake vacation my dad kept suggesting 24/7 to sit on the beach and do nothing. Seriously, I can't do nothing. I sound a little bratty but the pure boredom kills me.
26. Stupid idiots who managed to gain control of a user-base of more idiots, namely Rykuta.
27. JewTube. Remember it in the old days? When it wasn't the bitch of the WMG and there weren't stupid starfishs and dumb broads on it?
28. Stemming from 27, stupid chicks whoring themselves on Youtube. You know what the Samuel L Jackson I'm talking about. These stupid chicks that talk about their daily lives and how they can't get a boyfriend or some stuff, followed by over 9000 stupid dumbasses to fall for the sluts who keep rapidly commenting "u maek me hrd!!!!11!!" "I HAV 15 INCHS IM WAITNG ;]"
28.5. stuff, it's 0.5 past 28. forget you, I'll do this the way I please. The following emotes I really loving hate and seeing you say them will make me feel like punting puppies off my balcony; anything using [ or ] unless you're a female, xD or ^_^. This stuff, at least not the bracket smilies, was barely awesome back in the day. The day when I was loving 8 years old and on a loving bionicle fan site of dumbasses and 30 year olds still playing with the damn toys.
29. Even from 28, referring to stupid dumbasses who fall for sluts, are all stupid and I hope they die quickly.
30. New subject: Video games. I hate EALA. They loving ruined the C&C Series. Remember Tiberium? That one FPS they announced but got quickly cancelled? That would've probably at best decent compared to stuff like Red Alert 3 and Uprising. Now we have this homoloveual CnC4 chop full of AIDS where KANE IS ACTUALLY loving NEGOTIATING WITH GDI. NO loving SENSE AND DESTROYS THE PLOT.
Not to mention the loving game itself, CnC4, is probably going to be full of stuff. A class based online RTS/RPG where you gain experience to get new weapons and some stuff, oh and no base building. It's just like Dawn of War 1 to Dawn of War 2. Same timeline/characters/whatever and stuff, but scratch out the MAIN FOCUS OF RTS GAMING, base building, and replace it with one central unit/building to build stuff from. Oh, and if it dies you're screwed. But its okay, because it's got new story and GRAPHICS! ITS ALL ABOUT GRAPHICSSSSS.
31. How buggy EALA games are and how long it takes for them to loving fix it.
Red Alert 3 beta, circa August 2008. Holy stuff I shat bricks when it finished installing. Alright load it up. Main menu checks out nice. Go in online, register w/e, etc etc. The main menu is choppy as stuff, and the settings very thoughtfully didn't adjust to my computer automatically or w/e. Even then I still had to put it on low because of the immense lag thanks to EALA's stuffty job on the networking code.
Red Alert 3, circa January 2009. It still blows. I didn't even mention that it's still the same as in the beta. Like all the other CnC games, I hands down refuse to play online because of how stuffty the networking code is and how easy it is to just use some stupid spamrush tactic. loving hell, I build up an entire base that is chop full ready to decimate, and all of a sudden my Allied (or USA as I call them) opponent just sends in a time bomb that destroys my base no matter what, some carpet bomb stuff and then freezes all my power plants which get destroyed by one shotgunning infantry. I'm not even going to continue on how many patches it took for CnC3 to become actually BALANCED.
32. Holy forget. 32 things I hate and rolling. I really loving hate games that are great ideas but done so stupidly/stuffty or just plain ruined thanks to either some dipstuff in executive who decided to dumb down the game, cut corners and turn it into childs play or just rush the game without bugtesting.
Age of Mythology, SPORE and its expansions (I can tell the future expansions will suck. Why? Maxis, dumbass. They stuff out 100 expansions for every detail of life for Sims 2, they will for 3, and they'll do it for SPORE. Yes, SPORE Fashion Designer. Make your own clothes and be a friend with the other 10 year olds who think this game is t3h best thin evararrrrr), and countless more I don't want to remember.
33. When third world coding hits you. Yep, crashes and stuff. Refers back to when I hate when things don't work the way they should.
34. Contractors. These guys are like close friends with our family, don't get me wrong, but I get pissed off seriously when they loving drill stuff into walls at 9 am, and keep going till 12 pm, stop for 10 minutes, and keep going to 3 pm. Result? 6 hours of sleep. forget you, I don't care that I'm sleeping at 3 am. You may think "oh its just a drill it could be floors away you couldn't hear it". Wrong. In my building, you can hear a loving hammer, from the garage all the way to the top room.
35. Storms. Sometimes they're awesome. But when they loving knock out my power in the middle of a game that I have yet to save, I hate them. forget mother nature, which leads me to...
36. Treehuggers. forget you and your protests. I'm doing all the stuff I can, I've got loving 'energy saving' equipment in my motherboard that reduces power when it feels like it, so I've saved 100,000 watts of power. I've even underclocked stuff for when I'm doing overnight updates/scans, just for you. Please go tell every other dumbstuff in Baltimore to stop throwing stuff around in streets and maybe I'll do more.
37. Swine Flu. Just shut the forget up it's just like the regular Flu. Wash your hands a lot, cover your mouth, stay home if you're sick. Simple. Now shut up and stop crying about how the government is bawwing about how 90k people might die from it because we're too busy funding stuff like the war in Iraq instead of vaccines so you can shut up.
38. The modern day consumer. Is an idiot. "WOW THIS MAC IS SMALL THIN AND LIGHT IT IS SO COOL AND ITS $2000 OR SOMETHING IT MUST BE GOOD." Weeks later, "waaaah it broke." Maybe you shouldn't have bought a computer that isn't the size of a piece of printer paper, and actually done something like bought a decent loving laptop that doesn't overheat when you browse the web.
39. Women and having over 9000 pairs of shoes, dresses, hair styles, brushes, nail polishes, jewelry, socks, stockings, ear rings and etc stuff that men don't use. Women didn't have this stuff in the early years of humankind, how the hell do you think men got around to screwing them and having babies? Pure instinct, dumb broads.
40. When people are stupid enough to break their laptops. I see it in school every day. Some stupid dumbass leaves his/her locker with his/her laptop going "oh gee i dont need the case its not like i'll drop it and my books". Next thing you know they go face first tripping on their shoelace and their laptop flew five feet in the air. It actually happened once. I even once overheard a dumb bitch in my class when I was leaving, she was talking to the tech person about how the HDD failed. "Well uh I sorta like dropped it but its ok right?" The tech person just looked at her and went "Yeah we'll fix it." I can't imagine what people like them and indie developers like Badspot have to go through when idiots forget up the products to the degree that you want to just punch them and tell them that's the solution. Who knows, maybe they'll buy it as the solution and punch themselves repeatedly to death.

For stuffs and giggles, the only damn vest I have is big, uncomfortable and a gay blue color.

There you loving have it. 40 things I hate about my life, your lives, the universe, everything. Eat stuff and die, and good loving night.

holy forget Gen.
I'm still reading this.

EDIT: Don't feel bad, General Omega hates anyone who isn't like him.

EDIT: I can actually relate to half of the stuff on that list.

Ive decided to compile a list like Gen's.

1. People who don't post their real age on forums. (IE: This one.)
2. People who use their profile as a barrier as to who they really are, so they can act how ever the forget they want on the internet.
3. People who change their appearance to match their friends.
4. People who lie about their stuff just to make it better than yours, "Hey, what kind of FPS do you get in blockland?" "900" "Oh, i get 1000" (I have a couple friends like this, -blockland thing was a bad example of this- , and i really hate it)

5. People who can't take advice. ( i don't care if you follow it or not, just acknowledge that you heard it.)
6. People who have stuffty sense of humor. "Haha i banned your wow account btw"
7. People who have boundary issues. They get offended if you don't spend every ounce of your life talking to them. (A lot of my online acquaintances do this.)
8. People who will voteban/kick just because theve been killed. (usually resulting in a ban because the entire time agrees that "THAT GUY IS HACKING" When he isnt.)

9. People who assume things.
10. People who can't end a argument unless they were the last ones saying anything.
11. People who continue a argument if they see that they aren't the last ones saying anything.
12. Butt-buddy-Cheerleaders (Online forums)

13. Fat women in America. Don't get me wrong, But in California. They are everywhere. They block views, they accidentally bump into small children, they are a eye sore. THEY ARE A EMBARRASSMENT TO USA. DIETS DON'T WORK ASS HOLE. STOP EATING.
14. People who don't have the audacity to calculate the outcomes of their actions.
15. People who go out of their way to make someone feel like stuff.
16. Costco.

17. Pretty much everyone at my school.
(Why you ask? Because i live in a area where everyone is rich. Most of them are snobs. But since i grew up somewhere else, then moved here... Im not a loving snob.)
18. Flies
19. People who have unrealistic dreams
20. People who ask to borrow money, SAY they are going to pay it back, and never pay it back.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 05:32:57 AM by MtnDew »

This show is like the cheap clay model animations of Nickelodean fused with stuff humor, where the humor literally is derived from a steaming stuff.

1. Honestly, my dad. He brought up a loving argument over the placement of the loving gps in front of a driver. My mom always has it in front of her, but lowered so that she can see both the gps and the road, whereas my dad always has it in the middle of the front window so he has to look both at the road AND the gps.
I'm too lazy to work with a GPS. :D

He also does not take liking to my mother.
That's predicatble.
My mom has supported him numerous times, we loving sold our old house so that we could use the money to keep HIS business alive, now he says that she didn't do anything for the company even though she actually was the backbone of it while my dad was working on the invention or w/e.
How silly.
I also hate the fact that he practically forces me to learn Java, whereas I'd rather learn something like cooking or Torque.
Hah. That's actually funny, my dad wanted me to learn assembly. I went for C.
2. I REALLY hate my 7th grade Algebra 1 teacher. He was an starfish, and he was disgusting too.
3. I hate overused jokes that are seriously killed alive.
4. I hate text messaging. Yes, I loving hate it. A full keyboard phone would change my mind.
5. I hate my brother. He's a total richard. Me, Tru and CC were short one person in L4D, I invited him in, and he started acting like a richard. And yet, for no reason.
Wow. Sounds like that guy needs a good bitch slap or too.
Or a nut smash.

He is loving 18 going on 19 in December, has no job (or even the urge to look for one),
This leads to failure, he'll ultimately destroy himself unless he plans on being a NEET.
a broken $3500 Alienware laptop that he has YET to pay for,
Sue that ho.

and virginity. Yes, he's a virgin.
Hah. Poor sap.

This is why he's an starfish.
Instead of getting a job or finding a girlfriend or even going to his loving prom he has to sit home, play WoW
or whatever the forget he plays,
Not BL I hope. :O
and be pissed at me for no reason.
This equals denial and shoving it on someone else of what a complete failure he is.

Oh, and he's e-dating some slut.
Hah, friend.
6. General Omega hates me. Apparently because I'm friends with people he hates or some stuff.
Omega = ass. That much I've gathered.
7. Referring to above, I hate when people hate me for a stupid or no reason. i.e, most people from other schools.
Chances are, they have their reasons, though they're likely completely handicapped.
8. I hate Facebook and twitter. Yet the only way I can keep in contact with all Armenian friends is Facebook. forget.
Hah. I made a Facebook and abandoned it the next day.
9. I hate when things don't work the way they should. It seriously pisses me off when it happens.
Live with it.
10. I hate my laptop. So loving MUCH.
I love my laptop. <3
11. I hate stupid people. Honestly I can't imagine how they go through their lives. They probably wreck their own houses by the time the care takers for the mentally challenged arrive.
Stupid people are stupid. Of course everyone hates them.
12. I hate when people think I'm weird or some stuff because I actually know how to loving turn on a computer. Thank God my close friends IRL don't think this way.
Me too. I run the command line and people "WOAH, HAO U DOO DAT?!?!?"
13. I hate waking up early. I want to wake up when I feel like waking up, or the hunger gets to me.
I love waking up early, because then I have more time to do stuff.
14. I hate stuffty foods. Namely, cows tongue and this watermelon preserve my grandmother makes that frankly, tastes like stuff.
I like watermelon. Period. Never tried cow tongues though.
15. Speaking of my grandparents on my dad's side of the family, they are completely stupid. I sometimes wonder why the hell do they buy so much high-tech expensive equipment and then call me/my dad over to figure out how the forget to install it and waste a whole day for them.
Old people are old.
16. Exercise freaks. I loving hate them. If I feel like going outside, I'd go outside. Go jerk off to some weightlifting contest videos.
inb4"immafukingbodybuilderandcansm ashu"
17. Waking up from a good dream. The ones were things are awesome, just the way you want it. You're about to reach the best part, and BOOM! Your alarm goes off.
My dreams are silly, or are depressing. Always.
18. My mother deciding to renovate her closet thus rendering my room into a closet and forcing me to sleep on a damn couch. And then my richard brother starts going off about how "he slept on his bed with stuff on it blah blah blah". He could actually WALK in his room to open a window at least. I can't walk around without tripping on some shampoo or loving dress or w/e.
Your mother needs to learn to make up her mind.
19. When things don't go to plan and I'm not told about it. Namely lots of things;
Going to a nice restaurant, then scratching that and going to some stuffty cafe that serves hippy food with no drinks from outside the property line.
Going to a friends house, then forced to go to grandparents.
Coming home from a vacation where I had to sleep on stuffty hotel beds, then find out I have to sleep on the damn sofa that's small, cramped, and everyone who is in the living room area or even near it decides to yell every sentence for no loving reason.
Didn't you already say this?
20. The phone. I hate it when it rings. I have to get up, find it, check who it is, ignore it, and go back.
21. How my dad takes things too literal when it comes to fiction. Watching 300, he can't STFU for 10 seconds about how the "blood is so unreal" and "the scenery is too dark". Not to mention when he watched my brother play a little bit of Prototype then started talking about how the gliding doesn't make sense or some stuff. It's loving fiction. If a person is too stupid to understand that this can't happen they shouldn't be near technology in the first place.
For starters, 300 is fairly badly made. Pretty easy to baww about it. And Prototype, as the type of game it is, SHOULD have decent physics.
22. stuffty shows/sitcoms. Two and a Half Men and such. Where the forget did these come from?
23. friend fanboys who will defend their favorite console/game/anime/whatever the forget with their lives. I don't give two stuffs about how Crysis has no gameplay or plot or how Konata Izumi is SOOOO KAWAIIIII. Yes, I probably just pissed off 2/3 of the forums right now in one sentence.
Get over it. People have opinions.
24. Furries. Yes I said it. They creep me out to a whole new degree, not "whoa that gave me a chill", more like "holy stuff that is forgeted up what the forget".
25. Doing nothing. I can't stand not doing something. During my weeklong Deep Creek Lake vacation my dad kept suggesting 24/7 to sit on the beach and do nothing. Seriously, I can't do nothing. I sound a little bratty but the pure boredom kills me.
You are weird.
26. Stupid idiots who managed to gain control of a user-base of more idiots, namely Rykuta.
27. JewTube. Remember it in the old days? When it wasn't the bitch of the WMG and there weren't stupid starfishs and dumb broads on it?
What? No, as a matter of fact, I don't.
28. Stemming from 27, stupid chicks whoring themselves on Youtube. You know what the Samuel L Jackson I'm talking about. These stupid chicks that talk about their daily lives and how they can't get a boyfriend or some stuff, followed by over 9000 stupid dumbasses to fall for the sluts who keep rapidly commenting "u maek me hrd!!!!11!!" "I HAV 15 INCHS IM WAITNG ;]"
Your brother. Punch him.
28.5. stuff, it's 0.5 past 28. forget you, I'll do this the way I please. The following emotes I really loving hate and seeing you say them will make me feel like punting puppies off my balcony; anything using [ or ] unless you're a female, xD or ^_^. This stuff, at least not the bracket smilies, was barely awesome back in the day. The day when I was loving 8 years old and on a loving bionicle fan site of dumbasses and 30 year olds still playing with the damn toys.
xC xC xC xC xC xC xC xC xC xC xC
Crying yet?

29. Even from 28, referring to stupid dumbasses who fall for sluts, are all stupid and I hope they die quickly.
They're morons. And? They're simply gullible.
30. New subject: Video games. I hate EALA. They loving ruined the C&C Series. Remember Tiberium? That one FPS they announced but got quickly cancelled? That would've probably at best decent compared to stuff like Red Alert 3 and Uprising. Now we have this homoloveual CnC4 chop full of AIDS where KANE IS ACTUALLY loving NEGOTIATING WITH GDI. NO loving SENSE AND DESTROYS THE PLOT.
Not to mention the loving game itself, CnC4, is probably going to be full of stuff. A class based online RTS/RPG where you gain experience to get new weapons and some stuff, oh and no base building. It's just like Dawn of War 1 to Dawn of War 2. Same timeline/characters/whatever and stuff, but scratch out the MAIN FOCUS OF RTS GAMING, base building, and replace it with one central unit/building to build stuff from. Oh, and if it dies you're screwed. But its okay, because it's got new story and GRAPHICS! ITS ALL ABOUT GRAPHICSSSSS.
This is where you seem to be fanboy raging with "OMG IT TOTALLY RUINS THE SERIES."
31. How buggy EALA games are and how long it takes for them to loving fix it.
Red Alert 3 beta, circa August 2008. Holy stuff I shat bricks when it finished installing. Alright load it up. Main menu checks out nice. Go in online, register w/e, etc etc. The main menu is choppy as stuff, and the settings very thoughtfully didn't adjust to my computer automatically or w/e. Even then I still had to put it on low because of the immense lag thanks to EALA's stuffty job on the networking code.
Red Alert 3, circa January 2009. It still blows. I didn't even mention that it's still the same as in the beta. Like all the other CnC games, I hands down refuse to play online because of how stuffty the networking code is and how easy it is to just use some stupid spamrush tactic. loving hell, I build up an entire base that is chop full ready to decimate, and all of a sudden my Allied (or USA as I call them) opponent just sends in a time bomb that destroys my base no matter what, some carpet bomb stuff and then freezes all my power plants which get destroyed by one shotgunning infantry. I'm not even going to continue on how many patches it took for CnC3 to become actually BALANCED.
If you don't know to do better, shut it.
32. Holy forget. 32 things I hate and rolling. I really loving hate games that are great ideas but done so stupidly/stuffty or just plain ruined thanks to either some dipstuff in executive who decided to dumb down the game, cut corners and turn it into childs play or just rush the game without bugtesting.
Age of Mythology, SPORE and its expansions (I can tell the future expansions will suck. Why? Maxis, dumbass. They stuff out 100 expansions for every detail of life for Sims 2, they will for 3, and they'll do it for SPORE. Yes, SPORE Fashion Designer. Make your own clothes and be a friend with the other 10 year olds who think this game is t3h best thin evararrrrr), and countless more I don't want to remember.
Really, now you're just being idiotic.
33. When third world coding hits you. Yep, crashes and stuff. Refers back to when I hate when things don't work the way they should.
Get over it.
34. Contractors. These guys are like close friends with our family, don't get me wrong, but I get pissed off seriously when they loving drill stuff into walls at 9 am, and keep going till 12 pm, stop for 10 minutes, and keep going to 3 pm. Result? 6 hours of sleep. forget you, I don't care that I'm sleeping at 3 am. You may think "oh its just a drill it could be floors away you couldn't hear it". Wrong. In my building, you can hear a loving hammer, from the garage all the way to the top room.
Have fun with your gaping hole in the wall, then.
35. Storms. Sometimes they're awesome. But when they loving knock out my power in the middle of a game that I have yet to save, I hate them. forget mother nature, which leads me to...
Nature and the natural water cycle = necessary. Get over it.
36. Treehuggers. forget you and your protests. I'm doing all the stuff I can, I've got loving 'energy saving' equipment in my motherboard that reduces power when it feels like it, so I've saved 100,000 watts of power. I've even underclocked stuff for when I'm doing overnight updates/scans, just for you. Please go tell every other dumbstuff in Baltimore to stop throwing stuff around in streets and maybe I'll do more.
The hell are complaining about, the fact you're using no effort to conserve energy?
37. Swine Flu. Just shut the forget up it's just like the regular Flu. Wash your hands a lot, cover your mouth, stay home if you're sick. Simple. Now shut up and stop crying about how the government is bawwing about how 90k people might die from it because we're too busy funding stuff like the war in Iraq instead of vaccines so you can shut up.
Simply because you are terribly misinformed is no reason to hate something.
38. The modern day consumer. Is an idiot. "WOW THIS MAC IS SMALL THIN AND LIGHT IT IS SO COOL AND ITS $2000 OR SOMETHING IT MUST BE GOOD." Weeks later, "waaaah it broke." Maybe you shouldn't have bought a computer that isn't the size of a piece of printer paper, and actually done something like bought a decent loving laptop that doesn't overheat when you browse the web.
Seeing as you hate your laptop, you're one to talk.
39. Women and having over 9000 pairs of shoes, dresses, hair styles, brushes, nail polishes, jewelry, socks, stockings, ear rings and etc stuff that men don't use. Women didn't have this stuff in the early years of humankind, how the hell do you think men got around to screwing them and having babies? Pure instinct, dumb broads.
You are becoming more of an idiot with each "point."
40. When people are stupid enough to break their laptops. I see it in school every day. Some stupid dumbass leaves his/her locker with his/her laptop going "oh gee i dont need the case its not like i'll drop it and my books". Next thing you know they go face first tripping on their shoelace and their laptop flew five feet in the air. It actually happened once. I even once overheard a dumb bitch in my class when I was leaving, she was talking to the tech person about how the HDD failed. "Well uh I sorta like dropped it but its ok right?" The tech person just looked at her and went "Yeah we'll fix it." I can't imagine what people like them and indie developers like Badspot have to go through when idiots forget up the products to the degree that you want to just punch them and tell them that's the solution. Who knows, maybe they'll buy it as the solution and punch themselves repeatedly to death.
You apparently forgeted up your laptop.
Guess you should go cut yourself.

For stuffs and giggles, the only damn vest I have is big, uncomfortable and a gay blue color.
Congrats on that.

There you loving have it. 40 things I hate about my life, your lives, the universe, everything. Eat stuff and die, and good loving night.
Do it yourself, you've revealed yourself to be nothing but a self loving, world hating dipstuff of person. Please go do us a favor and overdose on whatever you find nearest, be it painkillers or knives.
Maybe you'll shut the forget up about everything you hate sooo much.

EDIT: Don't feel bad, General Omega hates anyone who isn't like him.
Abusive Monotone.
