Author Topic: Bot Events (v1.1)  (Read 25274 times)

we need an "onBotChase" and "onBotFail" for chase beginnings and ends respectively: so you could have a bot walk back to his post when he gets outrun or something

Maybe an output event like 'SetBotFieldofView' to go with that.

R8 allready? :D
When i can download on my own computer, i can't wait to use r8!

Onbotseeplayer. God.
Maybe an output event like 'SetBotFieldofView' to go with that.
Unless armor::onTargetEnterView does what I hope it does, I'm not going to bother with the complexities of that.
we need an "onBotChase" and "onBotFail" for chase beginnings and ends respectively: so you could have a bot walk back to his post when he gets outrun or something
Bots head back to their spawn if their target gets too far away. I'll put goToSpawn in setMovement.
Hey, I've noticed that when I try to make a walking path for a bot in r8 (Lots of bricks with [OnBotTouch -> Bot -> SetMovement] ) it doesn't recognize the bot touching the brick. In fact, 'OnBotTouch' doesn't seem to work at all. Also, 'OnBotTouched' only seems to work on the brick that spawns it. Did you change how these events work in r8 or am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: No, I'm not Zenthos, I've been using "Zen" for a while but that was already taken in Blockland.
OnBotTouched is for when a player touches the bot. OnBotTouch may not be working anymore due to what I did to make bots damage players.

OnBotTouch may not be working anymore due to what I did to make bots damage players.

I see. Would you mind posting r7 then? I ended up deleting mine while updating it from 12 to 13. -_-

I see. Would you mind posting r7 then? I ended up deleting mine while updating it from 12 to 13. -_-
Wait for r9.

Idk if someone said this already, not gonna read topic but explosions are not triggering OnBotKilled > Killer(Client)

This \\\'bugs\\\' Gamemode_Zombie

It changes all of Rotondo\\\'s kill messages from \\\'Zombie Pload\\\' or whatever to \\\'Zombie Bot\\\'

Also you need Weapon Damage on to damage the zombies. This enables friendly fire too which is really annoying when you have some cigarette spraying his SMG everywhere hitting every teammate in sight.

Edit: Ignore the slashes.

They can multi-jump and their corpses continue to shoot projectiles after death.
This is what I was talking about. Sorry for the bad explaination, I can never explain things in 2-3 sentences...

Here's a suggestion:

\\ ifPlayerInRadiusOfBot; output event - if the player is around the bot-measured by bricks.

Sometimes, er, most of the time my bots aren't doing damage, even if I despawn them (change the vehicles to NONE) and spawn them in the minigame...

Sometimes, er, most of the time my bots aren't doing damage, even if I despawn them (change the vehicles to NONE) and spawn them in the minigame...
Weapon damage needs to be on. They are treated as players.

Weapon damage needs to be on. They are treated as players.

Player's class doing /getid : Player.

Bot's class doing /getid : AIPlayer.