Author Topic: Shower routines  (Read 10367 times)

ITT: You Laugh You Lose material

  • Start water
  • Begin cle...
  • Destroy zombies with no clothes on
  • Save the world while nude

  • Turn on, get in
  • Shampoo+Conditioner in ONE HOLY stuff OMFGADFGSG
  • Rinse
  • Body wash
  • Rinse
  • Turn off, get out
  • Dry off

If I'm tired, switch shampoo and body wash and forget to rinse shampoo after turning off.

Get in shower
fall asleep
be late for school

I will do this in a narrative form.
[enter Netwars4]
And so, he brushed his teeth, twice.
Once without toothpaste, so he could get the junk from dinner out.
Second with toothpaste, and then rinse with Listerine.
Then he turns on the shower.
After this he takes a piss.
With much patience and time, the shower begins to heat up, and so does he.
He takes off his pants precarious- No.
All he does is just get in the shower, fully clothed.
He then takes off his clothes in the shower, and then hangs them on the door so nobody can see his genitalia.
Then he wets his face, and applies acne soap that is actually meant for his sister, but she never uses it. So he does. Yippee.
Then he applies some soap.
After that he washes his face.
He gets out of the shower...
..dries off...
and watches research, then sleeps.

Completely accurate.

  • Open maximum security curtains
  • Activate hot water
  • Set hot water to 60%
  • Fall asleep then fall on the shower floor like a drunken spastic

  • Open maximum security curtains
  • Activate hot water
  • Set hot water to 60%
  • Fall asleep then fall on the shower floor like a drunken spastic
You have to learn how to fall asleep while keeping your balance

I often fall asleep on school mornings in the shower for 5-10 minutes if I was up late. :/

Get in, shampoo
Get out.

Oh really?
I can't stop Laugh Out Louding either.

Moral: Lol is not a verb.
Laughing out loud

laughing outing louding.

After I take off my kilt, I just shower like normal.

Though sometimes I wear the kilt in the shower, too.