Author Topic: Realistic Combat Player! | FIXED LINK!  (Read 21436 times)

Its unrelated. You didn't yell fu you checked topics posted some bullstuff to raise your post count. Your mad at everyone and always have to get involved stop being some horrible troll.
Okay, you're just pulling stuff out of your ass now. Just get out, you've lost, it's all against you.

Taboo you can't join the forums and think your a hotshot and go about flaming people when the argument didn't even involve you.

Hey richard face.

Taboo is the hotshot around here.

Albert Einstein wasn't smart until he was a adult. Just because i'm not the brightest now doesn't mean i won't become smarter.
Actually he was pretty smart for his age, I believe he even came up with the thought "If only I could travel as fast as light so I could travel alongside a beam of light" as a kid

Actually he was pretty smart for his age, I believe he even came up with the thought "If only I could travel as fast as light so I could travel alongside a beam of light" as a kid
He was one of the few in his school who questioned everything (As I do. Derp.), because he knew there was more to everything.

He was one of the few in his school who questioned everything (As I do. Derp.), because he knew there was more to everything.

no i am stopid

mAybe I am!>??


Bullstuff Post
Yes. All you do is troll. You've already proved this.

Drama Topic

Hatred Comment

Bullstuff Post
Too much "my friend's friend's bitch."

Apology Post
Quote from: TheChaosCarrier on July 17, 2009, 01:13:11 PM
Mission complete.

Also, yes, I was wrong, the gift shop had Aztec calenders, and I got mixed up. It was a Mayan city. Whoops.

And i get flamed for saying sorry?
And I think I can bump my own topic.... Right?
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 06:20:33 PM by Smokesta »

Well done, you can quote. Did anyone mention the fact that you've gotten more drama threads than him?

Well done, you can quote. Did anyone mention the fact that you've gotten more drama threads than him?
Ingame i know just as many people that despise him.

Ingame i know just as many people that despise him.
Just as many as what, the number of drama threads about him?

Just as many as what, the number of drama threads about him?
He doesn't even care about this topic he just went off to another topic to discriminate it
I doubt it.

Quote from: Retz on Today at 03:09:42 PM
Pivot is kinda fun.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 06:26:19 PM by Smokesta »

Bullstuff Post Actually reading the topic helps.

Drama Topic
That backfired. Like all the others. :D

Hatred Comment
What? Link fail.

Bullstuff Post
Actually reading the topic helps.

Apology Post
Wasn't an apology. That was me saying "Whoops, I typed that wrong, oh well."
Nit picking from the past doesn't work.

Ingame i know just as many people that despise him.
That's a lie. Considering I don't use this name in-game, haven't really played in about a month, and rarely tell people I'm .::Taboo::. unless they ask.

He doesn't even care about this topic he just went off to another topic to discriminate it

Discriminate what? Do you even know what discriminate means?

Anywho, instead of raping this poor topic in it's ass, go make a drama topic so it can backfire and I can laugh.

Nit picking from the past doesn't work.

That's a lie. Considering I don't use this name in-game, haven't really played in about a month, and rarely tell people I'm .::Taboo::. unless they ask.
Discriminate what? Do you even know what discriminate means?

Anywho, instead of raping this poor topic in it's ass, go make a drama topic so it can backfire and I can laugh.

Taboo Don't give me that bullstuff your just as bad as me as posting negative comments

Taboo Don't give me that bullstuff your just as bad as me as posting negative comments
Big text makes me loving important, arggh.

And yes, I'm calling you stupid. And? That hardly makes me stupid.