Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523993 times)

Granted, but you're famed for making the worst novels imaginable.

I wish I could skip the grind in any game I wanted.

Wish granted but your game console explodes when you try to skip the grind.

I wish I had Badspot as my pet doggy c:

Wish granted, but the dog with the human face of Badspot can call for help, and screams for the police. The police come and put you in jail, where you are raped.

I wish for a poop-sack for my excrement to go into.

wish granted but you can't take it off

i wish for a delorien that will take me back to the future

Wish granted, but you go to a future where Furbies rule the world. They make you their torture slave.

I wish for a sock puppet.

You get a crusty sock with crudely glued on googly eyes.

I wish for the real meaning of AOT

wish granted, it's -----------

I wish for cookies

Wish granted, but the cookie is addicted to crack and says it is not that baby's mamma- oh, and it also roostered it's head back and forth while snapping it's fingers in Z formation. The cookie is indeed that baby's mamma.

I wish for a magic fridge that i didn't have to walk over to.

Wish granted, now you are required to get to your fridge by train.

I wish my pupils were blood red, that would be boss.

Granted, but it comes from actual blood and you are always light-headed.

I wish that I could figure out what to do next in Myst.

wish granted, but then it's no fun because you beat it.

i wish i could travel into the future and retrieve every page of popular webcomics being made today, then return and post it on the internet to screw up the time continuum.

Wish granted, but nobody gets the jokes because they are from the future.
A angry mob forms outside of your house to suck out your ass juice.

I wish for Thomas The Tank Engine.

yeah but then he explodes

i wish for confetti EVERYWHERE

Wish granted, it gets in the lung of every animal, killing all life on Earth.

I wish for worldwide respect.

Granted, but the ensuing ultimate world-wide fist-bump causes a global earthquake that shatters the entire planet.

I wish I had tentacles