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Messages - Pentium

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 105
Sorry to interrupt your little internet slapfight, but did anyone else notice that one of the zoosadists Kero was talking to calls himself 'Woof'? It could of course be a coincidence, but it's still uncanny as hell.

Off Topic / Re: good mechanical keyboards?
« on: September 07, 2018, 08:15:15 PM »
Cooler Master CM Storm, is on the less expensive end without being cheap, comes in variants with and without numpad and has several different switches to choose from.

It's been a while since I looked at keyboards, but they were pretty popular a few years ago and it's not keyboard tech has changed much.

If you wanna do your own research:

Can't wait until I have the cash to upgrade to this motherboard and an i7 2600k one day

Board is the MSI Z68MA-ED55 (B3) if you want to look up the specs and such
But why? That hardware is like 7 years old by now; a Ryzen 2200G/2300X and a B450 motherboard would be at least as fast and much easier to find.

« on: May 24, 2018, 09:55:50 PM »

fyi that's not a rubber band

Off Topic / True Facts: Frog Fish
« on: April 24, 2018, 05:35:27 PM »

Games / Re: good racing games i can get for no more than 15 dollars?
« on: March 30, 2018, 10:52:21 AM »
My Summer Car
Carmageddon 1 or 2
GT Legends or any other SimBin game if you're into simulations

« on: March 30, 2018, 10:27:09 AM »
I was doing paperwork as one usually does at a sit on ass job, and flipped over a piece of paper. This piece of paper had a smaller piece of paper paper clipped to it. Being in a hurry, I was a little careless in my simple flip, and did it a little close to my face. In mid flip, this smaller piece of paper decided to contort, and swirl around, heading straight for my face. BAM. PAPER-CUT ON MY loving EYEBALL. Not on my eye-lid, not right under or above my eye, ON MY EYEBALL. And yes, it was absolutely a paper cut, and not just a poke in the eye. I heard the classic paper cut sound, where it sliced through whatever dares to get in it’s way.
The pain was so intense, I almost stuff myself. After about 10 minutes, my eye stops watering and I determine I’m not going to lose my eye.
Almost 8 hours later now, and it doesn’t hurt, just as long as I don’t blink, or move my eye at all.
I am now terrified of paper.
TL;DR I got a paper cut in my eyeball. Hurt really bad. Still hurts 8 hours later.

So I bought a used R9 290 last sunday, and I finally got it today.

Here's a picture of it next to my old GTX 760, can you guess which is which?

Shopping for HDDs for the first time in many years,  my 1TB is nearly full so I'm looking for a 4TB.
Wondering if anyone has recommendations.

WD has their blue and black lines, black is advertised as being more intended for gaming uses whereas blue is general use, but i don't know if it's really worth almost twice the price (Amazon has 4TB blues for $99 and blacks for $191) ?

I have Seagates currently but I'm not familiar with their lines
You can have a 4TB Hitachi drive for $100:
Hitachi is owned by WD, so it's likely they either helped engineer it or maybe it's a rebranded WD drive. Either way it's a better deal than the other drives in the price class since it's a 7200 rpm drive rather than 5400 or 5900 which means it's faster.

Off Topic / Re: r/gamingpc
« on: February 23, 2018, 07:37:29 AM »
Did a little digging while on lunch, found a good candidate.
Get this computer:
And this graphics card:
There might be more costs for shipping, if that means you can't afford it I'll find something else.

Off Topic / Re: r/gamingpc
« on: February 23, 2018, 05:40:54 AM »
Alright, seriously though:
  • What country do you live in?
  • Are you OK with buying used?
  • Do you have any parts you can re-use? Anything, even laptop HDDs, will help.

జ్ఞా Was hoping this would crash my iphone but apparently it’s already fixed.
Also hasn’t this happened with apple before? What unicode char will be next? :/
Get someone to text it to you, then we'll see what happens.

Off Topic / Re: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread
« on: January 13, 2018, 09:05:09 PM »

Oh man it's this guy again.
The first time I saw this his DA profile was literally the first result that came up when you googled "big knee special interest".

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