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Topics - Rigel

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Drama / well_hello going on a rampage at bbs' server!
« on: May 26, 2013, 01:11:54 PM »
Everyone was telling admin well_hello off for being an extreme badmin, and 1 admin, Darwin banned him for an hour when he was threatening to D wand the whole map, so then well_hello convinced Darwin to unban him, and when he did, well_hello got back on, and perma'd the admin, along with another innocent bystander, Turbs. He then D wanded the mansion that I paid someone to build. I took a bunch of ctrl P screenshots, but then relized that only 1 of them would help me since they didnt show chat messages... after that, he said he wanted to play a game. using jets, he said if he tagged me, i get permabanned.

So he just used the /find command and then banned me for -1...

I am posting this here in hopes of someone showing this to bbs, as well_hello is most likely banning everyone on the server, and D wanding the whole map. :panda:

crap, i dunno how to post the screenshot here, but it was a screenshot of him demoing my mansion

Suggestions & Requests / Attack the mountain!
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:25:18 AM »
Okay, I'm asking for a game mode where you have to kill this:

It can be a bot of sorts or just a build that tries to kill the players with some kind of godly events.

Idk and idc how it happens, just please, someone make it happen!

Suggestions & Requests / Max Payne map request
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:03:27 PM »
Please, someone build and link the download for a build based on the Ragnarok Night Club from Max Payne 1, or any other main building in the Max Payne trio.

Like, Cold Steel Factories, Woden's manor, or Fabricas Brancos.

Please make the builds detailed!

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