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Topics - Raeyok

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Off Topic / Rémi Gaillard
« on: June 26, 2011, 04:48:24 AM »

Quote from:émi_Gaillard
Rémi Gaillard (born 7 February 1975, in Montpellier (Hérault), France) is a French humorist.

He gained attention in the French media after performing a well-documented series of pranks, including a famous appearance disguised as a Lorient football player in the 2002 Coupe de France final match, during which he took part in the winner's celebrations and was even greeted by the then president of the French Republic Jacques Chirac. He is also an amateur football player and has posted videos of his unique skills.

Gaillard has appeared in several sport events, TV game shows and political rallies.

This guy is a goddamn genius when it comes to pranks. Though some of his pranks border on illegal, they're still hilariously funny and he hasn't been arrested for any of them (at least, not yet) scratch that, according to Heed, he has been arrested, quite a lot.

You can see videos of all his pranks right here.

Discuss this awesome guy and his antics.

Thanks to Qwepir for reminding me of Rémi in this post.

PRO TIP: If you know nothing about French/French pronunciation, Rémi's name is pronounced, "REH-mee GUY-AR."

Games / Anyone else having this problem with Gmod?
« on: June 24, 2011, 12:49:03 AM »

I've tried:
- Verifying integrity of game cache
- Reinstalling
- Deleting subfolder "Bin" like a support thread I saw said to do

Still not working.

Anyone else having this problem, and/or know how to fix it? Super annoying. I could wait for an update but I just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing the same thing.

Also I should mention that this just started happening, because there was an update.

Creativity / Learning to play Bohemian Rhapsody on piano
« on: June 21, 2011, 05:07:25 AM »

I will post updates 'n stuff of my progress with it, I've had it for a couple weeks now, stuff's loving difficult, but nothing I can't do. I intend to get a guitarist, a drummer, and four singers to perform this with me at my school's spring choir festival next year. If that actually happens (really hoping it will), I'll have it recorded and post it.

I would post scans of the sheet music, but I don't know if that's infringing on copyright or anything because I didn't get these myself, my piano teacher printed them out and gave them to me and was like, "Here, play this," (my piano teacher's loving awesome by the way). She apparently got them from some website where you have to be a member to get sheet music or something like that, and I don't know if she paid for them or not. Luckily, I have a lesson with her tomorrow, so I'll ask her if it's okay to post scans of the music. It's 7 pages long and is purely the piano part, no vocals or anything.

Update on sheet music: I asked my teacher and she said she'll check to see if posting scans of the music is okay, so hopefully we'll know soon. In other news, I can now play about a third of the song without mistakes/pauses. :D

Off Topic / Bose or Sennheiser?
« on: June 20, 2011, 02:11:24 PM »
I'm looking for a new pair of headphones because the cushions on my current Bose QuietComfort 2 headphones are tearing. I'm wondering which company makes better headphones. I was looking at both the Sennheiser PXC 450 and the Bose QuietComfort 15, and they both seem like good choices, but I'm wondering if there's a difference between the two in terms of quality.

Help / Putting links in events
« on: June 19, 2011, 05:33:06 PM »
I'm trying to make an onActivate -> Client -> ChatMessage -> [output parameter] event with a link, but I've forgotten what is used for links. Isn't it something like <a:linkhere>?


It's not new anymore because we already have three episodes.

Yes gentlemen, this series is still very much alive and well. You may recall this thread, which has grown too old to bump. :(

Another thing you may notice is that it's no longer L4D1, but L4D2. This is because I have managed to find the perfect settings for stuff on my laptop and am now able to record in L4D2 (the Swamp Fever campaign is still out of the question, though).

Episode List (be sure to watch in 720p for best video/audio quality):
Part 1 (9:03)
Part 2 (11:37)
Part 3 (4:33)
Part 4 (14:05)
Part 5 coming soon!

We still haven't decided how many parts the series will have, but most likely anywhere from 10-20.

ALSO: We now have two slots available for guest appearances! If you'd like to be a guest on an episode, you must first meet the following criteria:
- Must have Steam (derp)
- Must have Left 4 Dead 2 (also derp)
- Must have a microphone and be regularly willing to talk into it in-game
- Must have the ability to be spontaneous and funny; keep in mind, the goal of our series is humor
- Must be fairly good at Left 4 Dead 2
- Must be willing to choose Coach or Rochelle (yes, we know, she's a dirty whore) as your character, as I am always Nick and Skip is always Ellis (yes, we're completely serious about this)

If you meet the aforementioned criteria, let us know by posting here and I'll add you on Steam. From there, we'll have you play a full campaign with us, and if we can see that you're a fitting guest, you're in.

People selected for guest appearances:
1. DracoSoul - ? (Part 5) (confirmed guest)
2. CC - ? (Part 5) (confirmed guest)

Off Topic / Not able to record with Fraps in Blockland
« on: June 13, 2011, 11:50:14 PM »
So for some reason beyond my knowledge, I cannot record with Fraps in Blockland because the instant I press the "start recording" key on my keyboard, my framerate in Blockland drops from ~70-90 to 4. This is really loving weird because I can record in Fraps in much more graphically intensive games just fine, such as Portal, Portal 2, and Left 4 Dead. Any reason(s) why this would be happening?

Suggestions & Requests / Server Info HUD
« on: June 13, 2011, 08:13:14 PM »
I had this idea yesterday, for a heads-up display that shows certain information items about the server. It would show current number of bricks, number of players, average latency (?), position in terms of X, Y, and Z, and maybe a few other things. I'm not sure where it would appear on the screen, but it would be toggleable. I don't know if it should be visible to the host only, host and Super Admins, or everybody. Would this be difficult to make?

Off Topic / Piano
« on: June 09, 2011, 12:49:17 AM »
The Piano

I've decided to make a topic dedicated to this wonderful instrument. I've been playing piano for approximately 11½ years now, and I've taken lessons that entire time. I have also taken an IB Music Theory class in my high school along with much theory in my piano lessons, so I know quite a bit about pianos and the music they can produce.

If you've any interest in learning more about this fantastic instrument, or if you want some tips for playing/practicing, feel free to ask me.

Discuss this beautiful instrument.


A piano ≠ a keyboard ≠ an electric piano

This is a piano:

So is this:

This is a keyboard:

This is an electric piano:

Off Topic / The Milgram Experiment
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:48:30 AM »
Stanley Milgram was an American psychologist most notable for his controversial study known as the Milgram Experiment. The study was conducted in the 1960s during Milgram's professorship at Yale. Milgram was influenced by the events of the national socialist Holocaust to carry out an experiment that would demonstrate the relationship between obedience and authority. Shortly after the obedience experiment, Milgram conducted the small-world experiment (the source of the six degrees of separation concept) while at Harvard.

We've recently been discussing ethics and the concepts involved in my Theory of Knowledge class and I thought I'd share this with you. You can read more about the Milgram Experiment here.

Discuss ethics, and more specifically, the Milgram Experiment. What do you guys think constitutes ethical behavior, and why are we so subject to obeying authority even in the most extreme or bizarre situations?

(Note: I do not want this to turn into any sort of flame war/unintelligent bullstuffting. If you guys can't keep your bickering out of the topic I'll just lock it. I'd like to have an intelligent, level-headed discussion; if you can't respect that then please leave now.)

Off Topic / Memento
« on: May 09, 2011, 02:21:11 AM »

this movie

is loving amazing.

and it's directed by Christopher Nolan (who also directed Inception and both the Batman movies released thus far) so that makes it even better.

if you haven't seen it, go loving netflix that stuff it's not on netflix D: or rent it, whatever. just watch it because you won't regret it, trust me, I've seen it twice.

if you have seen it, discuss this awesome movie.

plot summary for those who want it

seriously, watch this movie.

Off Topic / The Jailbreaking Megathread
« on: May 06, 2011, 01:00:01 AM »

I've recently seen many topics about jailbreaking, mainly ones about jailbreaking the iPod touch. I thought, "Hey, why don't we have a place where people can go to get quick information about jailbreaking?" So I made this topic.

If you are new to jailbreaking, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. I have been jailbreaking my device and my friends' devices for several years now, so I know a lot about the process.

If you're not new to jailbreaking (i.e. you've already jailbroken) and just want some tips about, say, what software you should download, again, don't hesitate to ask.

Note: I know absolutely nothing about jailbreaking Android devices. However, if there is a community member out there willing to volunteer to be our Android expert, it would be greatly appreciated. Miga and Lugnut1206 have volunteered to be our Android experts! Thank you Miga and Lugnut.


What is jailbreaking?
In order to give the most apt definition possible, I'll simply directly quote the Wikipedia article on jailbreaking:

Quote from: Wikipedia article on jailbreaking
Computer software privilege escalation, a jargon expression for (the act of) overcoming limitations in a computer system or device that were deliberately placed there for security, administrative, or marketing reasons; also the description and set of technical instructions necessary to achieve a specific jailbreak or a software item designed to achieve a jailbreak.

With regard to iOS jailbreaking (iPod touch, iPhone, iPad):

Quote from: Same Wikipedia article as previous quote
iOS jailbreaking, overriding the software limitations on the iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad designed to preclude the use of applications beyond control from the device's manufacturer

Is jailbreaking dangerous?
No. There is absolutely no risk to jailbreaking your device. If your device stops working for some reason after jailbreaking, you did something wrong, it is not the fault of the jailbreak. If, after you've jailbroken, you install a stuffton of software packages that are beyond incompatible with each other and it bricks your device, that's also your fault. So maybe I should've said no, jailbreaking is not dangerous, as long as you don't do anything blatantly stupid. If you are not sure about something, ask me about it before doing it. Really the only downside I can think of is the fact that it voids your device's warranty. However, this is no big deal because, should your device need repair from the manufacturer, you can simply restore its original firmware and the manufacturer will not be able to tell you ever jailbroke your device, thus keeping your warranty valid and active.

Is jailbreaking difficult?
Not at all. In fact, jailbreaking is so easy, it can be done in under five minutes (assuming you can properly follow instructions).

Is jailbreaking legal?
Yes. Jailbreaking mobile devices is 100% legal. Jailbreaking gaming consoles like the PS3 or Xbox, however, is not legal (at least not yet), so don't do it (at least not yet).

What's the difference between a tethered jailbreak and an untethered jailbreak?
A tethered jailbreak requires that the device be connected to a computer each time it needs to be booted into a jailbroken state. An untethered jailbreak allows the device to be powered off, powered up, and rebooted without having to use the assistance of a Macintosh or PC. A tethered jailbreak is a process that takes place on a computer, effectively re-jailbreaking an iPad, iPod touch, or iPhone without losing data or restoring via iTunes. Trust me, you do not want a tethered jailbreak. If that means you have to wait another week or so for your favorite jailbreaking software to release an untethered version, believe me when I say it's worth the wait. I've used tethered jailbreaks before and while they're not horrible, it's an absolute pain in the ass to have to connect my iPod to my computer every loving time I want to turn it on and off.

Before I continue, MAJOR loving NOTE: Do NOT talk about a certain app whose name starts with "I" and ends with "s" and has ten letters. I already got banned once for talking about it in another thread, so just don't even mention it.


Here are a few essential resources for jailbreaking (these are for iOS devices ONLY):

greenpois0n - iOS 4.x only

redsn0w - iOS 2.x, 3.x, 4.x
DOWNLOAD HERE (Windows) (**NOTE**: Windows 7/Vista users must run redsn0w as administrator under compatibility settings for Windows XP) OR HERE (Mac) (There is also a Linux version but it's not out yet. When it's released I'll be sure to put the download link here.)

Those are the two most-used jailbreak programs. If you'd like to use a different one, or if you're experiencing difficulties with either or both of those, go check out BigBoss' jailbreak table. It contains all the necessary information for jailbreaking your device.


Saurik - one of the biggest names in jailbreaking. He is the owner and creator of Cydia (pronounced SIH-dee-yuh) and Telesphoreo Tangelo, the largest jailbreak software repository. (Cydia's website is mobile-formatted which is why it might look kind of strange when viewed on a desktop or laptop.)

BigBoss - another huge name in jailbreaking, and another very large repository of some very cool stuff.

Wikipedia article on iOS jailbreaking

List of every single iPhone firmware version ever released and their downloads


Confused about what to do now that you've jailbroken your device?

Well, to start, you should download the following apps:
  • MxTube (native YouTube downloader)
  • iFile (like Windows Explorer for the iPhone/iPod touch)
  • BytaFont (allows the changing of system fonts)
  • WinterBoard (lets you choose what themes/packages to enable)
  • SBSettings (change brightness, turn Wi-Fi and Airplane Mode on/off, view list of currently running processes, all from any app where the status bar is visible; no more exiting an app and navigating all the way over to your Settings app just to change the brightness!)

(there are more but I'll have to add them later because I have to go do other stuff right now)

Examples of some cool stuff you can do with a jailbroken iPhone/iPod touch:

  • Install OpenSSH and access your iDevice from your computer with your favorite SFTP client (WinSCP is a good one).
  • Download any type of file you want directly in MobileSafari with Safari Download Manager.
  • Access and modify any file with iFile.
  • Don't like the limit on the only 12 apps you can put into a single folder? Download Infinifolders and solve that issue.
  • Change the entire theme of your device to suit your desired look with the hundreds of themes on Cydia's Theme Center.
  • Many other things that I can't think of right now (feel free to suggest things to add to this list).

I can tell you how to do any and all of the above items.


Best Themes

Best Springboard Mods
-Barrel - Changes page-switching animation.
-SleepFX - Gives a graphical effect on sleep mode.
-Winterboard (durr) - Allows themes.
-InfiDock - Best dock customization app.
-CyDelete - Delete cydia apps like normal ones!
-Graviboard - Shake your iDevice, and play with the icons falling about!
-Veency - Hosts a vnc server on your iDevice.

add rockbox and ipod linux to the post

alternate OS's for older ipods

So, if you have any other questions whatsoever, don't hesitate to ask me here in the thread or via a PM. I'll be glad to answer your questions.

Off Topic / Post your homescreen
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:24:26 PM »
Like the "Post your desktop!" thread, but for mobile devices such as Android devices, iPhone/iPod touch, etc.

My current homescreen:

I have a 32GB 4G iPod touch.

Post yours.

(Pro tip: it usually helps to have a jailbroken device, especially in the case of iPhones, it allows for much more customization.)

Off Topic / What pi sounds like
« on: April 10, 2011, 01:11:28 AM »

Off Topic / TRON: Legacy Reconfigured
« on: April 08, 2011, 11:29:13 PM »
So I'm sure you all remember the TRON: Legacy movie, that had a soundtrack made by Daft Punk. Well, they recently released a version of that album with selections from the original having been remixed by various artists. It's just as awesome as the original, and I just bought it from iTunes.

Check it out here.

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