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Topics - Dodger

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Off Topic / Houston's mayor doesn't fancy church messages much
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:20:00 PM »

Basically the city is forcefully reviewing any church passage that talks about homoloveuality and the mayor

Opponents from the liberal side say that the churches are politically organizing and that political speech is not legally protected

Opponents from the right say the 1st amendment is being violated without reasonable cause

Since this was primarily about a law allowing transgender people being able to use whatever restroom, its almost silly that this has boiled over. Imo, make it easy for people and just say use restrooms according to your biological love at the time.

Off Topic / College thread (OP actually somewhat updated)
« on: August 17, 2014, 12:02:24 AM »
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Topic layout created by AdinX                                        
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Home - College Students - Stories - Polls

This megathread is dedicated to the forum members who are starting, already in or are finishing their college education, as well as recognizing those that have already gotten their education prior to the creation of this thread. Discuss anything ranging from the drug dealer living in your dorm, to the college football games (everyone knows the cool schools have football teams)

College Students

List of pirates:
AdinX (Class of 2018)
List of sun devils:
Oasis (Class of 2018)
Count (Class of 2017)
List of red dragons:
Ravencroft (Class of 2017)
List of Great Danes:
Drendran (Class of 2017?)
List of knights:
Rooged (Class of 2018)
List of saints:
Bluetoothboy (class of 2018?)
List of hokies:
Dodger (Class of 2018)
List of buckeyes:
Fennis (Class of 2018)
List of TU/e Students:
TheArmyGuy (Class of 2018)
Raffles students:
McJobless (Class of 2016)
List of Terps:
Nickelob Ultra (Class of 2018)
List of Rams:
Katasketti (Class of 2018)
List of warriors:
devildogelite (Class of 2016)
List of Hilltoppers:
Comr4de (Class of 2016)
List of Ragin' Cajuns:
Doorman (Class of 2015?)
List of Trojans:
Trifax (Class of 2017)
List of Wales ppl:
sir dooble (Class of 2017?)
Art ppl:
Vinska (Class of 2018)

Story layout-
Code: [Select]
Story name-
Once upon a time a college student found 12 whole marijuanas and ate them all, then he died
the end

story time:

last night i was bored af so i decided to go to an on campus dorm to go play cards against humanity because i knew it was going on and i had literally nothing else to do. i get there and i sat next to this somewhat attractive girl, like an 8/10, and she said she needed to go smoke soon so i jokingly said "oh take me with you." anyway she left so i'm just playing cards for a few minutes and i'm having fun, it's funny and stuff and the girl comes back and she's like "yo it's sketchy coming back up here, and you wanted to come with me so let's go" to me. i completely loving forgot who she was or what she even said lmao so i asked where are we going. meanwhile the entire group is silent just listening to us. she said to go smoke, i asked her what, and she said weed. the entire group just stared me down like put me on the spot and stuff. i ended up going with her. turns out her name is karleigh and i got drunk and messaged her on facebook a day or two ago actually asking her to come play cards against humanity with some friends and myself, and drink with us lol. we went to her car and she parked in some sketchy ass parking lot on campus and we smoked a couple bowls. then we went back cause she wanted to meet up with her friends and she ran into some other people she knew beforehand. all the people who were playing cards were gone at this point so we all just left. we found her actual friends, some asian girl and some girl who forgets a lot of asian people, went back to her car and toked another bowl each. this was some of the best stuff i've ever smoked in my life by the way, not even kidding. we went to this hookah lounge place called Natura or something idfk and just chilled there for a while. the asian loving bitch ordered some dope ass tea though that tasted more like a milkshake. we left, toked some more, then went to steak n shake. i ate 5 of the bombest loving sliders i've ever had, and got spoon fed a reeses milkshake by the girl who invited me to begin with. as we were leaving, some big asian dude in a green v neck walks in and starts talking to the girl who forgets asians because apparently they used to forget a lot (go figure). bitch wouldn't shut up about him all loving night afterward, whatever. we got back on campus and the original girl dipped because she didn't have her key and wanted to get into her building while people were still actively walking in and out so she could just trail in behind someone. asian girl and asian loving girl took me back to their dorm and we all just chilled there for a while. once i could finally charge my phone again i turned it on and this girl i've been trying to get with texted me telling me to come to a party off campus. i left and headed out and as soon as i'm about to leave the campus she texts me telling me the party got cancelled. i went home and went to bed and woke up with some blonde girl next to me wtf.

story time, kids.

No polls yet!

Thanks to adin for the layout, discuss college stuff here!

Off Topic / So Slipknot released a video music to a new song today...
« on: August 05, 2014, 02:45:09 PM »
The loving tits man

also the song is very dry and fails to incorporate the groove that made them popular

I personally like boxer briefs the best


This is an awesome early access game that's actually being worked on (major update last friday!)

Play with your friends (or strangers if you dare) in a simulated tabletop, with an abundance of pre-loaded and available games from Steam Workshop and the Nexus! There are lots of familiar games along with occasional good original content!

I'll make a list of people who have it! (Maybe we can start a group/play together if the interest is real!)

Fellow Tabletop enthusiasts:



Off Topic / How exactly do I actually change my avatar?
« on: June 20, 2014, 11:25:54 AM »
So I was not active a few months back and apparently the avatar changing with SMF got screwed up a bit

My current avatar is a 75x75 gif, since that's what I heard is a temp fix, but now I can't change it with a 75x75 image of something else (I've tried multiple file types). All I get is the message of "the image took too long or was too big for the server to update". Can anyone help me?

Games / Suggest and discuss topics for possible games in future
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:18:02 PM »
-Open world vikings

-3d open world pirates (Sid Meier's pirates on steroids)

and uh, that's all I got

help me out guys


Pretty much my favorite RTS personally right next to Age of Empires 2 (made by the same studio, big surprise)

Why make this topic now? The game is old!

So Steam is apparently getting a revamped version of the game, similar to Age of Empires 2: HD. The extended edition of the game is being developed by Skybox Labs, who also did Age of Empires 2: HD, and it will be released May 8th. The extended edition will include both the base game and Titans expansion, along with the Golden Gift campaign. Here is a list of added features in the Extended edition as quoted from the Steam Store page:
New in the Extended Edition:
Improved Visuals
Time of Day
Improved water
Bump / Specular maps
Global Lighting
Antialiasing & Ambient Occlusion
Full Steamworks Integration
Workshop mod manager
Trading Cards
Leagues / Badges / Events
Cloud saves
Extended Features
Twitch Integration
Treaty Mode
Enhanced Observer mode

I live under a rock, what is Age of Mythology?

Since you might be too lazy to Google it, Age of Mythology is a RTS where you can play as the Greeks, Egyptians, and Norse civilizations with very unique advantages and drawbacks, and each civilization has 3 major gods to choose along with minor gods to choose from with each age advancement. This ensures that very likely, 2 Greek players will not be the same in terms of technology and strategy. Battles are typical of other RTSs, but the addition of mythological units such as cyclops, mummies, frost giants, etc. along with expendable god powers and unique hero units make it slightly more intricate than Age of Empires. The Titans expansion also adds the Atlantean civilization with their own unique units and gods (and summon-able titans!). Basically, a lot of fun.

What if I want to play with people now?!?!

If you have a copy of Age of Mythology (preferably with Titans, the game is pretty old so you should have the expansion), Gameranger allows players to make servers despite the Ensemble servers being taken down for the game a few years ago. Here is a list of Blocklanders that play from my knowledge, along with their alias on Gameranger:

List of Blockland AoM players

Blockland Name    Gameranger name
Dodger                DodgerX

Also, my Skype is DodgerBL in case you want to play with me and others and voice chat at the same time.

General Discussion / Need some help with saving VCE variables
« on: April 12, 2014, 03:23:35 PM »

So basically what my friends and I are trying to do here is to setup a minigame where you can spend score points in order to unlock access to weapons. My friend was trying to make an event where the prompt screen would not display again after you initially unlocked the weapon, so just clicking the buy block would simply add the weapon to your inventory at no cost. The problem we are having is that we are unable to figure out how to actually save the unlocked gun variable (GotgunPepperbox is a test variable) for clients that exit and reenter the server. The events work fine for those who remain in the server, but those who exit and rejoin are forced to buy the weapon again. Screenshot shows what we have so far. We tried fiddling around with loading events, but to no avail. Can anyone provide some help?

Games / Goat Simulator Stream: offline
« on: March 31, 2014, 07:50:06 PM »

no explanation needed

So I've been trying to recover my key for Blockland for use on Steam. I already have an authenticated client, but I don't know where I wrote down my key, and have been looking diligently if I saved it anywhere. I have emailed Badspot ( a few times over a few months for it, (the original email account no longer exists) and have gotten no reply either due to him being too busy or him not wanting to deal with custom key recovery issues (not sure what Badspot is doing). I guess a few things I want to ask the community here is:

1. Can you extract your key from an already authenticated client of Blockland?
2. Does Steam save your key information for your ID if you integrate it

Really, if no one can help me here, I guess this topic just serves as a statement to Badspot of my dilemma.

Off Topic / You Awe, You Lose
« on: January 18, 2014, 02:07:45 PM »
Post awe-some stuff. Basically, if you feel overcome with with a sense of awe, excitement, etc., you lose.

Let's get started

Games / Twitch Streaming topic - Offline
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:43:07 PM »
This is really just me testing Twitch TV right now, anyone is welcome to watch, I probably won't talk too much

Might stream in the future if people find it alright/I become a more interesting commentator

Off Topic / Post some metal ass metal music
« on: October 17, 2013, 11:11:09 PM »
No care will be given, all conventional stuff is cool, just no generic poppy-ass metalcore or nu metal baby bands (Asking Alexandria, SWS, Linkin Park that stuff)

Mathcore like Norma Jean and DEP is tentatively okay, just make sure it's more metal than pop vocals with a heavyish guitar. Also avoid prog stuff that is too spaced out

Here we go:

Dillinger Escape Plan
Iron Maiden

Yes this is a temporary dump topic

Off Topic / Avast detected a threat... on this forum
« on: September 09, 2013, 09:05:04 PM »
It's the second page of the Aripany topic, apparently its an image that Jairo posted. Is it overreacting to something or is it an actual threat? I don't feel like linking it, but I might report it to Badspot. Maybe someone with more protection and bravery could check it out.

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