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Topics - JDofPivot

Pages: [1] 2 3
Drama / JDofPivot Asking For Admin-Not Me
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:42:39 AM »
K, guys, this is my last post ever. In game, about around Halloween, I changed my name. Lemurdecatta, as Robo Noob has informed me, took this opportunity to change his name to my name, and has been, or is still, raiding servers and asking for Auto-Admin. This is not me. If you see him again, ban him immediately. *If he asks* Thank you and I hope you have a nice day.

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Halloween.. What else is it to me?
« on: October 23, 2008, 06:23:06 AM »
My 13th birthday o.o
Do you think I should go trick-or-treating because it's fun, or not because I'm going to be 13 and that's too old to be doing childish activities?

Drama / Otis. I apologize.
« on: October 13, 2008, 02:56:34 PM »
Look, I can be an starfish. Am an starfish. A lot. And I really don't like to fight with people >_<
It's just, eh, a lot of stress going on at home. We're kind of poor atm, I don't have a room and such, no, I'm not whining, but it's been very uh.. Hectic right now.
I don't expect you to accept this apology, but at least I hope you see this.

I was making a midget-city-thing, but I figured, this would be much more fun if you'd have to kill players and level up to get to different parts of the world, so I decided then, to post this, how it would work is when you kill a player (like in any mini-game) you get awarded points, at least 1. I thought, well, if you can gain points, why not have a "level" based off the points? Or if not, how about bricks that you can only access if you have a certain amount of points?
I have a feeling a lot of people will like this idea, for once.

I've seen the topics, since V10's release, you've been getting your bodies staying there when you die, to fix this, simply Disable "Downed" In your Mini-Game options.
Hopefully, this will be the end to all of these topics.
This is a minor fix until Rotondo (THE OD NOTOR) fixes it himself.

Drama / LemurDeCatta-Yet another phail.
« on: October 08, 2008, 07:10:01 PM »
Guess what? Yeah, LemurDeCatta's gotten even lower o.o
Is that actually physically possible? Well apparently so, his new YouTube is ALemurProduction, apparently since everyone kept sending him hate mail after he did to them, he gave up, like the stupid little 11-year-old he is.
Oh, and for Otis/N0cturni/etc, this topic's about Lemur. Not me.
Chris is back as Lemur Lord here. Get used to it, yes, he is back. I am not flaming someone who has not come back yet, congratulations.
IMPORTANT EDIT: He's tried to impersonate me with an email of I am DO NOT GET TRICKED.
He tried to send me a "virus" which didn't work, and epicly failed.
Too bad he doesn't, obviously, know what Crash means.

Originally, I was going to upload the pic here, but it was still too big.
Edit: I got his ID. 5983.

Drama / "DEVIL MAY CRY'S HALLOWEEN TOWN" friendry in a box.
« on: October 05, 2008, 02:38:01 PM »
Well, I go in and say "So where's the town? I only see spam"
In the welcome message, it says "NO USING loving FFC OR PER. BAN"
And guess who's using Fooly's Fun Cmds? The one who said "NO FFCS"
Then he kicks me, I come back, and say "Well you could've simply said why there is no town"
And he bans me for the following reason:

Suggestions & Requests / UFO-Not a saucer.
« on: September 30, 2008, 08:58:14 PM »
I was thinking, well, we can have UFOs, just not saucers.
How about something looking a little bit like the Banshee from Halo? But not really, like, black with glowing stuff on it, three jets in the back, etc.
lll draw a doodle of it if you need one.
Also: Has fail backup and great turning&going forward.
I could make it, all I'd need is the .dts, BUT, I'm far, far, too lazy.

Suggestions & Requests / Thy Suggestion: Future Car
« on: September 29, 2008, 10:34:49 PM »
I was thinking, wouldn't it be pwn if we had a car which went like epicly fast, had epic control, and was just.. Awesome looking? I mean, like, future-ish, like a Japanese-Made Future car.
If you really need a drawing, I'll have to draw one.

Suggestions & Requests / No more emotes.
« on: September 29, 2008, 10:25:39 PM »
The bullstuff with these emotes is noobs almost ALWAYS spam them.
I've never even typed an emote, nor have I clicked one.
I personally, and a lot of other people on this forum, hate them. Not only that but we hate the noobs, and we hate the noobs who spam them.
Maybe if we had different emotes, which WERE NOT COOKIES (because it's the ingredients to Noob Feed) they might not spam them as much.
If not removed, may I suggest just making a limit per post? A lot of forums have them, and for a good reason.

Drama / Lemurdecatta-"Who's Chris?"
« on: September 27, 2008, 10:35:13 PM »
Yep. Now he's trying to pretend he's not himself, and even more people, even on YOUTUBE hate him. Now isn't that just so epicly pathetic you just have to talk about it?
Obtw, pages which he has commented on pretending hes not himself:

Drama / Sir Jordos, yet another forum friend.
« on: September 27, 2008, 09:09:48 PM »
Oh, also,
Sir Jordos, if you read this, at least my avatar's not of a cigarettegy yellow sponge, and I actually designed my own avatar.

Help / Forbidden When Port Forwarding?
« on: September 27, 2008, 01:16:40 PM »
I get an issue when I try to Portforward.
I put in the address as said in the form, except, I get a red page with the words "Forbidden" or something, but I have the login right, admin with no password.
Can someone help me?

Games / ACWW
« on: September 01, 2008, 06:10:32 PM »
My old one was stolen by my bastard siblings...
So my dad's getting me a new one. New or used, I could give less of a stuff. Lol so anyone want to post their friend codes/town names/nicknames/ so when I get it we can play together?
And for those who don't know,
ACWW=Animal Crossing Wild World

Off Topic / Changed my name.
« on: September 01, 2008, 03:45:50 PM »
Yep, it's Decay... I dunno if I should keep it, everyone knows me as JDofPivot >_>

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