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Messages - Lord Furdle

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Games / The Division - Anybody played recently?
« on: June 24, 2017, 04:27:09 PM »
I'm looking through my steam library trying to figure out what game I can play since all my friends are playing something new from the sale, and due to my recently saving escapade, I'm trying out old games and seeing if any updates have improved games.

How's the Division? Does anyone still play it? Has anyone played it recently?
I'm pretty sure its not even worth my time to download it, I hopped off the game hype probably around May 2016.

Let me know your thoughts please, whether you still play or have played recently!

what wouldve happened if you were caught with the weed?????? ?
The police commissioner was friends with my boss and he said he doesn't really care about drugs. Plus everything was on compound, where the police have no right to enter.

how frequent do crimes like murder occur and what is the publics reaction to it compared to the rest of the world
Every day. A lot of my staff had whatsapp groups for their various families/towns... They would show me videos and photos that people would share on there that they've taken of people dead on the streets. Some kind of weird facination/enjoyment by it. I guess its a cultural thing. A lot of them would go to funerals often as healthcare is absolute garbage, so its really normal for them.

I was originally out there as a design consultant, to help local representatives from various charities to learn to use simple CAD. Then I ended up designing and building an orphanage... Then I was hired by the lodge.

If you went back in time, would you still make the choice to go to Malawi? Or would have rather not gone? If yes, what was the best part of your visit?

Hell yeah! I've had an incredible year. Favorite part? Probably just having the freedom to do whatever I like. My boss was a really cool dude, one day we were sitting in the office one quiet morning discussing what we were doing that week, then I suggested what about a motocross track (his 8 year old has an 100cc), so I built a pretty big track with tons of jumps, burms, dippers in his house. Another good experience was when we closed for two weeks over Christmas, I got all of my volunteer friends to come party at the lodge for about 4 days.

well i want to head down to the zambia area and just screw around and have a lot of fun

Zambia is pretty cool, lots of nice wildlife parks and vic falls is pretty dope.

I'd use a case with one if I were you, they're not the most durable around

But that is added size. My last phone is a Moto G3, which has a built in case.. which is real handy.

Right now I'm looking at the Moto G5 or the Sony Xperia X. Anyone got either?

I've been wondering where you were. Of all things, you were selling drugs to poor people... welcome back!
Actually sold to expats/tourists/volunteers.

How do third world countries have drug sell bricks?
Planted my own bricks master hacker/admin abuse.

Oneplus 5
Oneplus 3t
Oneplus 3

They have decent cameras I think.

Yeah I've been looking at the one plus, my boss had one and he really liked it. How durable are they though? They look quite big in size.


-Super durable (I've been using a moto phone and it was really durable, but the hardware kinda sucks)
-Not iPhone, Samsung, or any stuffty off-brand.
-Released in the past three years
-Not a stuff camera, gotta have front and back
-Under £400

Thanks friends.

What was only meant to be a two month trip to save the orphans in Malawi, Southern Africa, the trip turned out to be a year after I was hired by the backpackers lodge I was staying in. The lodge I was managing is the biggest in the country, and with 0 in my bank account, and nobody I knew in the entire country, I had a fresh start at life.
As the manager, I had 30 members of staff, a restaurant, bar, lounge, rooms, camping space, and pool to manage.

I had very limited internet access, at £2/GB and pretty slow speeds. I also only had my laptop with me and didn't play many computer games over this entire time. Instead, I spent a lot of time outside, building different things (a motorcross track, knives, wooden sculptures). I also drank a lot and smoked a lot of weed.
After only being paid $300 a month (which is a lot of money in Malawi), I started to sell weed where I would be pushing 2-3 ounces a day. I soon became one of the biggest drug dealers in the country, completely by accident.
As I didn't have the correct visa, I was also working illegally, and had many occasions of nearly being caught by the police.

I've returned back to England to continue my game design degree, which I will finish in two years.


Games / Re: Windward - would anybody like to play?
« on: October 14, 2016, 06:19:27 AM »
I have this game.

It is awfully boring after playing it for 3 days straight.
I got crazy attached to it when I played ages ago then I got bored and left it. Wish it was still in development because it has potential. The devs are creating a follow up.

Games / Windward - would anybody like to play?
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:58:01 AM »

Off Topic / Re: 2D game engine that uses C++?
« on: October 10, 2016, 05:49:39 AM »
I really enjoyed using Allegro library for creating games for university. Shame it's pretty outdated.

Off Topic / Re: 2D game engine that uses C++?
« on: October 09, 2016, 11:16:03 AM »
Phone app orientated*

Off Topic / Re: 2D game engine that uses C++?
« on: October 08, 2016, 04:02:41 AM »

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