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Messages - Antares

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Pools and private rooms closed as of today due to VAED and VAIDS.

damn i heard about this server back in the day, surprised to see it back

It was about time that it had to come back. I knew that there were people out there that missed it and hopefully this project can attract some newer and older people back on Blockland.

-Reserved for future posting-

Gallery / Blocko Hotel Peekarica™ [24/7] *Jay, it's back for good!*
« on: June 19, 2022, 07:32:27 PM »

Back in the days of 2010 and 2017, Blocko Hotel Peekarica used to be famous in Blockland with tens of people playing the server each time it was up. It resembles Habbo Hotel in the 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 era.

Blocko Hotel has always been a place to hangout and chill. You can even make your own private room in one of the private room categories. Discover one of the public rooms, go for a swim or take a dive from the diving tower. Visit Blocko Rumble and do some Wobble Squabble with the push broom.

- BattleBall (currently researching if it is possible to remake this game)
- Finishing the Hotel Kitchen
- Finishing the Sun Terrace
- Eastereggs

It all started way back in December 2009, to recreate a public room from the real Habbo Hotel with Aphtonites. Once the Welcome Lounge was done, the ideas popped up to recreate Habbo Hotel with a working hotel navigator, public rooms, private rooms and more! In May 2010, the Alpha edition of Blocko Hotel was opened for the public. The server was then hosted until 2012, when the VPS went down taking Blocko Hotel with it. old topic here and here. The old Alpha days of 2010 can be seen back in a video posted by Filipe1020.

In 2013 I started to rebuild the project, making it better detailed and more realistic. However, the lack of interest and the removal of terrain and interiors years ago delayed the project a long time. After this upgraded new Blocko Hotel was temporarily hosted in 2017, it's time to reopen the doors for good now.


I haven't read all of the comments but there is a reason why guns haven't been banned in America so far. It could have something to do with the 'Four boxes of Liberty' quote. Maybe the politics in Washington and all over the nation know what could happen if guns are banned. That would basically start a civil war in the nation between two parties: the ones against guns, and the ones who supports owning a private gun.

Games / Re: GarageGames is gone
« on: April 29, 2022, 09:16:46 PM »
Thank god that Torque Constructor still works, even without GarageGames alive. I was already afraid that the key system would throw me out.

The most absurd thing that happened last Wednesday is that Europe purchased natural gas from Russia for hundreds of millions of dollars.

General Discussion / Re: What makes you stay?
« on: November 30, 2021, 11:53:32 AM »
What me makes to stay is the nostalgia. It was the first true sandbox game for me where you can do anything what you want. Making friends was easy back in the golden days and the people that are still checking in on this website are true dedicated players, like me. I am waiting for that day that Badspot will make a post about Blockland being re-released on the newest version of Torque Engine (4.0 is in progress).

There are also a lot of memories that I have of Blockland. It was also the first game where I did create maps for and I loved the way how easy it was to create custom content for the game. Once I discovered Torque Constructor I was more interested in making 3d models for Blockland then building with bricks in the game. I am currently working on a standalone Blockland 0002 game where people join a mmo server and building up a civilization in a universe filled with planets. You can check it out here. Doradus is an edit of my other project Blockland Classic Mod, which is also a heavily modified version of the Blockland alpha version.

Hopefully in the future if the old Blockland retail sales are dropping to a zero point I hope it would be a free to play game so it can be preserved in the state it is. There is one thing I can think of that Blockland hasn't received much improved updates over the last four years. I think that Blockland has pretty much reached the limits of the old Torque Game Engine for improving the game.

Off Topic / Re: what is the oldest image of blockland ever?
« on: September 05, 2021, 05:15:23 AM »
thats probably from rtb or orange block because there were bricks that were just the stud pieces
It was posted by Badspot before the official release of Blockland 0002 I think. Source page;

Gallery / Re: City of Corryton
« on: March 12, 2021, 10:26:16 AM »
Hooly nuts this is amazing. Time to re-establish the United States of Peekarica in Blockland.

always knew you were a collaborator
I am waiting for Annoying Orange to activate the Insurrection Act. Here in The Netherlands we are looking nervous. We have seen a big censorship happening at the Big Tech platforms a hour ago. You can't even install alternate social media apps now that has become a threat for the Big Tech. What did happen are reasons enough to activate the Insurrection Act.

To be honest. Europe was fallen long ago. Stand up USA!

Big Tech committed a Kristallnacht. Enjoy the show. I am waiting for the "Winner takes it all" checkmate.

General Discussion / Re: Ten years today
« on: June 21, 2020, 01:53:54 PM »
I joined some days after version 9 was launched in August 2008.

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2031
« on: June 02, 2020, 07:43:35 AM »
Whoa, pretty bad that Steam is now required to play multiplayer in Blockland.

Quote from: Badspot
I have re-enabled key authentication, with the limitation that it will not work on new IP addresses.  That means you can log in and play as normal, but only if your IP is the same as it was a few days ago (or the last time you logged in).

What does this mean if you want to play Blockland in a house of your friend, partner, family members, etc?

Off Topic / Re: news 5g causing the corona
« on: April 12, 2020, 10:07:41 AM »
I mostly follow David Icke on YouTube. I don't agree with everything he says but sometimes he can explain it very well. In the last live stream from him that got banned one minute after broadcast, someone screamed "torch the towers".

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