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Messages - Master Matthew²

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i think theyre forgeted unless they do something popular like legalizing marijuana, some kind of student debt relief (which they seem to be completely opposed to at this point), or cutting stimulus checks (obviously out of the question now). the stimulus checks completely dried up after biden came into office, people blame him for the covid recession, and he's not the "return to normal" people wanted because he's visibly disintegrating. i assume the economy will stay pretty bad up until the election so that probably seals the deal

Yes, but the GOP just needs to come out and say that they eat babies or something and it's over.

The UK Conservative party did something similar a few years back. They had a vote of no confidence or something, and they had an off-season election, and right after they did that they put out a list of party plans and they were straight up asinine and NOBODY wanted them.


lmao. they hate winning elections
They don't need to win. They just need the GOP to lose.

So, my question is this... how is team red going to blow it and how last minute will it be?

Off Topic / Re: get to work modders
« on: June 21, 2022, 11:22:51 AM »
more people have bought the game on console/mobile (non moddable) than pc (moddable)
Bedrock edition isn't as moddable, but it is moddable.

Console editions are a bit more strict. But Android and Windows 10 both run mods.

Eitherway that's not the point, as people certainly didn't have Bedrock edition in the 1.8 era. That was before the 'Better Together' update for pocket edition.

U.S.A. Politics Thread
Economy in Shambles as Dow Jones Plummets 800+ points.

Dow Jones falls over 800 points.

a progressive web app

install now to get propaganda about cutting your richard off

pull up to the first window and we will pay you to park a few feet away so that we can run out to your car and abort the fetus for you

lol, but no. PWAs are a way for web app devs to get around stupid bullstuff like the Apple Store and Play Store tax.
Also, I don't have to wonder what creepy spyware is in their proprietary app if I use an open source web browser to
back the PWA.

you're talking about the same demography of people who think tentacle/squid research is attractive, is it really that surprising?? I love anime, but there are some really forgeted up ones out there for sure....
He's right.

it's just so stupid. read it again and tell me it sounds normal

Truth Social and what is a 'Progressive Web App'?

Truth Social is a install-able as a progressive web app.

the current title of this thread is probably the funniest it's ever been


you get sparkles and no water.

I insert the vending machine into itself.

Do you even drive
I live in the US I have no choice but to drive.

Off Topic / Re: get to work modders
« on: May 30, 2022, 04:32:15 PM »
lmao mods do that all the time. only thing different is alot of blocklands talent is moving on.
I know of mods keeping a game from going under, but not bringing it back to life.

Without mods, Minecraft would've probably gone under during 1.8.

545 days without an update for a game like Minecraft.

If minecraft had died out, no mod would've revived the playerbase. You'd see a slight resurgence, but the peak of that time would be gone.

Off Topic / Re: get to work modders
« on: May 30, 2022, 01:02:37 PM »
Blockland was a good game in it's prime. No mod is going to bring back a different era of the internet.

People used to love.the freedom of hosting their own server, the novelty of having niche communities.
But now people prefer the modern casinos that are the microtransaction riddled Triple A titles of today.

Humans are predictable creatures, put bright colors on a price tag stick and they'll run straight for it.

Look at all these fantastic TRUTHs that our best President TRUTHed.

God I miss not taking out loans for Gas.

Truth Social and what is a 'Progressive Web App'?

Truth Social is a Twitter Clone powered by Mastodon and created by the Annoying Orange Media Group.

Truth Social was created as a response to the media censorship imposed by the mainstream
Tech Giants, most specifically Twitter. Despite the fact that Elon Musk is in the process of buying
Twitter, Annoying Orange has made the claim that he will not come back to Twitter.

(The 45th President, Donald J. Annoying Orange is @realDonaldAnnoying Orange on Truth Social.)

Truth Social is open for everyone to register via the Web and accessible as an app on the Apple Store or as a
Progressive Web App on any mobile device.

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that are built to be linked as a shortcut via the 'Add to Home Screen' button on Mobile
Web Browsers. These don't work like the old system, however...

PWAs look and act just like a fully functioning mobile application, they can even run offline. The only differenceis that instead of being
a standalone app, PWAs are powered by a web browser installed on the mobile device. The app will launch as it's own dedicated
application, regardless of whether the host browser is already open or not. PWAs will not show the URL Bar or any of the UI
from the Web Browser.

The Main Advantage of PWAs is the fact that they do not need to pay application fees on their respective platform's stores, and
they are hosted from a single code base. There is no need to use clunky multi-platform development tools or tediously develop
for multiple platforms individually.

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