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Games / Re: Minecraft; Version 1.4.5 Officially Released!
« on: November 23, 2012, 12:00:48 AM »
If you have that server quite high up it increases the range too. At the height limit you get ~300 blocks horizontal range on the wireless modem. Make satellites.

Off Topic / Re: General Programming Megathread - New OP
« on: November 22, 2012, 11:57:50 PM »
why can't i just compile this crap via terminal or something

i don't want goddamned eclipse ide, it's so slow
You probably can compile it via the terminal if you know how, but it's also probably a huge loving pain hence Eclipse handling it being the recommended option.

Modification Help / Re: CityRPG Coding Help
« on: November 22, 2012, 11:55:45 PM »

do elaborate

I think jEdit can. Wonderful program.
You're spreading misinformation: This is nothing to do with the editor

I work out of zip files quite a lot with Sublime Text 2, but if I open the zip file using Windows Explorer then open the file inside it, it cannot be saved. This is because Windows Explorer doesn't copy the file over to a temporary file outside the zip, so attempting to save into the zip fails. WinRAR copies extracted files to a temporary directory then watches them and prompts you to save the changes into the archive if they are changed, rather than having your editor attempt to write them to the zip directly.

I'm sure that if an editor were coded with zip functionality inbuilt, it could write into the archive. Most editors don't have this, because most people use WinRAR or 7zip for archiving because the Windows Explorer zip functionality is less than optimal.

Modification Help / Re: CityRPG Coding Help
« on: November 22, 2012, 08:25:58 PM »
It depends on the zip handler not the editor

With WinRAR the files are extracted to a temp directory then watched for changes, and upon being changed WinRAR prompts to re-add them to the zip. With the Windows inbuilt zip handling, they might be flagged as read-only and thus unsaveable.

Off Topic / Re: Metal Music Thread - INTERVALS
« on: November 22, 2012, 04:06:34 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Anime and Manga Megathread
« on: November 22, 2012, 03:29:22 AM »
Yui is so generic it hurts

Actually a lot of SAO is that, up until the midpoint (I'm sure you know what I mean) of the series it was great but it's all downhill from there

Mayuri was legit adorable, Kurisutina is barely midtier tsundere. Senjougahara isn't exactly cute visually but how cold she is gives away how much she actually cares and I think that's adorable as forget.

Games / Re: Minecraft; Version 1.4.5 Officially Released!
« on: November 22, 2012, 01:07:27 AM »
Yogscast did a thing on it like forever ago.

It was last updated for 1.3.2 AFAIK.

Off Topic / Re: somebody tried to upload a backdoor to my website
« on: November 20, 2012, 10:38:43 PM »
out of the two people using his website, one of them tried uploading a backdoor.
That's 50%

Statistically he's beyond forgeted

Off Topic / Re: somebody tried to upload a backdoor to my website
« on: November 20, 2012, 10:36:36 PM »
You should learn to secure them anyway - if you're only verifying based on the extensions you probably have backdoors you just don't know about, unless there is barely anyone using it.

Off Topic / Re: General Programming Megathread - New OP
« on: November 20, 2012, 09:43:47 PM »
Good day, gents, so I've made my Sublime Text look infinitely better using this fine man's hard work.

Has a light version too. (yeah, this is paramount to advertising, but it looks so much better)

General Discussion / Re: Why Doesn't anybody host TF2 Servers Anymore?
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:33:36 PM »
Good luck typing while moving in TF2!

blockland master race
But you can just talk. You don't even need to move your hands.

General Discussion / Re: Why Doesn't anybody host TF2 Servers Anymore?
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:30:04 PM »
Lack of an efficient means of communication within the game kills any real hope of consistent teamwork

You can't stop in a DM to type so only people who know each other externally to the game and who talk on skype and whatnot can really work together effectively unless it's purely systematic teamwork ie healer/tank stuff

General Discussion / Re: Why Doesn't anybody host TF2 Servers Anymore?
« on: November 19, 2012, 07:19:42 PM »
Stop saying this.

"why have a dodgeball server if you can just play dodgeball in real life?"
"why have a freebuild server if you can just build with legos in real life?"
"why have a challenge server if you can just set up an obstacle course in real life?"

This question can be asked with a lot of things that are likable in this game. Please stop being a friend about this.
This isn't really cross-applicable as - get this - you're going out of your way to get an inferior version of the TF2 experience. TF2 itself is very very carefully tailored at its core. No Blockland TF2-themed DM will ever even be comparable.

Note: I don't even like TF2. But Blockland DMs are mostly subpar experiences in general. I'd much rather see people put effort into custom deathmatches that are their own than incredibly shoddy ripoffs of other games.

General Discussion / Re: RTB Dedicated Hosting Service
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:02:59 PM »
Could we keep some uploaded saves on the server accessible via the control panel? Like the last 5 saves you uploaded or something, or just any saves you upload + the autosaves. Not like they're that huge, generally speaking.

Off Topic / Re: General Programming Megathread - New OP
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:44:48 AM »
KIND OF crosspost, but

I've acquired a Torquescript package for Sublime Text 2. It's great. I've dropboxed it here.
To install it, open %appdata%\Sublime Text 2\Installed Packages\ and put it in there. Then you'll have to open up a .cs file and force it to always open .cs with the syntax (due to .cs actually being C#. forgetin' Torque) - View->Syntax->Open all with current extension as... (right at the top) and select Torquescript.

Credit where it is due: It's from a TextMate bundle by Mystery Coconut. Sublime Text 2 can load TextMate language files, so I just packaged it on its own since most of the rest of the files weren't needed - there is function and datablock snippets in the bundle, though, if that's your thing. I also cut out a heap of stuff not needed for Blockland, like mission/interior/terrain/shapereplicator/foliagereplicator autocompletes, since those don't exist anymore.

As for smalltalk, jesus christ Torque is slow. Let's do some quick comparisons:
This thing I happen to have open implements some basic bin partitioning to cut down on collision checks. As you can see, it's running almost 5,000 collision checks once completed - per update, meaning probably at least 60 times a second.
By contrast, some code in Torque running about 768 similar checks takes just over a full second to execute. That's just shy of 400x as long, or nearabouts.
So now I need to write another forgetload of code to optimize positional insertion to inventories. I need to get the first position a given object can fit onto the grid. In terms of algorithms I can only optimize the collision test (using bins or a quadtree, but the space is too small to effectively do that), but I need to rewrite the entire method for finding that position to test in the first place because it is where the real issue is and it's taken me in excess of four hours to come up with anything relevant. BUTTFRUSTRATED
If I can get this under 100 loop iterations involved I'll be happy, because that should execute in a fairly timely manner. I'm only doing at most 60 collision checks, which isn't a huge amount of overhead, but the nearly thousand iterations of looping that involves when brute-force checking for space is a huge problem.

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