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Messages - Cowboy6

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General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: June 18, 2018, 10:47:27 PM »
Hi there :cookieMonster:

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: April 01, 2018, 08:35:52 PM »

General Discussion / Re: New computer soon... Yay O ___ O
« on: November 27, 2016, 04:00:07 PM »
Rebates are a pain in the butt and not always worth the hassle and uncertainty of getting them. Also, why in the world would you get a B150 chipset motherboard? True, it is a little cheaper, but you give up performance and flexibility. FWIW, here is my build I did recently, I based it on a good balance between budget and performance. This build kicks butt, has easily run every game I throw at it (including AAA titles) better than 60FPS. Base total is $1030.

Also, if the OP is lucky enough to live near a Micro Center the processor can be had for $179.99 and the motherboard for $99.99 if bought together there. That's where I got mine and that brings the base price down to $939.62 for the whole build. Heck of a deal. Note on the motherboard if bought from MC, it's called a Z170-AR there, the only difference between the two is that the AR doesn't have VGA out for the integrated graphics, but since you're using a dedicated card it's a moot point.

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2016 - Now for CST, (maybe) west coast
« on: January 01, 2016, 01:17:43 AM »
Screen Shots from Start To Finish

LOL, that second to last pic me and my brother were firing the All American on stage. Great times :)

Off Topic / Re: Spotify has Cyrptocurrency miners in it?
« on: December 29, 2015, 03:02:20 AM »
There is no such thing as a "Caches" folder inside the AppData/Roaming/Spotify folder, I just looked. You were infected, though by what I'm not sure. It would be interesting to find out where it came from.

Drama / Re: Account BL_ID 17003 compromised, name Dannu safe.
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:54:41 AM »
Also I can confirm Vulsilthur's ID begins with 18.

ID is 1812.

General Discussion / Re: RIP CBMHost
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:49:24 AM »
Chances are it costed significantly more than that, Cowboy probably was just short the $40.

You are correct, it's $75 per month in total.

General Discussion / Re: RIP CBMHost
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:20:59 AM »

My heart is sad. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to host my own server and being awesome about it.

And are you absolutely sure that:
  • You can't make this a paid service rather than shutting it down?
  • You can't have someone else take over the service?
  • You can't find any other way to keep this up T-T?

Yes, I could make it paid. However, about 3/4 of the clients are using it because it is free. I know there are some who would gladly pay, but it would not be enough to make up the cost of the server and we're right back at where we started.

I really do not want to hand over the service to someone else because, quite frankly, there is really no one in the community I would trust to have the maturity and time to keep it going. I know how it would go, I've been associated with the service for so long that if the person I handed it to screwed up, it would reflect back on me, no matter if I'm in the picture or not, since it was known as "my service".

I have thought of many ways I might be able to keep it going, but none of them were satisfactory as they relied too much on something else that was a unreliable variable. Hence the decision to shut it down was made.

its pointing out the fact that the key leak can be contributed to the fact that nobody wants to donate to a service that could be broken into

Anything can be broken into if the person doing the hacking is determined enough. But that's besides the point. Point is I already addressed that issue shortly after the break in happened, I changed the settings so the hole was no longer a problem. I thought I had set them correctly when I first set it up, so I never bothered to double check. Which obviously was a mistake on my part and the incident taught me to be more careful and double check stuff. I know I already mentioned this on this forum at least once.

Before it goes down will we have time to download our server's blockland game folders?

Of course. I will make sure that everybody has had a chance to download their stuff.

Uh oh, is this goal still not met?

It's about half there.

Just a note of concern.
Cowboyman's key got mass-script-spam-pasted to yourworldoftext earlier today when some naive fool directed off-topic to it. I PM'd badspot asking if it was actually his key, to which Badspot replied that it was and that it is now flagged as steam only.
Just wanted to give a heads up on that. I'm not sure if this stuff has happened before, but you guys might want to look into how this happened.

This was my fault. I've never told anybody, but about 4 years ago I used a hosting service run by a person that ended up becoming a Pacnet/Computermix/Cca type. At the time he was okay, but shortly after the service ended, he went down hill. Long story short, I ended up giving out my key so he could enable my server. Yes I know, a very stupid thing to do, but at the time I didn't know better. He was one of the reasons I went on to make this service, because I wanted to beat what he did as well as others (and succeeded). I'm pretty sure he's behind this, and there were a few others that used it as well, and I believe he got their keys as well. I don't remember who exactly though, it's been a long time ago.

Off Topic / Re: post your speedtest vIDK
« on: February 20, 2015, 02:10:05 PM »
Yeah, I live right next to Dayton

Scratch that, I would take less than an hour.

Off Topic / Re: post your speedtest vIDK
« on: February 20, 2015, 02:04:02 PM »
i'd suggest you get that, I live in southeastern ohio and I have like 15mpbs internet and it sucks richard

but that's what you get for being poor I guess

Southeast? I could drive to where you are in less than 1 1/2 hours...

Off Topic / Re: post your speedtest vIDK
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:59:18 PM »
damn, you must live in the middle oh nowhere

Yep, very rural area, if you knew how rural you'd be amazed I'm getting this. But, I also found out that this isn't the top plan, I can get 24 down, 2 up with the top plan. Thinking about doing it...

Off Topic / Re: post your speedtest vIDK
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:53:55 PM »
My internet was finally upgraded today! Not as fast as most of you guys, but coming from what I had before, this is light speed internet. Ping also got sooo much better.



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