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Author Topic: Highler Ridge :: Welcome to the city.  (Read 25722 times)

See now this is dying only its not my fault.
Jokey or star won't respond fffffffhs

Jokey or star won't respond fffffffhs
im waiting for star and I'm getting annoyed since I reeeeeaaaaaaallllly want black ops

im waiting for star and I'm getting annoyed since I reeeeeaaaaaaallllly want black ops
Wow. You still don't have it? Don't get it while you still can. Also, you should've abandoned star at start. He was a bit...Erm....slow with posting.

im waiting for star and I'm getting annoyed since I reeeeeaaaaaaallllly want black ops
I don't believe he is posting anymore. :o

I'll just post

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Room 300 Key
Location: Kelton Hotel
Cash: $10,100
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Room 300 Key
Lost: Everything and $1,000

I woke up, the blizzard still pounding on the windows. Wait... I rubbed my eyes... no more snowstorm? I then realised the car had been buried in snow. I was starving. I searched the car as Jake and Bruce slept. I opened the dashboard and found a bag of Chips! I quietly popped it open and ate a few. My hunger then got the best of my and I scarfed down the entire bag. Bruce began to wake up. I dashed back to the back seat and pretended to sleep. Bruce tried to turn on the car. "Engine is shot..." he mumbled. His head shot to the side. The snow was moving. I got up slowly. "Where's the fire?" I said. A snowplow was freeing our vehicle. Sadly, a cop was driving it. "We're toast" I said. I woke Jake up. He mumbled a few things and returned to Earth. The doors of the car burst open and guns were all over us. "Step out of the car" a cop said. We did as we were told. The cops stripped us of weapons and threw us all into separate cop cars. The cars stayed together, and I could see Bruce to my left. I gave him a few hand signals. In handees (I don't know) I told him "Get the cop to stop the car". I went first. I grabbed my chest and dove to the side. I screamed in fake pain. The cop turned his head around slightly. "HEART...BURN!" I shouted. The cop pulled the vehicle over. Bruce's vehicle had stopped as well. Jake kept going. The cops removed us from the cruisers and set us on the ground. I was rolling around screaming "HEART BURN, HEART BURN!!!" and Bruce was banging his head around screaming in pain. I could tell he was faking a stroke. After the cops got several feet away from us to call for backup, we made our move. We got up in record timing and sprinted to the nearest cop. I grabbed him around the neck and got behind him. I grabbed his gun and shot at a few cops. Bruce did the same. After a few cops were eliminated we took the guns. They were very low on ammo so we ditched them and headed for the hotel. We ended up crashing in Kelton, so we had a few choices, but the nearest hotel was best. "I CAN PAY!" I shouted on the sprint there. We snuck inside and headed to the front desk, cop cars speeding by outside. "One room, top floor please" I said to the manager, handing him 1,000 bucks. He nodded and handed us room keys. "Room 300" He said. We hopped in the elevator and went up to our room. "What about Jake?" I asked Bruce. "I don't know... hope he's alright" He said back. We opened the door and took a look at what we had to work with. It was a entrepreneur  paradise. Pool table, flat screen, water bed, this place had everything. We smiled and began to check the place out. Guess money DOES buy happiness!

Sorry, haven't been able to get on much.
Yay, ditched again. Guess I'll join back up with you guys, and I'm going to try to post more.

Name: Jake Kosh
Status: Healthy
Inventory: 9mm Pistol(9/9, 20 rounds)
Karma: 0
Location: Kelton.
Objective: Find Max and Bruce. AGAIN.
Cash: $0
Gained: 9mm Pistol(9/9, 20 rounds)
Lost: Whatever I had before being arrested, and $30.

I finally came to the realization that Max and Bruce's car had stopped, and that I'm on my own. I could tell this cop was a rookie, and he is alone.

I made a lot of noise in the back seat, and faked having a seizure. The cop looked back. "Oh stuff!" he said, pulling over. He got out, opened the back door, and pulled me out. Luckily he made the foolish mistake of forgetting to put hand cuffs on me. I jumped up and punched him square in the face, knocking him out instantly. I take his pistol and lift him back into the cop car in the back seat. Taking the pair of handcuffs he had, I put them on him and run into a back alley, throwing the key into a dumpster. I heard a few gunshots not too far down the road. It must be them! I run in the direction of the gunshots to find two figures, sprinting towards a nearby hotel. I sprinted after them. As I enter the hotel I see the elevator closing and catch a glimpse of Max and Bruce, at least I think it was them.

"Uh, sir can I help you?" said the manager, looking slightly concerned.

"Yeah... which floor... are those... two on...?" I ask, panting.

"Why should I tell you?" he asks, the look of concern growing.

"They are friends of mine, and perhaps $30 would convince you?" I say, holding up the last bit of money I have left.

He takes it, smiling, "This day just gets better and better... They are on the top floor. Room 300." he pockets the money and leaves through a door behind the counter.

I call the elevator and go up to the top floor. It was obvious only the rich and powerful could get a room here. I walked past door after door, finally I found it. Room 300 was on the door in gold. I knocked, and waited, hoping that behind this door, was Max and Bruce...
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 02:26:36 PM by star9578 »

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Room 300 Key
Location: Kelton Hotel
Cash: $10,100
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Nothing

There was a knock at the door. I stared at Bruce for a few seconds, he was watching TV. I finally sighed and got the door myself. "Who is it?" I asked. "Is this Max or Bruce?" the person asked back. "What's it to you?" I said opening the door. "JAKE?!" I shouted. Bruce fell off the couch. "JAKE?!" He shouted. Jake walked inside and got a soda out of the fridge. "I'm not letting you get away from me that easily" Jake joked. Jake looked around. He checked out the small kitchen, the pool table, the flat screen and couches, the water bed in the back, and the balcony. "Nice place" he finally said. "Get used to it, this is gonna be our new place until the cops realise we are here" I said. "But how are we supposed to pay for this?" Jake asked. "It's only 1,000 bucks a month, and I got plenty!" I said. "But what about when we run out?" Jake asked again. "Rob a bank?" Bruce joked. An idea suddenly popped into my head. "BRUCE YOU'RE A JENIUS!" I exclaimed. He smiled. I dashed to the door. "Stay here, I'll be right back!" I said. "Where are you going?" Bruce asked. "I'm going shopping!" I exclaimed. "But what if the cops see you?" Jake asked. I flipped the hood of my sweatshirt over my head and zipped it up so only my eyes could be seen. "It will have to do for now" Bruce said. I opened the door and headed for the elevator. "Max wait!" Jake said from the door. He tossed me my money. "Thanks!" I said. I called the elevator and got inside. I walked out onto the streets. God knows if the cops will recognize me...


Roger Jarinst
Wounded (bullet in the leg)
Hacking and wiring (greatest skills)

I just sat there, writhing in pain under the Cruiser, wondering what went wrong. One minute the convicts were on the ground having seizures, then next I was on the ground with a bullet in my leg as they fled the scene. I climbed into the drivers seat of the car, thank god the door was left open, and tied my belt around my leg, I got the car started and radiod in for some backup, but as I looked around, saw that i as the only survivor. At least we got one of those idiots. "I swear that one day I will avenge my fellow officers, even if its the last thing I do." he pulls a glock from the glove box, loads it up, and lays it on the seat next to him, the seat that will stay unnoccupied for a while. (this is of course one of the officers shot by bruce and his partner, and doesnt know yet that jake has escaped the police)


Lol I am a hypocrite. Sorry, I can't get on due to my brother/mother hogging PC. And my iPod will not handle such big lines of text :D

Snow day, bored, gonna post since Ipod can't post, and I went off on my own for a bit anyways

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Room 300 Key
Location: Kelton Mall
Cash: $9,925
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Sandals, Jeans, Tye-Dye Shirt, Purple Hoodie
Lost: $175

I strolled onto the mall. Thankfully, not a single cop noticed me. After a bit of strolling I arrived at the store I was looking for. "Knock Your Pants Off". I walked inside and looked for something I could use to disguise myself with. I needed a brand new look since every cop knows what I'm dressed in since I hadn't changed in the past few days. I found some loose jeans to replace my sweat pants, A Tye-Dye shirt to replace my white tank top, a purple hoody with a "Cheesy Games" logo on the back to replace my red hoody with a skull on the back, and some sandals to replace my sneakers. I purchased it all for $100 and strolled out of the store. I figured that I could just lend Bruce and Jake some cash and let them shop for themselves. Now I needed to change my face... BINGO! "Color to the Follicles". I walked inside. I was a little nervous since the person dying my hair might notice me. I walked up to the counter. "Yes?" the clerk asked. "I would like my hair to by dyed" I answered. "What color?" she asked. I figured since I had brown hair, I should probably make it blond. "Blond please" I responded. She led me into the back and sat me down in front of a sink. She then went back to the cash register. A man walked up to me with blond hair dye. "Hold still" he said, opening the bottle. He lowered my head into the sink and began to work his magic. After a few minutes he stopped. "Stay here until the color sets" he said walking away. After a few more minutes he came back. He rubbed his fingers through my hair. "Very nice!" he said. I got up and went to the cash register. I paid $50 bucks and exited. I was glad nobody noticed me. Now for the final change. "Guido's Hair Cutters". I strolled inside and asked the clerk for a new hair style. Something that made me look completely different. She led me to a chair and went back to the cash register. A barber arrived at my chair. "Now, your hair is pretty much a mop right now... Would you like me to make it light and fluffy? Or perhaps the 'I mean business' look?" he asked. "Light but not to fluffy" I said. After a few snips and snaps, he lifted my chair and let me look in the mirror. I didn't know who I was looking at! "Thanks!" I said on my way out. I paid $25 and left. I headed back to the hotel, a new man.

Bump... It also seems like I'm posting to much :c

Alright. I'm on. Let's see where this goes.

Name: Bruce
Status: Paranoid
Items: Room key, combat knife, and ID
Karma: -21
Location: Kelton Hotel
Gained: Nothing
Lost: A few dollars
Cash: $540

I awoke. We were definitely out of that snow storm. The cops were also gone. I really hoped I was dreaming. I preferred some variety instead of running away from cops. I mean seriously. Why won't they just leave us alone for a while?

I got out of bed, limping from that little incident with the cops and went towards the hot tub. Before I got in, I grabbed a beer and a few towels. I looked around. Jake and Max should have gone out somewhere. I relaxed myself for a while and thought about what I was going to do. I ordered room service and paid the people accordingly. I wanted to go outside but I knew that the cops would soon recognize me and arrest me. I didn't want that.

After staying in the hot tub, I got out, dried, and went to watch some TV on the flatscreen 3D TV. Nothing good was on. I turned it off soon after flipping through the 100 or so channels. Maybe I'll just get my hair dyed and do something. I went out of the room and went for the beauty shop. Who knows. Hope the cops don't catch me there.

Not much action going on but whatever. I don't like the monotonous feeling of getting caught by the cops and luckily making it. Old stuff is old.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I will do so sometime soon. :o