Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 279743 times)

That is hideous. Though if it gets the job done I guess.
Yea this thing has waay too much RCS fuel, I'll have to edit the design a bit later.

I've landed the first bit of my Mun base in a crater. I'll land the next one later today or tomorrow and hook them up.

Might have to re-design it though.

click orbit
click make maneuver
drag stuff

what do you mean drag stuff
what do you mean orbit
what do you mean kerbal

I am your god now.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 04:50:19 PM by Grodus »

>how to make space probe
>how to get out of atmosphere
>how to dock

I got my first probe on the moon and I docked at my Space Station.

I got my first probe on the moon and I docked at my Space Station.

Shut up  :cookieMonster:

Yes, I landed on Minmus

Every time I hear probe I think about brown town probing.

Just putting that out there.

Every time I hear probe I think about brown town probing.

Just putting that out there.
Wow, you killed the thread for a day.

Anyways, does anyone have any good Mun lander rockets?

Wow, you killed the thread for a day.

Anyways, does anyone have any good Mun lander rockets?

Tips for going to the mun:

Build an average lander (not so heavy)
Fuel and trusters
Always go in the opposite orbit, you will losse fuel and time trying to catch the mun.
Wait to the mun get on the high orbit point, launch the rocket, something like this:
Always have an back-up thurster if something goes wrong.
In total, i landed 2 landers, and 5 rovers.

Mun: %
Rocket: ()
Tragectory: |
Ground: _
When you get into the exosphere. the Mun will translate. to the opposite direction.: =====>

                                          %       |
_________________________ ( ) _______________________

Hope I Helped.

Maybe today i will Try to land on one of Jool Moons.

PS. Jool is a gas giant, idiots. You can't land on it.

I didn't even get close to the Mun yet.

Heck, I am having a hard time getting in orbit.

Oh yeah, one time I accidentally went in a orbit that circled the sun, and now the probe is currently getting pulled into the sun, lol. It was a MUN lander that was suppose the go the the Mun, but no, it went to the sun for odd reasons.

I failed.
Went to dock some fuel onto my space station, and used the fuel tank that I was going to dock -.-
I'm finding it hard to see a design where docking to re-fuel is actually practical.
You'd need to rendezvouses with a huge ship, with several empty tanks to make it worth while.

PS. Jool is a gas giant, idiots. You can't land on it.
>implying we didn't realize that