


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 152053 times)

no because they're too busy ordering flamethrowers.

Edit : Because that actually sounds like a cool idea, I'm going to ask permission to use it.

You can use it, I was just joking around but if you like it then sure why not.

Porlaqian News.
A clip a reporter caught of the recently obtained T-50 PAK FAs being tested

Kovsky News
Military units stationed in New Gonsku have found Alexander Kovsky's frozen remnants in the basement of his house. Scientists are to question whether as Alexander is dead or still alive in the hospital. The next day after finding Kovsky's frozen remnants, Alexander Kovsky is not in his hospital bed where he usually was. In the scientists own words: "Maybe he just got up and went home. No one knows what happened to him. Maybe he died and his parents wanted a private funeral service? If you ask me, it's just plain confusing."
Alexander Kovsky's funeral is going to be held tomorrow morning. His son, Sherwood, is to take his place.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 12:19:13 PM by D.A.C.K »

Bump for weekly debate/poll, map, and new countries.

I want to try to stay off the forums from now on (Go on as little as possible, but I will still update this topic).  It is quite a bad habit of mine :I
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 06:21:10 PM by Roknrollwill »

Guys, flamethrowers aren't bad.

They kill things.

Rifles do too.

Guys, flamethrowers aren't bad.

They kill things.

Rifles do too.
Thats not the point, if someone got flamethrowed it would be a slow slow very horrible death where as a rifle has a better chance of killing you the first shot

Thats not the point, if someone got flamethrowed it would be a slow slow very horrible death where as a rifle has a better chance of killing you the first shot
Not to mention its mortally horrifying seeing someone get burnt to death or even seeing the flames, for that matter.

(This is why the U.S. doesn't use flamethrowers)

1) Is it too late to join?

2) I would have joined far sooner but I don't know how to use any image designers, so can I just get an image online to use?

1) you can join at any time.

2) thats pretty much what i did :3

Its not too late as long as there is open territory.

Thats not the point, if someone got flamethrowed it would be a slow slow very horrible death where as a rifle has a better chance of killing you the first shot

The longer the better. I didn't mean that as in torture, but the longer the flames the more the soldiers in a bunker want to surrender. It's also a boost in morale for the guys using it.

Country name: Vegzombia
Flag (Make it with Paint.NET, GIMP, or something similar):
Government type: Fiefdom
Ally(s): Umm... none, I guess?
Root Country (Preferably USA or Russia): USA
Population(Max is 15,000,000 for now): 1,000,000
Capital: Zombus
National Anthem**: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQMlzcbfz0I
Languages: English
Weaponry**: Mass-Driver weaponry, handheld railguns and such. All weapons (with the exception of missiles) are similar to railguns and cannons. The primary weapon of the VGA (Vegzombia Grand Army) is the R17, a rapid-fire railgun. It is capable of penetrating such materials as kevlar and titanium. Vegzombia's Navy, the NCoV (Naval Corps. of Vegzombia) is powerful, and has ships that are similar to galleons but with far better protection. The VAFA (Vegzombia Air Force Armada) is is equipped with machineguns that are capableof firing 50 rounds a second, to down enemy fighters.
DEFCON Alert posture***: DEFCON 2/Fast Pace

Location on the Map: On the East island, the area all the way at the top on the left. Not too much space, but not too little... Medium-sized.

Coryza Broadcasting BN
Colleges for architectural savvy people have been opened across the country.  Recent blueprints for bunker buildings have been made for regions of cold and snowy weather.  These blueprints will be held by their owners, they will choose on whether or not they will sell it.
-New country snip-
I'll put you in the map after I get a few more countries.  If there isn't any for the next few pages, I'll add you anyway.

Sould we establish a new UN?